Document Type : Scientific-Research


department of the history and civilization of Islamic Nations, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


While the period of the reign of Mehmet II (855-886 / 1451-1481), due to establishing of Madaris-i Sahn-i Thiman and spreading of Madrasa education, is considered as an important turning point in the history of the Ottomans, but the relations of Ilmiyye class and the Ottoman state during the period, because of the absolute authority of this sultan, spent the specific and different conditions. In prior periods, Madrasa educators and Ilmiyye class by their scholastic knowledge and religious status always had great influence on the Ottoman state and its important decisions. As far as the appointment of Grand Vizier, as the most powerful person in the structure of the Ottoman state after the Sultan, among madrasa graduators, becomes a tradition and companionship of this class actually was one of the main components in the legitimacy of the Ottoman sultans. But conquest of Istanbul in the early years of  Mehmet II reign in 1453/857, that was called him as the Conqueror, increased the power and authority of this Sultan in a way that he did not feel any need of the  participation  of Madrasa graduators in power and gain of legitimacy through obtaining their satisfaction. Hence, unusual to established manner, he abandoned the appointment of grand vizier from the Madrasa graduators and replaced that by appointment of someone from his slaves (|åls) to completely obey his orders. Accordingly, the position and influence of the Madrasa graduators and Ilmiyye class in the Ottoman state decreased significantly in his during reign  and despite the complaint of outstandingUlemas from this conditions Mehmet the Conqueror did not his change the procedures about the Madrasa graduators and Ilmiyye.


Main Subjects

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