Document Type : Scientific-Research


PhD Iranology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Azerbaijan has a long tradition of carpet weaving. Azerbaijan became one of the country's most prosperous regions during the Qajar period when Tabriz was chosen as the Crown Prince's seat and the center of trade with Russia and Western countries.During this period, the Azerbaijani carpet industry flourished, owing to the country's advantageous economic and commercial position as well as the region's favorable natural and climatic characteristics. Production of this commodity increased significantly, and trade expanded. Carpets from the country were exported. Using descriptive-analytical methods and archival documents and library tools, this research aims to investigate the research's main topic, namely the status and evolution of carpet production and trade in Azerbaijan during the Qajar era.According to the results, carpet weaving in Azerbaijan in the first half of the nineteenth century was primarily a rural occupation, with peasants and a few urban weavers working in home workshops, and was considered a domestic commercial product. However, with the investment of Tabriz merchants and foreign companies in the region's carpet industry and the establishment of large carpet weaving workshops in the second half of the twentieth century, the amount of carpet production and the value of its exports increased significantly. Azarbaijan carpets were widely exported to European and American markets during the Qajar era, in addition to Russia and Turkey.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting      
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