Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM)


The roots of Islamic historiography originated in narrations of narrators and historians of the first and second centuries AH which are remained in the historical texts of later centuries. Therefore, understanding Muslims thinking way about the past, in a sense it is not possible without studying these historical narratives. In the meantime, the narrations of Abū ʿAmr ʿĀmir ibn Sharāḥīl al-Shaʿbī (d. 104 AH/722 AD), known as Sha'bi, as the first historian of Iraq school has a special situation in Islamic history, as knowing and investigating his narrations will lead us to a more accurate understanding of the developments in the history of Islam in the first century. Therefore, this article intends to understand the components of his historiography by reading Sha'bi narratives in classical historical texts. In other words, the issue of the present article is to identify the insight and thought of the historiography of this Kufi historian and impact of these attitudes in the narration of the events of the history of Islam. The approach adopted in this analysis is a semantic approach. Based on this approach, in order to understand the historiography of Sha'bi along with identifying the linguistic elements of his narrations, it is necessary to study and investigate the relationship between the text of the narrations with the writer (Sha'bi) and the contexture of thought and culture of the text.
The results of this paper indicate that Sha’bi’s system of thought and ideas was based on the components of Arab-Islamic identity, tribal-ethnic insights and legitimation for the Umayyad dynasty, which these components have been strongly influenced by the situation of his time.


Main Subjects

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