Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student in post-Islamic Iranian history, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor, Department of History, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The Shah Abbas travelogues provide an account of the process of accepting ambassadors to the Shah Abbas court, reflecting the power relations and mechanisms of its use in Iran. In fact, in the face of the king with ambassadors, many of the traditions, norms, beliefs and components that go directly with the king, his authority, the hierarchical structure of power, the hospitality, and the compassion of the king, are very much reproduced. In this context, what was happening was the creation of a narrative of political culture in Iran that was supposed to influence the imaginations of the envoys and ambassadors. This study seeks to answer the question of how did you object to the policies of Shah Abbas in the process of accepting ambassadors to political authority? The results show that the narrative of travel writers, despite their shortcomings in content, encompasses a variety of references to the Iranian court's attempt to create an authoritarian narrative to influence the minds of ambassadors. In this descriptive-analytical study, the emphasis is placed on the presence of ambassadors in the court of King Abbas, in which the Shah of Iran and his staff come to the hosts seeking to establish a powerful image of Iran and its principles. Rule over the relations of the exercise of power in its political structure


Main Subjects

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