Document Type : Scientific-Research


Department of Iranology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Meybod-Iran


The extent of financial corruption is one of the Qajar period's problems, which is reflected in various forms such as bribery, gift, embezzlement, and the like. Although the issue of corruption and especially its manifestations have been considered by researchers, addressing the cause of this phenomenon remains an inevitable necessity. In line with this necessity, and since there is a useful link between power building as a determining factor in social and economic issues and the extent of financial corruption, the study of this link's dimensions and its effects in the period under discussion is the main issue of this article. Accordingly, an attempt has been made to clarify the case through the study of related sources and research and descriptive-analytical methods. The research findings indicate an effective relationship between the extent of corruption and the authoritarian structure of government. The exercise and distribution of power depend on the will of the monarchy, and other government components such as courtiers, bureaucracy, judiciary, etc., find meaning in this context. This structure, from the spread of financial corruption to the lower hierarchy and its transformation into relatively common practice and its essential role in cases such as financial transparency, unfair distribution of wealth, etc., is also a severe obstacle to reformers in the field of financial corruption in this era.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting        
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