Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Iranian Studies

2 PhD in Iranian Studies, Shahid Beheshti University


Although the Iranian Carpet Industry has a historical Background, this Industry had seen a rearrangement, regeneration and prosperity in Qajar era (especially second half of 19thcentury), because of the some facets such‌‌ as its presenting to international exhibitions and the desire and interest of European merchants in this industry and their willing to Iranian carpet trade and thence, increasingly demand for this commodity and trade of its merchandises in World industry, and especially initiation of internal and external capitals for investment in this generative branch of industry the flourishing at the end of this period. Due to the analyze and attribute the historical document and sources, and by sought in historical evidences, this article sought to revision the situation of Iranian carpet Industry in mid-19thcentury, and search for answer the question of the quality or circumstance of regeneration and prosperity in Iranian carpet Industry in this era. Upon that of the article finding the depression and slump in Iranian Industry in mid-19thcentury and the Qajar endeavor to finding a second big authoritative, dependable, infallible and safe able sure bankroll for safety securing the government financial income for anomalous and unsteady imports to Persia, and unstructured demand for Iranian carpet in world vide trade network and downgrade or initiation of external purse and capital to investment in Iranian carpet trade and abundant in human resources and widespread of cheap labors, and also plentiful raw materials caused to that of regeneration and prosperity in Iranian carpet trade and increasingly in final last juncture of Qajar period.


Main Subjects

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