Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student at Bu Ali Sina University

2 Professor in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Bu-Ali University, Hamedan

3 Assistant Professor in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Bu-Ali University, Hamedan


In rebuilding the livelihood patterns of past inhabitants of different parts of Iran, accommodating the content of historical and geographical texts with archaeological evidence will be very helpful. Darreh Shahr, located in Ilam province, is one of the areas where the most establishment period, in terms of concentration of works, belongs to the Sassanid era (117 works). Here, we aim to infer and present the Sassanid inhabitants' livelihood patterns of Darreh Shahr by integrating and matching the archaeological evidence and environmental information with geographical texts' content. Based on archaeological evidence, the results show that in the Sassanid era, the most basic livelihood patterns adequate with the region's natural geography were irrigated agriculture, followed by dry farming and livestock farming. Hence, there is a close correlation between the analysis of archaeological data and the content of historical and geographical texts around the agriculture of this area. According to ethnological studies, the use of canals for the irrigated agricultural sector and stone terraces for dryland farming were common. This research is based on historical and descriptive-analytical research methods, and its information is gathered from field studies and libraries.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting        
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