Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Alzahra University


Strength and stability of the Prophet (PBUH) to promote Islam, despite the continued exclusion of Quraysh, led to numerous debates between them and the leaders of the Quraysh. In this debate, interlocutors were trying to offer a different argument, the otherness of the other party claims and by creating a single meaning system, their discourse to spread in the community. Efforts to stabilize the semantic debate both sides to dialogue, lead to challenges in the context of the debate.
This paper is concerned with the use of discourse analysis theory of Laclau and Mouffe, who discussed the discourse further than linguistics, in political, cultural and social fields. The consequences show that monotheistic and polytheistic discourses continued to confront each other and as a result monotheistic discourse took advantage of the debate and broke the structure of polytheistic discourse in order to make itself more hegemonic.


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