Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor University of Tehran, Qur`anic and Haith Studies Department


Reasoning (or citing) historical accounts is the most important element in historical theology, which has shaped the main space of this essay. The fact is that the category of reasoning and citation in historical theology requires method, but what is commonly observed is that these arguments are usually abandoned without any explanation. The implication of a report can also be reflected in the kind of reflection that the report finds in the space around it. 'Problem' is a remarkable phenomenon in this reflective space. One of the rules that can be laid out in the reflection space is 'problematic'. That is, issuing (or quoting) a report, rather than being a constant and telling affair, tells an issue out of the ordinary. This article explores the principle of problematic and its implications for the analysis of historical and religious texts. In fact, it can be said that problematic is a linguistics principle that is used extensively in the analysis of history and, in particular, historical theology.


Main Subjects

List of sources with English handwriting
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