Document Type : Scientific-Research


PhD student in the history of post-Islamic Iran, Payam Noor university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Reza Shah's era is the beginning of the modern era and the creation of fundamental changes in the social sphere of Iran. The Women's Awareness Project in this period affected their social life in various ways, especially women of middle and upper-class in urban areas. The formation of a new education system and the extension of the right to education in new public schools to girls were among the government's gender policies that greatly affected the social and personal lives of urban women and girls. The author of the present article did not seek to study the educational policies of Reza Shah's government in the field of women, but while explaining the development of the new concept of motherhood, sought to answer the question of how this concept made women's education necessary and this education in terms of Quantitatively and qualitatively, how was the new mother idea influenced. Research data collected through statistical libraries based on statistics and publications show the new maternal idea and the need to change the traditional patterns of women, primarily by changing the definition of the female uterus from a biological organ to the location of the next generation. And in the next step, with the emergence of the idea of mother-coach, or the education of an educated housewife, the quantitative expansion of women's public education expanded. Of course, in terms of quality, the educational program for women in public schools shows that their education was very different from that of men and was developed with an ideological approach, with the aim of raising a new Iranian wife and mother; For this reason, it has not contributed much to professional life and the formation of an independent female identity.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting
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