Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Shahis Bahonar University of Kerman


Parthians as revivers of the Iranian government, after defeating the domination of the aliens, with their actions had shown their Iranian qualities and properties and clarified their links with the Iranian culture and civilized society. Thus, the focus of this research is that: What was this Iranian government's approach to protecting the territory and protecting the borders of the country? And what evidence of their efforts in this area is available? Also how Parthians acted as an Iranian dynasty in the foundation of border fortifications and defense architecture, and how effective this action has been in protecting the borders? Therefore, the historical documents, and the archeological findings were studied through library research methodology and descriptive approach. The findings revealed that, Parthians according to their cultural-civilization background, and self-awareness of Iran's civilization; were bound to protect the borders, and for that purpose in addition to creating natural boundaries, by using of the art of military architecture formed the foundation of border fortifications and circular cities, thus succeeded in determining the territory and keeping the attackers across the borders.


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