Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student, Department of History, University of Isfahan

2 Associate Professor, Baqerul Uloom University

3 Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan


 The introduction of al-Sahab al-Isfahani is one of the most important sources of fourteenth-century AH compilations which, like other epistemological sources in history, is not a clear and neutral phenomenon that distorts social, political, and religious realities but distorts the facts. These sources, therefore, may not be an accurate reflection of objectivity but rather a representation of historians' intentions and ideas, influenced by the contexts of the author's time. However, reflections on these narratives are relevant. Narrations on Rashidun caliphs at one point in history have been more self-thinking. Based on Critical Discourse's analysis of the discourse, Zn is attempting to reflect on the meaning and pattern of the al-Sahabah narrative's narrations about the 'three' caliphs of the 'a', so what is the meaning of the political-religious discourse of society? The point is that he will interpret how power (political-religious) is formed in the context that Abu'nim thinks of, reinforcing that hidden power by highlighting one idea and rejecting other ideas.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting        
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