Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Professor, Department of History, Shahhid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 PhD Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


The policy of resettlement of nomadic tribes was a structural and infrastructural plan that Reza Shah made in order to renovate the social life and to have a centralized government in the administration of the society. He prepared this plan with the help of the nationalist political elites and applied it by the army. Now the question is that due to the incompatibility between the policy of centralization and the traditional structure of the nomadic life, what kind of mechanisms the government used to apply the plan of the resettlement of nomadic tribes. This research proposes that the government used specific programs to execute the plan of the resettlement of the nomadic tribes. These programs included getting commitments from the heads of the nomadic tribes to exert their influence on the nomadic tribes and preparing dwellings and jobs for them to illustrate the way of their new life. This descriptive- analytic approach using historical documents, achieved these results: ignoring their tribes, the use of force is to implement the program, establishment of the tribes in undesirable places, the lack of implementation of proper enforcement agents after the accommodation, lack of supervision, and economic losses due to the loss of animals found limited success.


Main Subjects

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