Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Assistant Professor, National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran

2 PhD in History of Islamic Iran, Expert in National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Perhaps the most obvious distinction between new school and old school was letting girls to enter them. Girls' education in the traditional system was at home and limited to certain families. In this way, literate and enlightened women were only home-grown. With the creation and expansion of new schools, there was no limit to this, and at least theoretically, the way of learning was opened to them. Before the establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty, the development and extension of modern schools in Kurdistan and Kermanshah was quantitatively and qualitatively lower than the national average. After the establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty and the growing trend in the development of schools in these areas, despite the initial opposition and resistance, the gradual adoption of the school was gradually taking place. Despite the fact that the training of women in these areas was a long and difficult path, the results of the research show that the girls' entry to schools in these areas has always been ascending.
This study is to investigate the changes in Kurdish girls' education and explain the contribution of social, economic, cultural and political considerations through a descriptive-analytical method.


Main Subjects

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