Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran

2 Assistance Professor, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Materials Conservation, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran

3 M.A Student, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran.


Hamadan province in western Iran is one of the most important areas in historical and archeological studies that in different historical periods it had special importance. By studying the historical texts it becomes clear that almost whenever the name of Hamadan is mentioned, immediately has been mentioned Alvand Mountain. In fact, the name of Hegmataneh or Ecbatana has never been mentioned without its mountain, it is clear that before the name of Hamadan appeared on the pages of history, Alvand Mountain has been attention. In view of this necessity, important questions can be asked: what are the most important Parthian artifacts identified in the Alvand Mountain? What are the reasons for the formation of these monuments in the highlands of Alvand? The nature of the present study is descriptive-analytical and the method of data collection is field and library studies. The most important monuments identified in the Alvand Mountain are the reliefs of Mydan Mishan and Yakhchal Valley. These reliefs resemble various monuments of the Elymais region, including; Tang Sarvak II, the relief of the oriental side of Tang Sarvak IV, and Sang e Mahi. Another monument is the Qizlar Qale Si that located at the eastern end of the Alvand Mountain with a strategic location and has dominated communication routes from the south to the central plateau towards Hamadan.


Main Subjects

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