Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student of Iran's history after Islam, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor of History Department, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


The Abbasid movement was one of the turning points in the history of Islam in the second century AH. Social movements are a fundamental argument in theories of revolution. Because of this importance, various theories have attempted to explain them. One of the most important of these theories is the theory of relative deprivation. With the advent of Islam in Iran and the slogan of equality, people's values increased, But, after a while, especially during the Umayyad period, the level of people's values did not change significantly. Therefore, relative deprivation, i.e., the gap between valuable expectations and valuable capabilities, can be considered as an important factor in creating people's frustration and dissatisfaction and as one of the main reasons for various classes, especially the middle and lower classes, to join the Abbasid movement. The authors of this article have tried to focus on the Abbasid movement and using the method of historical and sociological analysis and reviewing the content of historical , In light of the theory of relative deprivation, Examine the correlations and reasons  for the joining of different classes to this movement.


Main Subjects

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