Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 PhD student in the history of Islamic Iran, Payame Noor University Graduate School

2 Member of the faculty of the Department of History, University of Tehran

3 Member of the faculty of Alzahra University History Department

4 Member of the faculty of the Department of History, Payame Noor University, Najafabad


Review: The strategic position of the three islands in the Persian Gulf entrance leads to the importance of the social life of the inhabitants of the islands in the Persian Gulf. Acceptance of the sovereignty of the three islands because of political and economic competition to reject the rule of Iran in 1903 CE / 1320 which led the starting point was the issue of the three islands. Islands issue by subsequent developments in the region and international developments continued until the year 1971 was 0.1350, according to official contract was settled. But the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the Iran-Iraq war continued, discontinued due to new developments in the region, the issue of the three islands with different dimensions, was renewed. Because strategies for resolving historical issues, the most important and the first step in creating an understanding among the Persian Gulf littoral states, the issue of the three islands as a good example of the need to consider historical dimensions and root causes of hospitalization maker . The main research question is that there are three islands in the Pahlavi era of problem solving issue during the Iran-Iraq war was renewed by what? The prevailing assumption is that given the historical experience in understanding the role of these issues among the countries of the Persian Gulf, this problem should be multidimensional process caused by internal developments in Iran and the influence in the Persian Gulf eight-year war searched.


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