Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor of History Department, Shahid Beheshti University


2500 year celebration of the Persian Empire has been studied from different perspectives. The relations of these celebrations, especially, with highlighting the ancient history of Iran, that is Iranian magnificence's era, and Mohammadreza shah’s efforts to legitimize his government are the main Ideas of most studies. Inviting many of the most powerful Leaders of the world to attend in this celebrations shows the exact planning of Pahlavi Regime to promote itself. This Study seeks to examine this celebrations from the International relationship viewpoint. The main question of this article is why Mohammad Reza Shah, despite financial problems, held these celebrations in 1971. With historical method and the concept of Gramsci's "hegemony" in the field of culture and international relations, answer will be given. Findings of the research indicate that Mohammad Reza Shaha, by holding 2500 year celebrations and introducing himself as an international actor in the 1350s, has taken steps to establish a hegemonic state in the Middle East, and by using tools he has succeeded in establishing a state of domination in the region, but in creating the hegemony was unsuccessful, and the 1979 Revolution ended this plan.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting
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