Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Islamic Azad University, Shushtar Branch, Shushtar Iran


Hookah smoking was one of Iranians' habits and entertainment in the Qajar period, which, because all classes had resorted to it, had many differences. Therefore the researcher uses a descriptive-analytical method based on library data, especially travelogues. According to Pierre Bourdieu's concept of" social distinction" seeks to find an answer to this question:" hookah as a consumer good and smoking hookah as part of the Iranian way of life," what role does it play in maintaining and reflecting the distinctions between the social classes of the Qajar period? The findings of this study show that although hookah was a consumer product in the Qajar era. Moreover, smoking hookah was a way to spend leisure time in all classes. However, the upper classes of society, using beautiful, decorative, and precious hookahs-based on aesthetic taste- showed their distinction from other classes. They took the hookah keepers of etiquette principles and, by preserving the customs of smoking hookah, sought to maintain their social and class hierarchy. In contrast, lowers classes smoked hookah only for their refreshment.


Main Subjects

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