Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Phd student of Iranian History after Islam Payame Noor University

2 Assistant Professor of History at Al-Zahra University


Looking forward to the concept of gender and employment, the following article seeks to answer the question why in the age of the Reza Shah, despite the government's determination to implement the awakening plan and the emancipation of women in different areas, and to turn women into government policy, In the field of women's employment, emphasis continues to be on the continued role of women's traditional roles and the importance of home-based businesses, and the education system, the institution of the family, the institutions of women's affairs, and the ruling ideology serve to emphasize the dignity of the home.
The hypothesis of the paper sees the answer to the above question in the cultural, social and political structures that these structures themselves affect the political economy of Iran during the period under discussion, affect the social and economic life of women, and emphasize the home-based businesses for women It becomes a requirement for the state and social groups


Main Subjects

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