Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of History, Payame Noor University

2 Assistant Professor and Member of the Faculty of History Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


Timur’s victories in Indian Subcontinet which emerged from 800 AH./ 1398 AD., had been an introduction for new era in historical relationship of Iran and India. After the Timur’s campaigns, parts of Indian Subcontinet such as Multan and Punjab had been added to his territory with an excuse for ghazwa, war with infidels and expansion of Islam. Alongside with these victories, some officers and governments of Indian provinces submitted to Timur and some of them undertook the administration of his territories in India. Although Timur’s death and the severe struggle of pretenders had decreased the influence of Timurids in India, some issues such as internal disputes of Indian governments and Shahrukh’s policy for expanding political and economic relationships, paved the way for renewal of Timurids’ realtion with some of Indian governments. This research will study the backgrounds, process, feedback and results of Shahrukh’s diplomacy in Indian Subcontinent with a historical and descriptive- analytical approach based on primary and reliable sources. The result of this research speaks of Shahrukh’s political and economic aims for making a relationship with Indian Subcontinent and reveals the political aims of some governments of that region in this issue.


Main Subjects

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