Document Type : Scientific-Research


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Urmia University


Research in the history of Iranian regions in ancient times, depends greatly to ascerta in the geographical areas of Iran. The ambiguity of the areas can cause in confuse and displacement of historical events and affect their analysis. In the meantime, ambiguity in the position of Parthia in the Sasanian period, clearly caused confusion in describing the historical and geographical areas related to it too. Contrary to the common notion that situated Sasanian Parthia in the North East of Iranian plateau, who then renamed into Khorasan, evidence of early Sasanians do not confirm that at this time that Parthia was located in the North East of Iran. In Sasanian inscriptions, province of Abarshhr is listed in NorthEast of Iran, and Parthia, mentioned as a region in central Iran, in North of Persis and Khuzestan. In the sixth century AD, when administrative structure of the country changed, North East of Iran was called Khorasan, as one of the four sections of Iran. Thus, the authors concluded that no change has taken place in the name, from Parthia to Khorasan.


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