Document Type : Scientific-Research



Harry Truman,presented the US foreign policy in the form of the Principle IV to provide political benefits and combat communism that one of its key principles was to promote education and training in developing countries, especially Iran. The promotion of education among tribes was assigned to Brigham Young University and due to the fact that Fars had the highest nomadic population, the Principle IV Nomadic Education Centre was established in Shiraz. The establishment in Fars was not unintended and this study also seeks the answer to this main question that why Fars was selected and what role did the US government and local executives play in promoting education among the tribes of this province. The research findings indicate that the selection of this province for nomadic education was purposeful, directed by the central government and in line with the settlement and unification of the tribes. Because the Pahlavi government twice encountered (1307 and 1325 AD) a tribal insurgency in the province and after every insurgency, decided to promote education in order to make the tribesmen settle, but due to lack of sufficient determination, and insufficiency of budget did not succeed much. When officials of Principle IV arrived in Shiraz, the nomadic education was launched by the US financial supports and Mohammad Bahman Beygi’s cooperation. In this paper, we seek to examine the role of principle IV of Truman in Fars nomadic Education and Training by description method along with analysis and utilization of library resources and documents.


Main Subjects

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