Document Type : Scientific-Research



Archaeological and historical information is limited about Medes in the Classical Greek literature.Due to inconsistencies in source concerning the median names and sequence of kings and rulers, That Herodotus remembers four King and Ctesias nine king that only the last kings match. So try to resolve the contradictions according to Neo-Assyrian texts. To achieve this goal, by using prosopography that mean literal 'name genealogies "and in fact, a study that included political- social, cultural, social institutions and genealogy. This method presents a multi-faceted study that is different based on the circumstances of each course. According to the literature related to the years 855-600 BC Neo-Assyrian, a new list of median kings and rulers are provided in accordance with the resources Neo-Assyrian that is named six rulers The first three king in relationship and compare with Dioces Herodotus, the forth king is compare and homogenize with Phraortes, the fifth king Umakistar with Cyaxares and Istumagu with AStyages. So Similar cases have been seen as contradictory.


Main Subjects

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