Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Ph.D. Student of History, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Asistant professor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran,

4 Associate Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The Darehshuri sub-tribe is one of the sub-tribes of the Qashqai tribe. In the political structure of power, the sheriff was officially responsible for the administration of the sub-tribe. In addition to their affiliated sub-sections, the sheriffs employed a group of executive agents who were referred to as "Deīr Bar" and "Adāra." The authors of this article want to clarify the relationship between the power of Darehshuri sub-tribe sheriffs and the duties of their agents. So the question is, why and how did the sheriffs use agents in the council? This field research has been done on the basis of interviews and by supplementing library resources, by a descriptive-analytical method. The findings show that sub-tribe sheriffs used their agents to do family affairs and maintain order in sub-sections with people like the Kadkhoda. As the executive arm, they not only performed duties in the sheriff's office, but also some agents outside the sheriff's office. The agents, while skilled in administrative matters, were warriors whom the sheriffs used to suppress the rebellious people and sub-sections and advance their goals alongside the loyal tribes.                                                                                                                             


Main Subjects


      List of sources with English handwriting

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    SAKMA, Document ID: 230/10057

    1. C) Interveiws

    Interviewee: ‘Afrāsīābī, Nezākat’ (Born and Death. 1313- 6/4/1398Š), Responsibility: Kārgozār, Qālībāf Va Mahram-e Bībī Va Hamsar-e Nemāyande-ye Ḵān, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Šahrezā, Date of  Interveiw: Tīr Māhe 1390 .Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: Fardafšārī, Esmāʼīl’ )Born 1312 .Š), Responsibility: Kārgozār, Moḵtābād, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Šahrezā, Date of  Interveiw: 1396/2/18  . Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: Fardafšārī, Hūman )Born 1337 .Š), Son of Esmāʼīl-e Fardafšārī, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Šahrezā, Date of  Interveiw: 1396/2/18  . Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: Farhangdūst, Masʻūd )Born 1336 .Š), M‘Alem-e Bāznešast Va Motale‘e Darmorede Kārgozārān-e Ḵavānīn, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Šahrezā, Date of  Interveiw: 1394/5/2  . Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: Farhangdūst, Parvīz )Born 1324/7/1 .Š), Responsibility: Ᾱbdārčī Va Pīšḵedmat, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Rūstāy-e Mehregerd Dar šahrestān-e Semīrom, Date of  Interveiw: The first Session: 1392/6/1 . Š, The second Session: 1395/3/21  . Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: Farhangedaršūrī, Sohrāb, )Born 1316 .Š), Son of Zakī Ḵān Farhangedaršūrī, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Sepāhanšahr, Date of  Interveiw: 1396/3/6  . Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: Fāteḥ, Setāre )Born 1339 .Š), Responsibility: Kārgozār, Qālībāf,  komak Be Bībī Dar Manzel, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Šahrezā, Date of  Interveiw: 1394/5/2  . Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: Mīr, Behrūz )Born 1322 .Š), Responsibility: Kārgozār Va Sārebān (Dārqā), Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Rūstāy-e Naqneh Dar šahrestān-e Borūĵen, Date of  Interveiw: 1393/3/27 . Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: Nāderī, Seyfolāh (Amānolāh) )Born 1339 .Š), M‘Alem-e Bāznešast Va Motale‘e Darmorede Kārgozārān-e Ḵavānīn , Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Šahrezā, Date of  Interveiw: 1396/6/5. Š. [In Persian]

    -Interviewee: Panāhpūr, Moḥammad )Born 1342 . Š), Responsibility: Farzand-e Yeky Az Ḵavānīn-e Darešūrī Ke Kārgozārānī Dāštand, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Šahrezā, Date of  Interveiw: 1394/12/15  . Š, The second Session. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: zeylābpūr, Amīr )Born  and Death 1327/7/1-1308  .Š), Responsibility: Kārgozār Va Nemāyande Va Maʼmūr-e Ḵān, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Šahrezā, Date of  Interveiw: Tīr-e 1390 .Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: zeylābpūr, Ḥakīme )Born 1337 . Š), Responsibility: Kārgozār, Qālībāf, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Šahrezā, Date of  Interveiw: Tīr-e 1390 . Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: zeylābpūr, Manūčehr )Born 1333 .Š), Son of Bahrām-e zeylābpūr, Bahrām-e zeylābpūr Mamūr Va Šabānkāre-ye Ḵān, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Šahrezā, Date of  Interveiw: Tīr-e 1390 .Š. The first Session , The second Session: 1395/5/20 . Š. [In Persian]

    Interviewee: zeylābpūr, Salbenāz )Born 1327/7/1 .Š), Responsibility: Kārgozār, Qālībāf,  komak Be Bībī Dar Manzel, Interveiwer: Bābak zeylābpūr, Place of Interveiw: Rūstāy-e Mehregerd Dar šahrestān-e Semīrom, Date of  Interveiw: 1395/3/21  .Š. [In Persian]

    Books in English and French

    Beck, Lois,(1986), The Qashqa’s of Iran, New haven, London: Yale university press.

    Demorgny, Gustave, (1911), La Fars: La question des Tribus. situation politique generale routes du sud. La reforme administrative.

    Oberling, Pierre, (1974), The Qashqa’i nomads of Fars, Paris: Mouton.