Document Type : Scientific-Research


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Tabriz

2 PhD Candidate of History of Islamic Iran, University of Tabriz.


With bombardment of the Majlis of Iran by the order of Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar and the closure of constitutional parliament, again despotism dominated on Iran’s space. As a result of these circumstances, the newspapers and magazines across the country were closed. Nale Mellat newspaper, which was only open until reprinting of other newspapers, was published under the dictatorship era of Mohammad Ali Shah. This newspaper applied all his efforts in support of constitutionalism and constitutional achievements. Topics Mentioned in this newspaper are clear examples of this effort. Nale mellat with reflecting victories of fighters and defeats and helplessness of governmental forces as well as the true nature of tyrants and their supporters like Eyn al-Dowleh and Mohammad Ali Shah, pursued its goal of public awareness and stimulating feelings of the people of Azerbaijan and the rest of the country to support the constitutional and constitutionalists. Repetition of social and political words and phrases in this newspaper shows that constitutionalism, awakening people, freedom of iran from  the despotism were its ideals. This research using content analysis method, intended to clerify this newspaper had offered what strategies for getting out of despotism and considered what kind of topics and issues.


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