Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Associate Professor of History, Razi University

2 PhD Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Lorestan University


Student movements, including the impact circumstances of historical developments in contemporary Iranian society were in interior and out of the country. With the formation Tudeh party and formed the national movement this movement was increasingly affected by left movement and the oil nationalization movement. In the beginning of fourthies, Iranian students formed in Western Europe and America a confederation of different trends, Tudeh party, the National Front, and currents of the Islamic organize for plans protest against government. Italy was among the countries faced with the expansion of cultural relations with Iran and the dispatch of a large number of Iranian students. The influence of Marxist party, Communists and socialist in Italy, Iranian students residing in Italy is strongly influenced by it. The present study in a descriptive –analytical manner, is about to notice the activities of students abroad, their formation and how to organize associations and political organizations, student activists in Italy examined and to explain the activities of the pro-Iranian students of the leftist movement and other national and Islamic movements in Italy. research findings show that despite the willingness of Nationalist and Islamist tendencies among Iranian students in Italy due to the support of the communist parties of the country and the influence of the Tudeh party many students with left trends attracted confederation and numerous activities and programs carried out with formation of students’ organizations and associations against the Pahlavi regime in Italy.


Main Subjects

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