Aali Pasha
Malkum and Playing Role in Ottoman Tanzimat [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 25-40]
Parthia and Khorasan During the Sasanian Period: A Study in Historical Geography [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 169-186]
Abbasid Caliphate
The formation of The Rank of Sheikh-al-Shoyookh and its functions in The Saljooqs Era [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 59-74]
Abbasid Caliphate
Study of Shiite Theologians’ Performance in Confronting with Challenges of Approximation of Religions in Seljuk Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 9-36]
Abbasid chaliphate
The Relation Between Sāmānids and Abbāsid Caliphate and affecting factors on It [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 65-98]
Reinvestigation of Nature of revolt of Rāfi‘ ibn Layth [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 69-93]
the Ashraf of Hijaz and Saljooqs Affair [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 35-57]
Factors Affecting the Prosperity of Music in the Abbasid Era Form the Beginning to the Domination of Buyids in Baghdad [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 35-56]
The Political and Religious Function of Poetry in the Era of the Egyptian Fatimids (358-567 AH) in dealing with Their Foreign Opponents [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 9-33]
Abdullah Afteh
Analysis and explanation of the claim of Imamate of Abdullah Afteh and the reasons for rejecting his Imamate [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 139-160]
Abdullah ibn Zubair
Ibrahim ibn Malik Ashtar Nakha'I in the Struggle Between Zubarian and Mukhtar Thaghafi [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 121-141]
The Study of the Conflict of Discourses on Political-Religious Meanings in Al-Ma'rifah Al-Sahaba Abu Naeem Isfahani (Case Study of the Translation of the Three Caliphs and Ali) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 71-97]
Abu Mansour
That man, Ostad Abu-Mansour, who is a governmental man
(An Example of the Presence of Zoroastrians in the Administrative and Military Organization of the Bouyeh Dynasty) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 11-22]
Abu mikhnaf
Event of Karbala and representation the ruling discourse in Abu mikhnaf historiography [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 29-48]
Abu Saad Doost Dada
The formation of The Rank of Sheikh-al-Shoyookh and its functions in The Saljooqs Era [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 59-74]
Abu Said
Position and Function of the Office of Darugha in the Timurid Era [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 41-78]
The Value of Incongruous Historical Judgments about Imam Sajjād's Special Companions [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 163-187]
Historical reconstruction of the religious atmosphere of Abyssinia in the fifth year of the Prophet with the focus of Surah Maryam [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 35-61]
The causes of choosing the place of Behiston Inscription by Darius The Greate. [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 113-140]
Acceptance Ceremonial and Etiquette
Embassy in the Timurid period; The ceremonies of welcoming and Acceptance of ambassadors [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 183-208]
Achaemenes and the Black Sea; Causes and results of the expansion of an empire [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 127-154]
Historical Evolution and Strategic, Military and Economical Situation of Hyrcania
in Achaemenid Period [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 167-192]
An Analytical Study of the Role of the Geographical Factors in the Iran-Greece Wars During the Achaemenid Period [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 165-187]
Achaemenid Empire
About the nature, coordinates and framework of the Achaemenid Empire [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 113-147]
Achaemenid Empire
The role and position of satraps in the Achaemenid Empire [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 89-110]
Achaemenid Empire
The Evolution of the Administrative and Economic Structure of Egypt in the Achaemenid Era [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 87-106]
Achaemenid Empire
Critical Interpretation of a Concept:
Cyrus II and Xerxes I in the Platonic Conversation "Alcibiades Major" [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 35-55]
Alexander the Macedonian and the historical memory of Cyrus the Great [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 15-37]
Achaemenid traditions
The Principles and Roots of King’s Legitimacy in Arsacid Dynasty [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 107-131]
Spread Causes of Addiction and its Harmful Effect on Pahlavi Society [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 137-163]
The Impact of Intoxicants Prohibition Decree of Shah Tahmasb I on Opium Consumption in the First Period of the Safavid Reign (907-996 AH) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 37-64]
Administrative position
Was Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi a minister? [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 139-162]
Administrative structure
The Evolution of the Administrative and Economic Structure of Egypt in the Achaemenid Era [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 87-106]
Administrative structure
A Look at the Office of the Amir Nizam in the Qajar Period [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 95-116]
Administrative System
Clarifying the Role of Women in Iran's Administrative System in Reza Shah Era (1925-1941) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 9-37]
the Ashraf of Hijaz and Saljooqs Affair [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 35-57]
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 89-110]
Border Challenges between Iran and Afghanistan during the age of Reza Shah [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 111-142]
Obstacles for cultural-social convergence of Iran and Afghanistan in Pahlavi age [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 199-218]
Communication and Causes of Problems between Iran and Afghanistan (1324-1344 A. H) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 191-218]
Political and Religious Relationships between Fatimids and Zirids: Independence from Fatimids during Moezz the Zirid Period [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 57-79]
The Discrete Institutional Changes of Nader Šāh and the Evaluation of the Economic Situation of Iran in the Afšārīd Era (Emphasizing the Constitutionalism Theory of Douglass North) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 11-37]
Afsah-ol Motakallemin
The political and social viewpoints of Khair-ol Klam , The first newspaper of Gilan [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 1-22]
Afsharid state
The Structural dialectic in Afsharid military state [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 65-88]
The Achaemenid Presence in Ionia: From the End of the Peloponnesian War to the Peace of Antalcidas (404-387 BCE) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 93-117]
Agricultural Policies
The Impact of Agricultural Policies of Iran’s State on the Use of Groundwater through Developmental Programs (1984-1978) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 105-128]
The Effects of Ghazan Reforms On Agricultural State of Ilkhanid territory [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 71-98]
Islamic conquests and the impact of fiscal policy on the agriculture in Khuzestan during Muslim-Arabs conquests [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 5-33]
The Economic Situation of Quhestan in the Early Islamic Centuries [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 149-173]
Agronomic Economy
An Analysis on the Relations of the Economic Structures and Producing Methods in the History of Iran
(With Emphasis on Seljuk Era) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 129-151]
Ahmad Akhgar
Evaluating the Parliamentary Performance of Bushehr MPs in the Tension between the Rights of the People and the Power of the Pahlavi Government, a Case Study: Ali Dashti and Ahmad Akhgar [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 59-90]
Ahmad Khan Khoie
The position of Ahmad Khan Donboli Khoie in Ottoman Government’s policy of Pan-Islamism in the Caucasus [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 135-162]
Ahmad Matin-Daftari
The Role of the Government in the Economy; Rereading the Opinions and Thoughts of Ahmad Matin-Daftari [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 113-134]
Air pollution
The Impact of Pahlavi's Despotic Semi-Modern State Structure on the Rise of the Environmental Crisis in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 79-100]
Akbar Shah
The most powerful lawyer of the Iranian Mongol Empire in India; Mohammad Bayram Baharloo addressed to the khans [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 119-138]
Akhbārīsm and Anti-rational Theme: Re-Considering a Misconception [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 79-100]
Akhbaris (scriptualists)
An Analysis on the Rise and Decline of the Akhbaris [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 89-112]
Reflection of perception exchanges among Intellectuals on education of women During Pahlavi I era based on three publications: Alam Nesvan, Shafagh Sorkh, and Ettelaat. [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 103-124]
Alam-e-Nesvan journal
Analysis of Gender and Social Status of the Authors of Alam-e-Nesvan Journal [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 57-81]
Ibrahim ibn Malik Ashtar Nakha'I in the Struggle Between Zubarian and Mukhtar Thaghafi [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 121-141]
Alavids of Tabaristan
Relaition between Local Governments of Gilan, Dailaman and Mazandaran with Alavids of Tabaristan (250-316 AD) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 119-143]
The spread of Islam in Gilan and Deilman with emphasis on Sunni religions [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 75-102]
The establishment of the Bani-Annazi local government (328-448 AH) centered on Holvan during the Al-Buyeh period [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 85-106]
Alcibiades Major
Critical Interpretation of a Concept:
Cyrus II and Xerxes I in the Platonic Conversation "Alcibiades Major" [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 35-55]
Minting Ayat of Holy Kuran on the Islamic Coins and the Reaction of the Muslims [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 23-40]
An Analyzes on administrative tradition in Persian Gulf(Bandar-Abbas farming by Muscat ruler (1209-1285) [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 165-191]
Alexander the Macedonian
Alexander the Macedonian and the historical memory of Cyrus the Great [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 15-37]
The Study of the Conflict of Discourses on Political-Religious Meanings in Al-Ma'rifah Al-Sahaba Abu Naeem Isfahani (Case Study of the Translation of the Three Caliphs and Ali) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 71-97]
Aliakbar Dawar
The Priorship of Economical Reform Upon Political Reform
A Read Out on Aliakbar Dawar's Ideas & Opinions [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 23-47]
Ali Dashti
Evaluating the Parliamentary Performance of Bushehr MPs in the Tension between the Rights of the People and the Power of the Pahlavi Government, a Case Study: Ali Dashti and Ahmad Akhgar [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 59-90]
Ali Shah
The Role of Oirats Governors in Political Relations of the Ilkhanate [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 81-104]
Ali Shariati
Safavid history from the window of Islamism; A Reflection on the Influence of Islamist Thoughts in Safavid Studies by Morteza Motahari and Ali Shariati [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 63-82]
Al Kurt
Factors influencing the relations of the Ilkhans with the Jaghtayans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 81-106]
Allameh Majlesi
An Analysis on the Rise and Decline of the Akhbaris [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 89-112]
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 89-110]
Historical study of Iranians' deterrence and exile by the allies during the Occupation period (1941-45) [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 39-62]
Al-makruha (sumayriya)
Minting Ayat of Holy Kuran on the Islamic Coins and the Reaction of the Muslims [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 23-40]
Role of Ibn Tumart's Charismatic Leadership in Almohad's Victory [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 107-131]
Role of Ibn Tumart's Charismatic Leadership in Almohad's Victory [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 107-131]
Altin Urdu
Barakeh Khan and Bieber: The Impact of Religious-Economic Factors on the Deepening of Altin Ardu and Mamluk Trade Relations [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 85-101]
Alvand Mountain
The Importance of Alvand Mountain in the Parthian Period Based on Historical and Archaeological Evidence [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 193-224]
AmanNameh Text(Treaty)
The relationship between economic security in Jawhar al Siqilli's AmanName (Treaty) and the political rebellions of the first period of the Fatimid Caliphate [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 155-181]
Amanollah Khan the Great
Relations Between the Two Kurdish Houses of Vakil and Ardalan from 1779 to 1803 [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 9-34]
Ambassadors presence at court and its Relationship to the Issue of Authoritarianism and The exercise of the power of Shah Based on the Narratives of Shah Abbas Travel Writers [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 57-80]
American Woman
Familiarity of Iranians With the Position of Women in American Society Through the Press and Missionary Schools in the Qajar Period [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 71-92]
Amesha Spenta
A Comparative Study of Primeval Creation in Ancient Persia’s Beliefs and Isma’ilist Thoughts [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 177-201]
Amini-Qashqai Plan
The Qashqai and National Movement of Iran
(From the Beginning to End of the Mossaddegh Government) [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 89-118]
Amir Ali Shir Nava'i
Public Utility Activities of Court of Sultan Husayn Bayqara in Khorasan (1470-1505) (Relying on Historical Texts) [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 65-86]
Amir Hadāb ibn Bīdūj
The image of Tawwaj in Ferdows al-Morshediyyah [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 111-133]
Explaining the Conceptual Model of Amirkabir Governance [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 135-171]
Amir Nizam
A Look at the Office of the Amir Nizam in the Qajar Period [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 95-116]
Amīr Taimūr Gūrkānī
Investigating and Analyzing the Geographical Dispersion of Esterqāq in the Conquests of Amīr Taimūr Gūrkānī [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 81-103]
Amr b. Ās
The Strategic Treaty Between Muawiya and Amr b. Ās [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 217-239]
Analysis of Women’s Modern Approach in Constitution Era [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 5-33]
Ancient Greece
Rethinking on the Evolution of the Concept of “Barbarian” in Archaic Greece: From the Trojan War to Greco-Persian Wars [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 119-142]
Ancient Seismology
An analysis on the role of making the establishment of earthquake in the desolate plain index for meymeh (Isfahan) in Islam [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 31-60]
Ancient site of Old city of Jiroft
A Contemplation on the Geographic Meaning of the State and the City of Jiroft during the Islamic Era, from the Early Centuries to the Eight Century AH [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 79-100]
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
The Role of Housing Policies in the Dissatisfaction of Workers of Anglo Iranian Oil Company in Khuzestan Oilfields [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 53-78]
Animal Husbandry Economy
An Analysis on the Relations of the Economic Structures and Producing Methods in the History of Iran
(With Emphasis on Seljuk Era) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 129-151]
Anti-Poverty Commissions
Crisis in the Anti-Poverty Commissions and the formation of the organization of labor camps: 1952-1959 [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 45-63]
The evolution of messianism in early Shia with emphasis on the idea of “Mahdi” [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 107-132]
Approximation of religions
Study of Shiite Theologians’ Performance in Confronting with Challenges of Approximation of Religions in Seljuk Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 9-36]
The Early History of Islam and Arabism in Egyptian Nationalist Trend (1918-1970) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 99-128]
Arabization of Diwan
Minting Ayat of Holy Kuran on the Islamic Coins and the Reaction of the Muslims [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 23-40]
Arab Nationalism
The Early History of Islam and Arabism in Egyptian Nationalist Trend (1918-1970) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 99-128]
An Analysis of Effective Reasons on Destruction of Arajan After Long Time Prosperity [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 41-64]
Arasbaran (Qaredaq) Nomadic Tribes’ Settlement; a Historical Necessity or a Political Project [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 155-177]
The Strategic Treaty Between Muawiya and Amr b. Ās [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 217-239]
Archaeological evidence
The Communication Roads of the Western Part of Lorestan (Tarhān) in the Sassanid Era and the Early Islamic Centuries (With an Emphasis on Spring-Routes) [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 165-193]
Analysis of Women’s Modern Approach in Constitution Era [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 5-33]
A Contemplation on the Geographic Meaning of the State and the City of Jiroft during the Islamic Era, from the Early Centuries to the Eight Century AH [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 79-100]
Analysis of the Archetype in Halilrood Civilization Basin Based on Yung Theory [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 83-104]
Theoretical Review of the Concept of “Shiite art” Emphasizing the Study of Shiite Approaches In the Timurid Era Architecture [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 101-126]
A consideration on the Process of Extinction of Ardalan Governors in the Naserid Era (Centralization, Consolidation and Dissolution) [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 71-98]
Ardalan House
Relations Between the Two Kurdish Houses of Vakil and Ardalan from 1779 to 1803 [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 9-34]
Ardalan principality
Safavid and Ottoman Tension's Consequences on the Stance of Ardalan Principality [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 121-144]
Political Conditions of Kurdistan from Death of Nader to End of Zandiah (1747-1786) [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 97-120]
Ardašīr son of Bābak
Ardašīr Son of Bābak and the Goddess Anāhitā [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 35-56]
The Situation of Women in the Sāssānīān Social System in the Post-Mazdak Era and Its Impact on the Writing of the Ardāvīrāfnāme [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 73-95]
The Hookah, Smoking Hookah, and Its Role on Social Distinctions of the Nasser Al-Din Shah Qajar Era [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 61-85]
The Organization of the Army and Military Officers in Shah Safi Era (1628- 1642 A.H.) [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 1-50]
An investigation the effect of Nomadism on Iran’s military structure from the Safavid until the late Qajar era [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 35-68]
The process of Rising to Power by Reza Khan based on Institutionalist Approach [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 33-60]
A Look at the Office of the Amir Nizam in the Qajar Period [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 95-116]
Arsaces I
The Principles and Roots of King’s Legitimacy in Arsacid Dynasty [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 107-131]
Arsacid dynasty
The Principles and Roots of King’s Legitimacy in Arsacid Dynasty [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 107-131]
The Opening of the Silk Road: Contact and Interaction Between Iranian and Chinese Cultures During the Explorations of Zhang Qian to the Eastern Borders of Arsacides [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 5-28]
Overland Travel Speed in the Arsacid Empire Era (From 1st Century BCE to 3rd Century CE) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 17-44]
Theoretical Review of the Concept of “Shiite art” Emphasizing the Study of Shiite Approaches In the Timurid Era Architecture [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 101-126]
The Structure and Function of the Border Town of Artashad in the Relations between Rome and Persia in the Sassanid Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 167-189]
Artaxerxes II
The Achaemenid Presence in Ionia: From the End of the Peloponnesian War to the Peace of Antalcidas (404-387 BCE) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 93-117]
Migration of Iranian artists to the Ottoman Empire: Late Timurid and early Safavid periods (932-811 AH / 1528-1409 AD) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 55-79]
Migration of Iranian artists to the Ottoman Empire: Late Timurid and early Safavid periods (932-811 AH / 1528-1409 AD) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 55-79]
The investigation of social status of Artists and Craftsmen in Timurids era [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 81-106]
Iranian Letters of the Southern Seas of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 103-120]
About the nature, coordinates and framework of the Achaemenid Empire [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 113-147]
Aryan race
Iranian Nationalism and the Issue of Azerbaijan and the Turkish Language
(Emphasizing on Periodicals of Transition Era From Qajar to Pahlavi) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 73-91]
A seven-year Plan
An Analysis of the Historical Background of the Emergence of Development Planning and the Formation of the Planning Organization in Iran (the Reign of Pahlavi 1925-1948) [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 33-57]
Ashraf of Hijaz
the Ashraf of Hijaz and Saljooqs Affair [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 35-57]
Exploring the Illustrations of the Women in the Battle of Karbala, with a Focus on Zaynab bint Ali (p)—Case: Lithographic Manuscripts of Kulliyat-e Joodi [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 141-172]
Study of Historical Geography of Media before Establishment and Expansion of The Kingdom
(672-835 BC) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 143-165]
Political Situation of Elam after Fall to Assyrians to Rise of Achaemenids (646-550 BC) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 143-178]
Akhbārīsm and Anti-rational Theme: Re-Considering a Misconception [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 79-100]
Atabak Hezar Asb Lor
An Investigation Into Spatial Suggestion by Atabak Hazar Asp to Fight Against the Mongols [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 119-140]
A study in Shi'a-Sunni Strife in Atabat-i Aliyat in Nineteenth Century (with Emphasis on Ottoman Archives Documents) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 123-141]
Internal Events of Georgia and Georgian Invasion to The Azerbaijan in Second Seleucid Era (1121-1125) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 87-107]
Analysis of Gender and Social Status of the Authors of Alam-e-Nesvan Journal [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 57-81]
Who Is the First Mythical Doctor of Iran? [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 5-23]
Avroman Documents
The Women of Royal Family in Parthian Era [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 49-67]
Ayatollah Boroujerdi
Review the Status of Church and State Political Thought Ayatollah Boroujerdi [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 135-157]
Ayatollah Broujerdi
Interaction between Shia Cleric Authority (Marja'iat), State and Society in Iran (1303-1340; 1924-1961) [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 75-116]
Ayatollah Khomeini
A study of stances of Ayatollah Khuie during clerics’ movement of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 93-116]
Ayatollah Khuie
A study of stances of Ayatollah Khuie during clerics’ movement of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 93-116]
The Conquest of the Azerbaijan and Tendency of its People to Islam (22- 35 AH) [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 1-22]
Intellectual-executive characteristics of Mirza Kuchak Khan and Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 99-117]
Internal Events of Georgia and Georgian Invasion to The Azerbaijan in Second Seleucid Era (1121-1125) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 87-107]
Nale Mellat in Despotism of Mohammad Ali Shah [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 153-175]
Investigating the Situation and Evolution of Carpet Production and Trade in Azerbaijan During the Qajar Period [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 119-144]
Iranian Nationalism and the Issue of Azerbaijan and the Turkish Language
(Emphasizing on Periodicals of Transition Era From Qajar to Pahlavi) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 73-91]
Ibrahim Khalil Khan Javanshir Karabaghi's relations with the Ottoman government [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 83-112]
Searching for the meaning and concept of constitutionalism in the perception and thought of Azerbaijani scholars [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 57-83]
The position of Ahmad Khan Donboli Khoie in Ottoman Government’s policy of Pan-Islamism in the Caucasus [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 135-162]
Azerbaijan’s nomadic clans
Arasbaran (Qaredaq) Nomadic Tribes’ Settlement; a Historical Necessity or a Political Project [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 155-177]
Political Conditions of Kurdistan from Death of Nader to End of Zandiah (1747-1786) [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 97-120]
The Effects of Kandahar Issues on Political Contentions between Safavids and Baburids
(1526-1707) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 81-98]
Political Situation of Elam after Fall to Assyrians to Rise of Achaemenids (646-550 BC) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 143-178]
The arrival of the Kassites to Mesopotamia and its outcomes [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 23-46]
Babylonian Tablets
The Women of Royal Family in Parthian Era [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 49-67]
Event of Karbala and representation the ruling discourse in Abu mikhnaf historiography [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 29-48]
Critical Study of the Foreign Policy of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Based on His Written and Spoken Texts [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 43-64]
Critical Analysis of Suspicion Reasons of Sayyed Mohammad ' s Imamate (Imam Hadi’s Son) [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 143-166]
Badr al-Din Ahmad Laleh
Laleh Seyeds of Tabriz in the Transition to Safavid Era [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 247-272]
Relaition between Local Governments of Gilan, Dailaman and Mazandaran with Alavids of Tabaristan (250-316 AD) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 119-143]
The causes of choosing the place of Behiston Inscription by Darius The Greate. [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 113-140]
From Baghdad to Madinat al-Salam: Tracing an Ancient Toponym from the Second Millennium BCE to the Abbasid Caliphate [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Bagratid Dynasty
Internal Events of Georgia and Georgian Invasion to The Azerbaijan in Second Seleucid Era (1121-1125) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 87-107]
Baha'u-daulah al-Dilami
That man, Ostad Abu-Mansour, who is a governmental man
(An Example of the Presence of Zoroastrians in the Administrative and Military Organization of the Bouyeh Dynasty) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 11-22]
The issue of "Bahrain" in the conflicts of the regional powers of the Persian Gulf in the tenth / sixteenth century AD [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 139-169]
Baladieh and Public Health During the Pahlavi I [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 79-96]
An Analyzes on administrative tradition in Persian Gulf(Bandar-Abbas farming by Muscat ruler (1209-1285) [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 165-191]
Bani Abbas
Explaining the role of relative deprivation in joining the social classes to the Abbasid movement [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 11-33]
The establishment of the Bani-Annazi local government (328-448 AH) centered on Holvan during the Al-Buyeh period [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 85-106]
Barakeh Khan
Barakeh Khan and Bieber: The Impact of Religious-Economic Factors on the Deepening of Altin Ardu and Mamluk Trade Relations [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 85-101]
Rethinking on the Evolution of the Concept of “Barbarian” in Archaic Greece: From the Trojan War to Greco-Persian Wars [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 119-142]
Basic rights
Iranian first National Parliament and attempts to define and develop the "basic rights". [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 95-128]
The function of bath and bathing in the reflection of the social distinctions of the Iranian society in the Qajar era [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 91-112]
The function of bath and bathing in the reflection of the social distinctions of the Iranian society in the Qajar era [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 91-112]
The Rivalry between Khorasani and Iraqi Secretaries in Ghaznavid Bureaucracy [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 193-218]
Position and Function of the Office of Darugha in the Timurid Era [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 41-78]
Crisis in the Anti-Poverty Commissions and the formation of the organization of labor camps: 1952-1959 [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 45-63]
Historical study of the insecurities of the Mongol era and its role in the moral decline of Iranians [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 1-29]
An Investigation Into Spatial Suggestion by Atabak Hazar Asp to Fight Against the Mongols [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 119-140]
The causes of choosing the place of Behiston Inscription by Darius The Greate. [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 113-140]
Citation analysis of the PhD thesis in history at Alzahra University in the years 1380-1391 [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 179-203]
Citation analysis of the PhD thesis in history at Alzahra University in the years 1380-1391 [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 179-203]
Barakeh Khan and Bieber: The Impact of Religious-Economic Factors on the Deepening of Altin Ardu and Mamluk Trade Relations [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 85-101]
Reflections of Israelis in the film Mohammad Rasoolullah (PBUH) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 45-70]
Trebizonds' status in the Anatolian Blockade by Ilkhanids [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 71-93]
Along with the Bolsheviks or out of them: An account of the conflict between theory and practice in the Guilan Soviet Republic [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 1-21]
Books of etiquette
Books of etiquette and its role in social historian (with an emphasis on the Qajar era) [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 65-102]
Books of the Shi'a Arba'a
The place of tolerance and intolerance of idea in intellectual and social relations in the narrations of the Prophet (pbuh) based on the books of the Shi'a Arba'a and Ṣaḥāḥ Sīta [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 143-171]
Books of travel
Iran and Iranians in Ibn Battuta and Evliya Çelebi’s books of travel [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 117-140]
Communication and Causes of Problems between Iran and Afghanistan (1324-1344 A. H) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 191-218]
Defensive and Border Fortifications of the Parthians and their Tactic in Control of the Frontier [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 113-136]
Border fortifications
Defensive and Border Fortifications of the Parthians and their Tactic in Control of the Frontier [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 113-136]
Bouyeh Dynasty
That man, Ostad Abu-Mansour, who is a governmental man
(An Example of the Presence of Zoroastrians in the Administrative and Military Organization of the Bouyeh Dynasty) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 11-22]
Analysis of "The Problem of The High Cost of Bread"In Kurdistan in Qajar Period And Its Creative Factors
(1332-1342) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 39-67]
Bread crisis
Investigating and Explaining the Affecting Factors in the Prevalence of Famine and Bread Crisis in the Mozafari Era [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 127-148]
Breaking the norm
Strategies to combat norm-breaking in the prophetic age [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 77-103]
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 89-110]
Historical study of Iranians' deterrence and exile by the allies during the Occupation period (1941-45) [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 39-62]
Motives and goals of establishing British consulate in Mashhad during the Qajar period [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 101-127]
British East India Company
British East India Company's role in the change of political and economical status of Iran in Persian Gulf (1763-1820 A.D/1177-1235 H) [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 15-35]
British East India Company
Study of Iran’s traditional relations and British East India Company in Zand era based on System Theory [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 159-178]
Brokerage courts
Analytical study of bilateral acquisition of Iranian and Ottoman citizens [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 149-168]
Commercial Tolerance; The Analysis of the Effect of the Sogdians’ Morale in trade on the Propagation of Various Religions in Transoxiana and China [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 129-149]
Budget Approval
Investigating the Challenges and Variable Methods of Budget Approval in Iran (from the Constitution to the End of the Qajar Government) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 11-30]
Sughd oasis city [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 25-56]
The Rivalry between Khorasani and Iraqi Secretaries in Ghaznavid Bureaucracy [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 193-218]
The Social Consequences of Development of the New Middle Class in Iran (1963-1978) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 9-31]
Centers of Iran Silk Trade during Timurids and Turkmans Period (9th Century AH) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 1-24]
Barakeh Khan and Bieber: The Impact of Religious-Economic Factors on the Deepening of Altin Ardu and Mamluk Trade Relations [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 85-101]
Method and trade; commercial functions of Naqshbandiyya in the Timurid period [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 1-40]
Business centers
Relocation of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea trade centers in the seventh and eighth centuries AH [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 27-53]
Sassanids' rule over Syria during the reign of Khosrow Parviz (604-628 AD) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 31-54]
Freedmen in Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) Caliphate Studying Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) Essentials of Ethology on Freedmen [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 157-180]
The effect of restoring the caliphate in Egypt on the religious posturing Ghazan Khan [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 11-34]
The Principles of Political Thought and The Theory of “Imamate Qahrieh” by Ibn Jamaeh, based on The Book pf Tahrir Al-Ahkam fi Tadbir Ahl-Islam [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 111-134]
Sayyid Jamal; Imposing the Traditional Meaning of Caliphate on the Modern Concept of Government [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 55-70]
Overland Travel Speed in the Arsacid Empire Era (From 1st Century BCE to 3rd Century CE) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 17-44]
Canton (Khanfu
A Survey on the Formation of Trade Competitions in the Persian Gulf and Its Reflection in Port Guangzhou (Canton), China (Seventh to Ninth Centuries AD) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 89-116]
An Analysis of the Historical Background of the Emergence of Development Planning and the Formation of the Planning Organization in Iran (the Reign of Pahlavi 1925-1948) [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 33-57]
Overland Travel Speed in the Arsacid Empire Era (From 1st Century BCE to 3rd Century CE) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 17-44]
Investigating the Situation and Evolution of Carpet Production and Trade in Azerbaijan During the Qajar Period [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 119-144]
Carpet Industry
Investigating Factors and Process of Revival of Carpet Industry in Qajar Period [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 127-148]
Investigating the process of forming the clergy hierarchy in the Sassanid era [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 141-163]
Investigating the evolution of the view of European cartographers towards Iran in the Middle Ages [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 135-169]
Castle of Shah Joghal
A Survey on Importance of Sassanid Castel of Shah Joghal (Jeqele) in Borujard, for Conservation of Roads in the Central Zagros [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 35-54]
A.P. Yermolov and His Administration of Russian Colonial Rule of Transcaucasia(1231/1816-1242/1827) [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 149-171]
The position of Ahmad Khan Donboli Khoie in Ottoman Government’s policy of Pan-Islamism in the Caucasus [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 135-162]
Causes of Decline and Prosperity of Cities
The Theoretical Approach of Ibn al-Mujawir in Tarikh al-Mustabsir [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 63-85]
Causes of intervention
Areas of military intervention of the second Pahlavi government in the Dhofar crisis (1351-1357) [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 23-47]
Research on the principles and techniques of Oral surgery in the Islamic period
(from third to twelfth century A.H) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 99-142]
Research on The Principles And Techniques of Ear, Throat And Nose Surgery
In traditional Medicine Of The Islamic Period
(From The Third Century To The Twelfth Century AH) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Sociological Analysis of the Language Policy Discourse during the First Pahlavi Period (Emphasizing the approvals of the Higher Education Council) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 169-195]
Central Zagros
A Survey on Importance of Sassanid Castel of Shah Joghal (Jeqele) in Borujard, for Conservation of Roads in the Central Zagros [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 35-54]
Charismatic Authority
The Effect of the Transfer of Charismatic Authority on the Formation of Muhammad Nafs Zakyya's Uprising [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 173-201]
The Opening of the Silk Road: Contact and Interaction Between Iranian and Chinese Cultures During the Explorations of Zhang Qian to the Eastern Borders of Arsacides [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 5-28]
Iranian and Chinese Relations in the Sassanid Period and Its Impact on Chinese Culture, Based on the Chinese Sources [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 9-35]
Three Faces of a King: The Sinner, The Victorious and Well-Behaved, or Another Cyrus? [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 20-45]
Christian scholars
The First Perceptions of the Christian Scholars of the Individual Features of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 9-31]
Christian sects
Historical reconstruction of the religious atmosphere of Abyssinia in the fifth year of the Prophet with the focus of Surah Maryam [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 35-61]
The Intra-City Social conflicts of Shiraz in the 8th century and he effects of external forces on them [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 47-62]
Citation Analysis
Citation analysis of the PhD thesis in history at Alzahra University in the years 1380-1391 [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 179-203]
Cities’ power structure
Political – Military Structure and Function of Cities in the Reign of Karim Khan Zand [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 57-81]
Investigating the Factors Influencing on the Being Problematic of Iraqi Feyli Kurds' Citizenship in the Last Hundred Years [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 151-175]
Citizenship rights
The State Council of Tabriz and the New Pattern of City Management [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 125-147]
City management
The State Council of Tabriz and the New Pattern of City Management [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 125-147]
Explain And Analyze The Role Of Social Classes In The Process Of Civilization In Safavid Government [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 139-167]
Classic text
Median Rulers In Neo-Assyrian Text. [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 87-107]
Review the Status of Church and State Political Thought Ayatollah Boroujerdi [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 135-157]
Investigating the process of forming the clergy hierarchy in the Sassanid era [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 141-163]
Clio metrics
Islamic conquests and the impact of fiscal policy on the agriculture in Khuzestan during Muslim-Arabs conquests [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 5-33]
Coffeehouse (Teahouse)
A Survey on the Role and Function of Coffeehouses of Tehran During Qajar Period [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 99-118]
Decline of Money Value in Safavid Era and Its Main Reasons [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 1-13]
The Role of Gold in the Sassanid Society and Economy [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 176-190]
Coinage system
Coinage System and Money Exchanges in Timurid Dynasty
(With an emphasis on the eastern territory of Iran) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 151-179]
Coins of Caliph 'Abd al-Malik b. Marwān
Minting Ayat of Holy Kuran on the Islamic Coins and the Reaction of the Muslims [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 23-40]
A consideration on the Process of Extinction of Ardalan Governors in the Naserid Era (Centralization, Consolidation and Dissolution) [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 71-98]
Collective Fantasy
The impact of Iranian Fantasy on Marxism: A study on the Tudeh Party of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 117-150]
Colonial order
A.P. Yermolov and His Administration of Russian Colonial Rule of Transcaucasia(1231/1816-1242/1827) [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 149-171]
Purification Rituals in Zoroastrianism [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 69-87]
The Effects of Kandahar Issues on Political Contentions between Safavids and Baburids
(1526-1707) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 81-98]
Commercial Relations Between Iran and Genoa in Ilkhanid Period [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 51-68]
Trade Ties of Republics of Venice and Genoa with Iran in Ilkhanid Era [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 49-69]
Commer Cialization of Opium in the Iranian Economy in Qajar Period [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 69-97]
Communication routes
The Communication Roads of the Western Part of Lorestan (Tarhān) in the Sassanid Era and the Early Islamic Centuries (With an Emphasis on Spring-Routes) [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 165-193]
Study of Iranian Students’ Movement in Italy (1961- 1979) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 27-48]
Companions of Imam al-Sajjad (a)
The Value of Incongruous Historical Judgments about Imam Sajjād's Special Companions [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 163-187]
Conceptual framework
Explaining the Conceptual Model of Amirkabir Governance [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 135-171]
Conditional condition
Russian and British plans to emerge from the crisis during the period of petty tyranny [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 101-123]
Confederation of Iranian Students
Study of Iranian Students’ Movement in Italy (1961- 1979) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 27-48]
The Confusion of Resources regarding Decrees for the Establishment of Parliament during Iran Constitutional Movement [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 145-169]
Iranian first National Parliament and attempts to define and develop the "basic rights". [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 95-128]
The political and social viewpoints of Khair-ol Klam , The first newspaper of Gilan [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 1-22]
Analysis of Women’s Modern Approach in Constitution Era [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 5-33]
Nale Mellat in Despotism of Mohammad Ali Shah [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 153-175]
The State Council of Tabriz and the New Pattern of City Management [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 125-147]
Searching for the meaning and concept of constitutionalism in the perception and thought of Azerbaijani scholars [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 57-83]
Investigating the Challenges and Variable Methods of Budget Approval in Iran (from the Constitution to the End of the Qajar Government) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 11-30]
Intellectual-executive characteristics of Mirza Kuchak Khan and Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 99-117]
ʿAlāʾ al-Dawla's Action from the Perspective of the Structure of the Pre-modern City Administration [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 9-20]
Divan-e Mohasebat and the Problem of Paying Salaries in the Qajar Period
(1909-1911) [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 117-144]
Constitutional monarchy
Institutional reforms of the government from the perspective of Thaqa-ul-Islam Tabrizi (with reliance on institutionalism) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 57-85]
Constitutional restoration
Russian and British plans to emerge from the crisis during the period of petty tyranny [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 101-123]
Constitutional revolution
Constititional Revolution in Mashhad: the grounds, process and Russia policy [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 5-34]
Constitutional revolution
The political, economic and social backgrounds of the events in Kerman and its reflection in the Constitutional Revolution (1905-1906) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 215-246]
Constitutional revolution
Studying Private Property Appearance and Constitutional Revolution in Iran Through the Social Orders Approach of Institutional Economics [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 67-90]
The Structure and Function of the Border Town of Artashad in the Relations between Rome and Persia in the Sassanid Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 167-189]
Motives and goals of establishing British consulate in Mashhad during the Qajar period [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 101-127]
Contemporary epoch
When is the origin of the new epoch of Iranian history? [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 161-181]
Contradiction of theory and practice
Along with the Bolsheviks or out of them: An account of the conflict between theory and practice in the Guilan Soviet Republic [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 1-21]
The typology of companions’ contribution in Auhud battle based on The Quran and historical resources [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 5-28]
Cooperating in power approach
The Formation of Effects of Vice and Virtue in Political History of Muʿtazila [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 9-28]
Core journals
Citation analysis of the PhD thesis in history at Alzahra University in the years 1380-1391 [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 179-203]
The effective samples and concept in the area of Safavid relations relaying on the text of the correspondence [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 187-215]
Peacemaking Policy of Shah Abbas I towards the Ottoman Government (With citation to Correspondence and Treaties) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 37-61]
Cossack brigade
The Idea of Establishment of National Army
in First National Parliament of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 205-228]
The Qashqai and National Movement of Iran
(From the Beginning to End of the Mossaddegh Government) [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 89-118]
Overland Travel Speed in the Arsacid Empire Era (From 1st Century BCE to 3rd Century CE) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 17-44]
Yarghv Court: Research on Judicial Court of the Mongol [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 139-178]
Crafts Manly Economy
An Analysis on the Relations of the Economic Structures and Producing Methods in the History of Iran
(With Emphasis on Seljuk Era) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 129-151]
The investigation of social status of Artists and Craftsmen in Timurids era [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 81-106]
The Riot of Craftsmen during the Dynasty of Shah Tahmasb Safavid in Tabriz
(979-981 AH), Causes and Effects [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 66-87]
Cretan Greeks
Muslims of Crete island during the period of Ottoman rule, origin and destiny [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 11-34]
Muslims of Crete island during the period of Ottoman rule, origin and destiny [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 11-34]
Critical Discourse Analysiss
Construction of Modern Woman in Modernist Discourse of the Qajar Era [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 11-41]
Crown jewels
The Administrative Organization of Crown Jewels during the Safavid Period [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 101-126]
Coinage System and Money Exchanges in Timurid Dynasty
(With an emphasis on the eastern territory of Iran) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 151-179]
Currency Savings
Tea Industry and Oil-Free Economy in the National Government of Iran (1951-1953) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 149-168]
Cyrus II
Critical Interpretation of a Concept:
Cyrus II and Xerxes I in the Platonic Conversation "Alcibiades Major" [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 35-55]
Cyrus the Great
Alexander the Macedonian and the historical memory of Cyrus the Great [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 15-37]
Dabiran hierarchy
The Dabiri (secretary) position during the Sasanian [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 193-218]
Dabīr-e Sepāh
The “Dabīr-e Sepāh”/ “Secretary of the Corps” in the Bureaucracy of the Sasanian Empire [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 43-80]
Dabiri Position
The Dabiri (secretary) position during the Sasanian [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 193-218]
Relaition between Local Governments of Gilan, Dailaman and Mazandaran with Alavids of Tabaristan (250-316 AD) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 119-143]
Darehshuri Sheriff's
An analysis of the role of sheriff's agents in the Qashqai Darehshuri
Sub-tribe [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 109-139]
Darehshuri sub-tribe
An analysis of the role of sheriff's agents in the Qashqai Darehshuri
Sub-tribe [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 109-139]
The causes of choosing the place of Behiston Inscription by Darius The Greate. [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 113-140]
Darreh Shahr
Livelihood Patterns of Sassanid Inhabitants in the City of Darrehshahr, Based on Environmental Components and Archeological Evidences [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 153-180]
Position and Function of the Office of Darugha in the Timurid Era [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 41-78]
Dar ul-Funun
Impact of the Dar ul-Funun Training in Art Tendency in the Era of Naseri to the West (With an Emphasis on Music and Painting) [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 177-201]
Introducing, reviewing, and dating the new inscription in the historical context of Yazd city [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 157-179]
Analysis of Relations between Ali Akbar Davar and Pahlavi I [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 53-77]
David IV
Internal Events of Georgia and Georgian Invasion to The Azerbaijan in Second Seleucid Era (1121-1125) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 87-107]
Dawa’ir al-Taqdir
Investigating Ibn Barrajan’s Prediction of the Time of the Conquest of Jerusalem [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 145-163]
Dicourse Analysis of Quraysh Manners of Speakinf with the Prophet (PBUH) in the Maki Period, Based on Laclau and Mouffe Theory [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 9-32]
Declaration of loyalty
About the nature, coordinates and framework of the Achaemenid Empire [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 113-147]
Namık Kemal’s “Râz-e Del”:
Decline of Ottoman Empire as reflected in the plays “Vatan Yahut Silistre” and Gülnihal” [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 35-55]
Decline of government
The effect of Iqta in the decline of Seljuqs [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 133-155]
The Confusion of Resources regarding Decrees for the Establishment of Parliament during Iran Constitutional Movement [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 145-169]
Defensive Jihad
Historical Review of Primitive Jihad during the Prophet's Hour (pbuh) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 91-116]
Analyzing Social Crimes at Naseri Era (1264-1313 A.H) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 83-110]
Democratic Party of Iran
The dual role of the Democratic Party of Iran in women's political participation [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 107-128]
Department of History in Alzahra University
Citation analysis of the PhD thesis in history at Alzahra University in the years 1380-1391 [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 179-203]
Commer Cialization of Opium in the Iranian Economy in Qajar Period [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 69-97]
Causes And Areas of Deprivation And Underdevelopment of the Islands And Ports of The Persian Gulf, Oman Sea In the Qajar Era [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 61-85]
Despotic semi-modern state
The Impact of Pahlavi's Despotic Semi-Modern State Structure on the Rise of the Environmental Crisis in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 79-100]
Nale Mellat in Despotism of Mohammad Ali Shah [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 153-175]
Investigate the Causes of the Decline of Islamic Civilization from the Perspective of Shakib Arslan [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 47-67]
An Analysis of Effective Reasons on Destruction of Arajan After Long Time Prosperity [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 41-64]
Historical study of Iranians' deterrence and exile by the allies during the Occupation period (1941-45) [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 39-62]
Developing Plans
An Analysis of the Historical Background of the Emergence of Development Planning and the Formation of the Planning Organization in Iran (the Reign of Pahlavi 1925-1948) [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 33-57]
Iran Railway Issue in Qajar Era [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 119-136]
The Impact of Pahlavi's Despotic Semi-Modern State Structure on the Rise of the Environmental Crisis in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 79-100]
Factors Affecting the Economic Development of the Coasts and Post-Coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman in the First Pahlavi Period [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 59-86]
Developmental Process
The Impact of Agricultural Policies of Iran’s State on the Use of Groundwater through Developmental Programs (1984-1978) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 105-128]
Dhofar Rebellion
Areas of military intervention of the second Pahlavi government in the Dhofar crisis (1351-1357) [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 23-47]
The spread of Islam in Gilan and Deilman with emphasis on Sunni religions [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 75-102]
Analysis of Women’s Modern Approach in Constitution Era [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 5-33]
Construction of Modern Woman in Modernist Discourse of the Qajar Era [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 11-41]
Discourse analysis
Theoretical confrontation of "domination" and "resistance" discourses in the correspondence of Mansour Dovanighi and Mohammad Nafs Zakieh [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 171-202]
Discourse analysis
The Study of the Conflict of Discourses on Political-Religious Meanings in Al-Ma'rifah Al-Sahaba Abu Naeem Isfahani (Case Study of the Translation of the Three Caliphs and Ali) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 71-97]
Discourse of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
Critical Study of the Foreign Policy of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Based on His Written and Spoken Texts [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 43-64]
Discursive Semiotics
Discursive Semiotics Analysis of Fatimid Imamate in Odes of Mu'ayyad fi'l-Din al-Shirazi [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 137-153]
Relocation of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea trade centers in the seventh and eighth centuries AH [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 27-53]
Divainian, Military
Interaction of courtiers and military in the first period of the Fatimid caliphate in Egypt (358-487 AH) [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 126-153]
Dīvān al-Jūnd
The “Dabīr-e Sepāh”/ “Secretary of the Corps” in the Bureaucracy of the Sasanian Empire [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 43-80]
Divan-e Mohasebat
Divan-e Mohasebat and the Problem of Paying Salaries in the Qajar Period
(1909-1911) [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 117-144]
Dīvān-e Sepāh
The “Dabīr-e Sepāh”/ “Secretary of the Corps” in the Bureaucracy of the Sasanian Empire [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 43-80]
Divine Kingship
Royal Legitimacy in the Elamite Inscriptions [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 9-31]
Documentary narrativeon
Documentary narrativeon the role of Russia and Soviet Union in the famine in Iran during World War I [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 219-237]
Economic-Political Cohesion of Cultural Events in the Second Pahlavi Era
(Case Study of 2500 Year Celebration of Persian Empire) [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 173-197]
Donation of taxes
The Quality of the Safavids kings’ action towards the farmers and peasants class [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 141-166]
Douglas North
The Discrete Institutional Changes of Nader Šāh and the Evaluation of the Economic Situation of Iran in the Afšārīd Era (Emphasizing the Constitutionalism Theory of Douglass North) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 11-37]
Dual Balanced
Studying Private Property Appearance and Constitutional Revolution in Iran Through the Social Orders Approach of Institutional Economics [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 67-90]
The Organization of the Army and Military Officers in Shah Safi Era (1628- 1642 A.H.) [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 1-50]
Dynastic rule
Territorial divisions in connection with the civil governance system of the Naser al-Din Shah period (1264-1313AH/1847-1895 AD) [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 173-194]
A new Reading in the Analysis of the Functional angles of Mahdism in the Safavid Era [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 171-198]
Research on The Principles And Techniques of Ear, Throat And Nose Surgery
In traditional Medicine Of The Islamic Period
(From The Third Century To The Twelfth Century AH) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Early history of Islam
The Early History of Islam and Arabism in Egyptian Nationalist Trend (1918-1970) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 99-128]
Early Islamic Centuries
Application of Historical Maps and Documents in Locating and Understanding the Spatial Structure of Ancient Cities;
A Case Study of the City of Rey in the First Centuries of Islam [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 121-148]
Early to Medieval centuries AH
A Contemplation on the Geographic Meaning of the State and the City of Jiroft during the Islamic Era, from the Early Centuries to the Eight Century AH [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 79-100]
New Reading of the Reasons Behind the Suspension of the First Seven-year plan [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 143-175]
Historical Geography of Media after Establishing Kingdom and Its expansion(612-550 B.C) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 273-300]
The Economic Situation of Quhestan in the Early Islamic Centuries [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 149-173]
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 89-110]
Relation of political state and economical situation on during the first safavids(907-996 h) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 171-213]
The Grounds of Specialization in Shah Abbas Safavid II Period [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 105-124]
Economical Conditions
The Effects of Ghazan Reforms On Agricultural State of Ilkhanid territory [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 71-98]
Economical reform
The Priorship of Economical Reform Upon Political Reform
A Read Out on Aliakbar Dawar's Ideas & Opinions [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 23-47]
Economic Characteristics
Historical Evolution and Strategic, Military and Economical Situation of Hyrcania
in Achaemenid Period [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 167-192]
Economic crisis
The Performance of the Qajar Government Periods the Crisis of Rising Prices
(1896-1906/1314-1324 AH) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 93-118]
Economic crisis
The Role of the Government in the Economy; Rereading the Opinions and Thoughts of Ahmad Matin-Daftari [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 113-134]
Economic Development
The Impact of the Emersion of Oil to South Oil: A Case Study of Gachsaran ( 79- 1953 / 57- 1332) [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 121-148]
Economic Function
Investigating the Economic Function of the Pahlavi Foundation [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 21-42]
Economic impacts
The Evolution of the Administrative and Economic Structure of Egypt in the Achaemenid Era [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 87-106]
Economic Performance
The Discrete Institutional Changes of Nader Šāh and the Evaluation of the Economic Situation of Iran in the Afšārīd Era (Emphasizing the Constitutionalism Theory of Douglass North) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 11-37]
Economic policy
Investigating the Economic Function of the Pahlavi Foundation [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 21-42]
Economic-Political Relationship
The Role of Shahrukh Timurid Diplomacy in Indian Subcontinent [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 253-272]
Economic situation
Method and trade; commercial functions of Naqshbandiyya in the Timurid period [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 1-40]
Economic Consequences of the Discovery of the Hijab and the Market Recession in Isfahan (Relying on the Role of Jewish Traders) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 41-60]
Decline of Money Value in Safavid Era and Its Main Reasons [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 1-13]
The effect of global Crisis of 1929 on Opium Trade in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 141-165]
Causes And Areas of Deprivation And Underdevelopment of the Islands And Ports of The Persian Gulf, Oman Sea In the Qajar Era [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 61-85]
Factors Affecting the Economic Development of the Coasts and Post-Coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman in the First Pahlavi Period [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 59-86]
Educated classes
The Social Consequences of Development of the New Middle Class in Iran (1963-1978) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 9-31]
Education of Women
Reflection of perception exchanges among Intellectuals on education of women During Pahlavi I era based on three publications: Alam Nesvan, Shafagh Sorkh, and Ettelaat. [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 103-124]
Barakeh Khan and Bieber: The Impact of Religious-Economic Factors on the Deepening of Altin Ardu and Mamluk Trade Relations [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 85-101]
Export of Iranian tobacco to Egypt based on newly found documents (1919-1906 ) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 61-98]
The Evolution of the Administrative and Economic Structure of Egypt in the Achaemenid Era [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 87-106]
The Early History of Islam and Arabism in Egyptian Nationalist Trend (1918-1970) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 99-128]
The relationship between economic security in Jawhar al Siqilli's AmanName (Treaty) and the political rebellions of the first period of the Fatimid Caliphate [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 155-181]
Ehsan Tabari
Exploring Ehsan Tabari's Shifting Away from Marxism: From Speculation to Reality [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 163-185]
Political Situation of Elam after Fall to Assyrians to Rise of Achaemenids (646-550 BC) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 143-178]
Royal Legitimacy in the Elamite Inscriptions [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 9-31]
Elamite revival
Political Situation of Elam after Fall to Assyrians to Rise of Achaemenids (646-550 BC) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 143-178]
Fragile coalition; An analysis of the Tudeh party candidate's victory from the Isfahan constituency in the fourteenth round of National Consultative Assembly election (1943 A.D) [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 11-36]
Emam Kazem’s descendants
A Survey and Analysis of Tombs Attributed to The Descendants of Emam Kazem (pbuh) in Lavāssānāt (with Emphasis on study of Manuscripts and Field Surveys) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 109-142]
Emam Kazem’s descendants
A Survey and Analysis of Tombs attributed to the Descendants of Emam Kazem (pbuh) at Rūdbār Ghasrān (With Emphasis on Study of Manuscripts and Field Studies) [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 87-119]
Emir Arghun
The Role of Oirats Governors in Political Relations of the Ilkhanate [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 81-104]
Emir Nauruz
The Role of Oirats Governors in Political Relations of the Ilkhanate [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 81-104]
Emotional-Motivational assimilation
Performance assessment of Ettelaat newspaper in regards to impose a dress code (Reza Shah era) [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 113-137]
The gender aspect of the discourse of the Reza Shah government and the emphasis on the value of women's role [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 29-51]
Russian and British plans to emerge from the crisis during the period of petty tyranny [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 101-123]
The Role of Iran in Fulfilling the US Oil Profits in the Middle East during 1950-1960 [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 35-59]
Enlighted Despotism
The Priorship of Economical Reform Upon Political Reform
A Read Out on Aliakbar Dawar's Ideas & Opinions [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 23-47]
Environmental Protection
The Impact of Pahlavi's Despotic Semi-Modern State Structure on the Rise of the Environmental Crisis in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 79-100]
Environmental Protection
Preservation and Improvement of the Environment in the Fifth Development Plan (1352-1356/ 1973-1977) Based on Forests and Pastures) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 49-72]
Envri Effendi
Erzeroum Conference: The First Debates and Controversies about the Authenticity and Validity of the Zohab treaty (1843-1847) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 87-114]
Eritrean Sea
Iranian Letters of the Southern Seas of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 103-120]
Erzeroum Conference
Erzeroum Conference: The First Debates and Controversies about the Authenticity and Validity of the Zohab treaty (1843-1847) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 87-114]
Ardašīr Son of Bābak and the Goddess Anāhitā [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 35-56]
Investigating and Analyzing the Geographical Dispersion of Esterqāq in the Conquests of Amīr Taimūr Gūrkānī [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 81-103]
Epistemology of Salafism in Iran
(Case Study: The Approach of the Sunni’s Religious Currents) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 173-198]
Ethnic policy
A Survey of Seyyed Hasan Taghizadeh’s Views and Performance on Ethnic Politics in Iran (Pahlavi Era) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 127-149]
Livelihood Patterns of Sassanid Inhabitants in the City of Darrehshahr, Based on Environmental Components and Archeological Evidences [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 153-180]
Reflection of perception exchanges among Intellectuals on education of women During Pahlavi I era based on three publications: Alam Nesvan, Shafagh Sorkh, and Ettelaat. [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 103-124]
Ettelaat Newspaper
Performance assessment of Ettelaat newspaper in regards to impose a dress code (Reza Shah era) [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 113-137]
Evliya Çelebi
Iran and Iranians in Ibn Battuta and Evliya Çelebi’s books of travel [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 117-140]
The Quality of the Safavids kings’ action towards the farmers and peasants class [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 141-166]
An analitic approach to the reaction of infallible Imams toward the exaggeration in Imamat [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 219-267]
Exercise of Power
Ambassadors presence at court and its Relationship to the Issue of Authoritarianism and The exercise of the power of Shah Based on the Narratives of Shah Abbas Travel Writers [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 57-80]
Historical study of Iranians' deterrence and exile by the allies during the Occupation period (1941-45) [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 39-62]
Exile and Diaspora؛ Byzantine؛ Sasanians
The Role and Influence of Exiled and Transmitted People in Sasanian Era [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 137-167]
Expected Performance
The Typology of Women’s Political Performance in The Abbasid Institution (132-656 A.H) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 135-159]
The Economic Situation of Quhestan in the Early Islamic Centuries [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 149-173]
Factories Hygiene
The Condition of Labors' Health and Factories Hygiene and the Enactment of the First Labors' Health Code in Iran during the Pahlavi Era (1925-1953) [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 15-41]
Fadakaran-e Azarbayjan
Establishment of Fadakaran-e Azarbayjan with the Leadership of Mohammad Dayhim and Its Action in National Government of Mosaddegh [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 29-45]
Fairclough Discourse Analysis
Sociological Analysis of the Language Policy Discourse during the First Pahlavi Period (Emphasizing the approvals of the Higher Education Council) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 169-195]
Faith Uncertainty
The Criteria of Evaluating Ratio of Society to Ignorance in Nahdj al-Balagha [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 33-48]
Fal family
The issue of "Bahrain" in the conflicts of the regional powers of the Persian Gulf in the tenth / sixteenth century AD [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 139-169]
Falsifiability method
Rereading of falsifibility of two main hypotheses regarding Rostam al-Tawarikh [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 37-55]
Reconsidering the Philosophy of History in the Thought of Historical Knowledge; the Explanation of the Wisdom of History from the Perspective of Fardid [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 29-51]
The Effects of Ghazan Reforms On Agricultural State of Ilkhanid territory [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 71-98]
An Analyzes on administrative tradition in Persian Gulf(Bandar-Abbas farming by Muscat ruler (1209-1285) [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 165-191]
The Analysis of Shah Ismail’s Relationship with The Shervanshahan (1500-1542) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 57-85]
The Intra-City Social conflicts of Shiraz in the 8th century and he effects of external forces on them [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 47-62]
Examining Government Solutions To Crisis Management And Meeting The Health And Public Health Challenges Of Fars
(1304-1320) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 69-88]
An Analysis of the Implementation of the Nomadic Settlement Policy in the Mamassani Region, Relying on Documents [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 71-89]
Fars State
The Influence of Politico-Sociologic Model of Fars State on The practical Policy of Inju Rulers [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 5-33]
Fars State
The plans and obstacles of the first Pahlavi government to implement compulsory military service in Fars state(1926-1929) [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 81-107]
Fars Tribes
Investigate the Role of point IV of Truman in Fars Nomadic Education and Training [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 35-55]
A critical study on the correction of Fatimian historiographical texts:
the case study of treatise "Sirat Al-Hajib" Published by Vladimir Ivanov and Husam Khazour [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
FathAli Beig Vakil
Relations Between the Two Kurdish Houses of Vakil and Ardalan from 1779 to 1803 [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 9-34]
Fatimid Cities of the Ifrīḳiya: Evaluating the Achievements of the Fatimids in the urban development of Maghrib [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 97-125]
Fatimid Caliphate
Interaction of courtiers and military in the first period of the Fatimid caliphate in Egypt (358-487 AH) [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 126-153]
Fatimid Caliphate
Critical research in sources: A case study on the lineage of the Fatimid caliphs [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 37-58]
Fatimid Caliphate
The relationship between economic security in Jawhar al Siqilli's AmanName (Treaty) and the political rebellions of the first period of the Fatimid Caliphate [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 155-181]
Fatimid lineage
Critical research in sources: A case study on the lineage of the Fatimid caliphs [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 37-58]
Political and Religious Relationships between Fatimids and Zirids: Independence from Fatimids during Moezz the Zirid Period [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 57-79]
the Ashraf of Hijaz and Saljooqs Affair [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 35-57]
The Political and Religious Function of Poetry in the Era of the Egyptian Fatimids (358-567 AH) in dealing with Their Foreign Opponents [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 9-33]
Fatimids in Egypt
The formation of The Rank of Sheikh-al-Shoyookh and its functions in The Saljooqs Era [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 59-74]
Feeling of security
Historical study of the insecurities of the Mongol era and its role in the moral decline of Iranians [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 1-29]
Female Teachers
The occupational status of female teachers in the era of Reza Shah [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 15-44]
Ferdows Al-Murshediyyah
The image of Tawwaj in Ferdows al-Morshediyyah [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 111-133]
How Yazdgerd III Ascend to the Throne?
(Study of Historical Sources with Emphasis on Shahnameh) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 87-106]
Who Is the First Mythical Doctor of Iran? [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 5-23]
Feyli Kurds
Investigating the Factors Influencing on the Being Problematic of Iraqi Feyli Kurds' Citizenship in the Last Hundred Years [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 151-175]
Fifth century AH
History of Muslim ophthalmology until the fifth century AH [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 23-49]
Fight against perversion
Strategies to combat norm-breaking in the prophetic age [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 77-103]
Financial Committee
Confrontation between National Consultative Assembly and the Old Constitution of Power,
An Analysis of the Reaction of the Court and Princes to the financial Reform of the First Parliament [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 153-176]
Financial corruption
Investigating the Relationship Between Power Building and Financial Corruption and Its Consequences (From the Nasserite Era to the Constitutional Revolution) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 209-231]
Financial court
Application of Financial Terms in Administrative System in Safavid Period [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 149-173]
Financial terms
Application of Financial Terms in Administrative System in Safavid Period [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 149-173]
Analysis of the Archetype in Halilrood Civilization Basin Based on Yung Theory [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 83-104]
Fire temples
Ardašīr Son of Bābak and the Goddess Anāhitā [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 35-56]
First Centuries
Reflections on Multiple Readings of the Mani Movement in the Historiography of the First Centuries [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 87-108]
First millennium BC
The first Qanats of the Qazvin Plain
Based on Archaeological Findings and Written Sources [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
First Pahlavi
Factors Affecting the Economic Development of the Coasts and Post-Coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman in the First Pahlavi Period [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 59-86]
Explaining the role of relative deprivation in joining the social classes to the Abbasid movement [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 11-33]
Foad Pasha
Malkum and Playing Role in Ottoman Tanzimat [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 25-40]
Event of Karbala and representation the ruling discourse in Abu mikhnaf historiography [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 29-48]
Critical Study of the Foreign Policy of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Based on His Written and Spoken Texts [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 43-64]
Analytical study of bilateral acquisition of Iranian and Ottoman citizens [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 149-168]
Foreign Forces
Analysis of "The Problem of The High Cost of Bread"In Kurdistan in Qajar Period And Its Creative Factors
(1332-1342) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 39-67]
Foreign Policy
Iran Railway Issue in Qajar Era [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 119-136]
Foreign policy of Iran
Critical Study of the Foreign Policy of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Based on His Written and Spoken Texts [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 43-64]
Forest movement
Along with the Bolsheviks or out of them: An account of the conflict between theory and practice in the Guilan Soviet Republic [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 1-21]
The Structure and Function of the Border Town of Artashad in the Relations between Rome and Persia in the Sassanid Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 167-189]
A new Reading in the Analysis of the Functional angles of Mahdism in the Safavid Era [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 171-198]
Functional Typology
The Typology of Women’s Political Performance in The Abbasid Institution (132-656 A.H) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 135-159]
The Impact of the Emersion of Oil to South Oil: A Case Study of Gachsaran ( 79- 1953 / 57- 1332) [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 121-148]
Gasoline taxes
Crisis in the Anti-Poverty Commissions and the formation of the organization of labor camps: 1952-1959 [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 45-63]
The gender aspect of the discourse of the Reza Shah government and the emphasis on the value of women's role [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 29-51]
Gender Discrimination
The new concept of motherhood and education of women in the era of Reza Shah [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 15-36]
Gender Discrimination
The occupational status of female teachers in the era of Reza Shah [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 15-44]
Gender Policy
The gender aspect of the discourse of the Reza Shah government and the emphasis on the value of women's role [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 29-51]
A Survey and Analysis of Tombs Attributed to The Descendants of Emam Kazem (pbuh) in Lavāssānāt (with Emphasis on study of Manuscripts and Field Surveys) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 109-142]
A Survey and Analysis of Tombs attributed to the Descendants of Emam Kazem (pbuh) at Rūdbār Ghasrān (With Emphasis on Study of Manuscripts and Field Studies) [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 87-119]
General Health
Examining Government Solutions To Crisis Management And Meeting The Health And Public Health Challenges Of Fars
(1304-1320) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 69-88]
Commercial Relations Between Iran and Genoa in Ilkhanid Period [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 51-68]
Trade Ties of Republics of Venice and Genoa with Iran in Ilkhanid Era [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 49-69]
Geographical dispersion
Investigating and Analyzing the Geographical Dispersion of Esterqāq in the Conquests of Amīr Taimūr Gūrkānī [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 81-103]
An Analytical Study of the Role of the Geographical Factors in the Iran-Greece Wars During the Achaemenid Period [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 165-187]
Internal Events of Georgia and Georgian Invasion to The Azerbaijan in Second Seleucid Era (1121-1125) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 87-107]
The Role of Political Marriages in Establishing the Safavid Rule During the Reign of Shah Tahmasb I [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 129-152]
Books of etiquette and its role in social historian (with an emphasis on the Qajar era) [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 65-102]
Reforming the Bureaucracy of Iran during Ghajar: The Case of Employment Laws [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 5-38]
The effects of the great Indian uprising (1857 AD / 1273 AH) in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 121-140]
The effect of restoring the caliphate in Egypt on the religious posturing Ghazan Khan [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 11-34]
Ghazan khan
The Effects of Ghazan Reforms On Agricultural State of Ilkhanid territory [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 71-98]
Ghazawat of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Historical Review of Primitive Jihad during the Prophet's Hour (pbuh) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 91-116]
The Rivalry between Khorasani and Iraqi Secretaries in Ghaznavid Bureaucracy [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 193-218]
The Role of Political Marriages in Establishing the Safavid Rule During the Reign of Shah Tahmasb I [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 129-152]
Relaition between Local Governments of Gilan, Dailaman and Mazandaran with Alavids of Tabaristan (250-316 AD) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 119-143]
The spread of Islam in Gilan and Deilman with emphasis on Sunni religions [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 75-102]
Intellectual-executive characteristics of Mirza Kuchak Khan and Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 99-117]
Gilan's Constitution
The political and social viewpoints of Khair-ol Klam , The first newspaper of Gilan [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 1-22]
Kurdish Girls and the Development of Modern Schools during Reza Shah (1304- 1320) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 139-161]
Girls' schools
The new concept of motherhood and education of women in the era of Reza Shah [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 15-36]
Girls' schools
The occupational status of female teachers in the era of Reza Shah [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 15-44]
Glen Gagon
Investigate the Role of point IV of Truman in Fars Nomadic Education and Training [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 35-55]
Global Crisis
The effect of global Crisis of 1929 on Opium Trade in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 141-165]
Global Economic Crisis
Iran’s Foreign Trade Monopoly Act of 1931:
Backgrounds, Aims and Consequences [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 25-55]
Goddess Anāhitā
Ardašīr Son of Bābak and the Goddess Anāhitā [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 35-56]
Gold and Silver
The Role of Gold in the Sassanid Society and Economy [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 176-190]
Golden Army
Teymourian relations with the Khanate of the eastern Qabchaq plain [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 1-23]
Golden Army
Factors influencing the relations of the Ilkhans with the Jaghtayans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 81-106]
Golden Horde
Trebizonds' status in the Anatolian Blockade by Ilkhanids [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 71-93]
Theoretical confrontation of "domination" and "resistance" discourses in the correspondence of Mansour Dovanighi and Mohammad Nafs Zakieh [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 171-202]
An investigation the effect of Nomadism on Iran’s military structure from the Safavid until the late Qajar era [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 35-68]
Median Rulers In Neo-Assyrian Text. [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 87-107]
Sayyid Jamal; Imposing the Traditional Meaning of Caliphate on the Modern Concept of Government [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 55-70]
Government authority
Iranian first National Parliament and attempts to define and develop the "basic rights". [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 95-128]
Government structure
The role of Iranshahri culture in the structure of the Umayyad state [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 49-74]
Economic-Political Cohesion of Cultural Events in the Second Pahlavi Era
(Case Study of 2500 Year Celebration of Persian Empire) [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 173-197]
Great Khorasan
Reinvestigation of Nature of revolt of Rāfi‘ ibn Layth [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 69-93]
Greco-Persian Wars
The Achaemenid Presence in Ionia: From the End of the Peloponnesian War to the Peace of Antalcidas (404-387 BCE) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 93-117]
An Analytical Study of the Role of the Geographical Factors in the Iran-Greece Wars During the Achaemenid Period [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 165-187]
Achaemenes and the Black Sea; Causes and results of the expansion of an empire [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 127-154]
Groundwater Crisis
The Impact of Agricultural Policies of Iran’s State on the Use of Groundwater through Developmental Programs (1984-1978) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 105-128]
A Survey on the Formation of Trade Competitions in the Persian Gulf and Its Reflection in Port Guangzhou (Canton), China (Seventh to Ninth Centuries AD) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Guard of Border
Defensive and Border Fortifications of the Parthians and their Tactic in Control of the Frontier [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 113-136]
Guilan silk role in the economy under the Safavid to the end of The Shah Abbas I [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 125-151]
Challenges and issues facing the silk production industry and guilan Silkworm farmers 1300-1335Ah/1882-1917AD [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 65-95]
Guilan economy
Challenges and issues facing the silk production industry and guilan Silkworm farmers 1300-1335Ah/1882-1917AD [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 65-95]
Guilan export
Challenges and issues facing the silk production industry and guilan Silkworm farmers 1300-1335Ah/1882-1917AD [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 65-95]
Namık Kemal’s “Râz-e Del”:
Decline of Ottoman Empire as reflected in the plays “Vatan Yahut Silistre” and Gülnihal” [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 35-55]
Haidar Safavi
Sheikh Jafar Safavi, a Famous but Unknown Person in the Safavid Tradition , [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 107-125]
Citation analysis of the PhD thesis in history at Alzahra University in the years 1380-1391 [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 179-203]
Halilrood Civilization Basin
Analysis of the Archetype in Halilrood Civilization Basin Based on Yung Theory [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 83-104]
The Importance of Alvand Mountain in the Parthian Period Based on Historical and Archaeological Evidence [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 193-224]
Hamedan labor movement during the national movement [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 173-192]
Khwarazmshahids’ religious policy towards Hanafism and its followers [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 165-189]
Hanafite school
Khwarazmshahids’ religious policy towards Hanafism and its followers [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 165-189]
The establishment of the Bani-Annazi local government (328-448 AH) centered on Holvan during the Al-Buyeh period [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 85-106]
Hassan Ali Khan
Political Conditions of Kurdistan from Death of Nader to End of Zandiah (1747-1786) [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 97-120]
Hassan bin Muhammad
The first theorist of citation An analytical study of the letter of Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah about citation [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 127-152]
The Effect of the Transfer of Charismatic Authority on the Formation of Muhammad Nafs Zakyya's Uprising [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 173-201]
Hawraman rebellion in the age of Naser-al-din Shahe Qajar (1284-1286 Lunar) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 5-39]
The Value of Incongruous Historical Judgments about Imam Sajjād's Special Companions [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 163-187]
Economic-Political Cohesion of Cultural Events in the Second Pahlavi Era
(Case Study of 2500 Year Celebration of Persian Empire) [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 173-197]
Reconsidering the Philosophy of History in the Thought of Historical Knowledge; the Explanation of the Wisdom of History from the Perspective of Fardid [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 29-51]
Helmand River
Border Challenges between Iran and Afghanistan during the age of Reza Shah [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 111-142]
Migration of Iranian artists to the Ottoman Empire: Late Timurid and early Safavid periods (932-811 AH / 1528-1409 AD) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 55-79]
Analysis of the Spread of Plague in Iran , Interval and Timurid Period (1336 - 1506 A.C) [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 121-138]
Hierarchical analyses
Hierarchical Analysis of the Failure Factors of the Nafs Zakieh Movement [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 87-116]
Higher Education Council
Sociological Analysis of the Language Policy Discourse during the First Pahlavi Period (Emphasizing the approvals of the Higher Education Council) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 169-195]
High-ranking officers
The Organization of the Army and Military Officers in Shah Safi Era (1628- 1642 A.H.) [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 1-50]
Historical explanation of the relationship between politics, trade and pilgrimage in the Hejaz (first century AD) [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 93-112]
The Survey of Transition in Role of Hirbads in Sassanid Era [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 69-81]
Historical Evolution and Strategic, Military and Economical Situation of Hyrcania
in Achaemenid Period [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 167-192]
Historical Documents
Divan-e Mohasebat and the Problem of Paying Salaries in the Qajar Period
(1909-1911) [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 117-144]
Historical Enclosures
An analysis on the role of making the establishment of earthquake in the desolate plain index for meymeh (Isfahan) in Islam [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 31-60]
Historical epoch
When is the origin of the new epoch of Iranian history? [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 161-181]
Historical events
Historiography in Ancient Iran, its nature
and style with respect to different approaches
to the concept of "History" [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 167-218]
Historical evidence
Introducing, reviewing, and dating the new inscription in the historical context of Yazd city [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 157-179]
Historical Geography
Study of Historical Geography of Media before Establishment and Expansion of The Kingdom
(672-835 BC) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 143-165]
Historical Geography
Historical Geography of Media after Establishing Kingdom and Its expansion(612-550 B.C) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 273-300]
Historical knowledge
Reconsidering the Philosophy of History in the Thought of Historical Knowledge; the Explanation of the Wisdom of History from the Perspective of Fardid [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 29-51]
Historical Maps and Documents
Application of Historical Maps and Documents in Locating and Understanding the Spatial Structure of Ancient Cities;
A Case Study of the City of Rey in the First Centuries of Islam [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 121-148]
Historical monuments
Pahlavi's Modernist Policies in Urban Structure and Its Impact on Historical Urban Fabric (Case Study: Yazd City, 1310 - 1332 Ah) [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 173-197]
Historical period
Reconsidering the Philosophy of History in the Thought of Historical Knowledge; the Explanation of the Wisdom of History from the Perspective of Fardid [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 29-51]
Historical resources
The typology of companions’ contribution in Auhud battle based on The Quran and historical resources [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 5-28]
Historical Texts
An analysis on the role of making the establishment of earthquake in the desolate plain index for meymeh (Isfahan) in Islam [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 31-60]
Historical Theology
Citation of Reporting and Principle of Responsibility with Emphasis on Religious Historical Texts [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 9-28]
Historiography in Ancient Iran, its nature
and style with respect to different approaches
to the concept of "History" [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 167-218]
Dating systems in Safavid historiography [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 219-252]
How Yazdgerd III Ascend to the Throne?
(Study of Historical Sources with Emphasis on Shahnameh) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 87-106]
Reflections on Multiple Readings of the Mani Movement in the Historiography of the First Centuries [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 87-108]
Safavid history from the window of Islamism; A Reflection on the Influence of Islamist Thoughts in Safavid Studies by Morteza Motahari and Ali Shariati [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 63-82]
Toponymy of the western half of Iran in the historical writings of the 3rd-9th lunar centuries
(Jebal, Qohestan and Iraq-e Ajam) [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 81-110]
Historiography in Ancient Iran, its nature
and style with respect to different approaches
to the concept of "History" [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 167-218]
Unemployment as a Historical Concept: An approach for research on history of unemployment in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 59-79]
The Early History of Islam and Arabism in Egyptian Nationalist Trend (1918-1970) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 99-128]
History of calligraphy
The evolution of Quranic lines in the Islamic world [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 53-75]
History of Imamiyya Hadith
The Value of Incongruous Historical Judgments about Imam Sajjād's Special Companions [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 163-187]
History of Iran
Typology of Legitimacy System in Timur period [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 63-88]
History of labor
Breaking the voices of the oil industry workers in the uproar of the National Oil
Movement from
(History from below) [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 133-155]
History of Muslim urban development
Fatimid Cities of the Ifrīḳiya: Evaluating the Achievements of the Fatimids in the urban development of Maghrib [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 97-125]
History regarding
Historiography in Ancient Iran, its nature
and style with respect to different approaches
to the concept of "History" [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 167-218]
The establishment of the Bani-Annazi local government (328-448 AH) centered on Holvan during the Al-Buyeh period [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 85-106]
Homāy Čehrzād
Farrah i Bānōg i Gïhān/ Hazār Nowrūz va Mihrgān [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 55-77]
The most powerful lawyer of the Iranian Mongol Empire in India; Mohammad Bayram Baharloo addressed to the khans [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 119-138]
Rethinking on the Evolution of the Concept of “Barbarian” in Archaic Greece: From the Trojan War to Greco-Persian Wars [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 119-142]
The gender aspect of the discourse of the Reza Shah government and the emphasis on the value of women's role [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 29-51]
House of Inju
The Intra-City Social conflicts of Shiraz in the 8th century and he effects of external forces on them [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 47-62]
the Change in the Mentality of the Iranian society's elites about Women's Employment (From the Constitutional Revolution to 1332 AH) [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
The Role of Housing Policies in the Dissatisfaction of Workers of Anglo Iranian Oil Company in Khuzestan Oilfields [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 53-78]
Husam Khazour
A critical study on the correction of Fatimian historiographical texts:
the case study of treatise "Sirat Al-Hajib" Published by Vladimir Ivanov and Husam Khazour [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
The Economic Situation of Quhestan in the Early Islamic Centuries [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 149-173]
Hussein ibn Ali
Weapons of Hussein ibn Ali and his Companions in Karbala [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 49-69]
Parthians and the issue of Hyrcanian independence [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 77-99]
Ibādhi traders
A Survey on the Formation of Trade Competitions in the Persian Gulf and Its Reflection in Port Guangzhou (Canton), China (Seventh to Ninth Centuries AD) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Ibn Barrajan
Investigating Ibn Barrajan’s Prediction of the Time of the Conquest of Jerusalem [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 145-163]
Ibn Battuta
Iran and Iranians in Ibn Battuta and Evliya Çelebi’s books of travel [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 117-140]
Ibn Ishaq
Reflections of Israelis in the film Mohammad Rasoolullah (PBUH) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 45-70]
The Principles of Political Thought and The Theory of “Imamate Qahrieh” by Ibn Jamaeh, based on The Book pf Tahrir Al-Ahkam fi Tadbir Ahl-Islam [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 111-134]
Ibn Tumart
Role of Ibn Tumart's Charismatic Leadership in Almohad's Victory [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 107-131]
Ibn Zaki al-Din
Investigating Ibn Barrajan’s Prediction of the Time of the Conquest of Jerusalem [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 145-163]
Ibrahimi family
The political, economic and social backgrounds of the events in Kerman and its reflection in the Constitutional Revolution (1905-1906) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 215-246]
Ibrahim Khalil Khan Karabaghi
Ibrahim Khalil Khan Javanshir Karabaghi's relations with the Ottoman government [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 83-112]
Identity Absolutism
Epistemology of Salafism in Iran
(Case Study: The Approach of the Sunni’s Religious Currents) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 173-198]
Identity and gender
The new concept of motherhood and education of women in the era of Reza Shah [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 15-36]
The Criteria of Evaluating Ratio of Society to Ignorance in Nahdj al-Balagha [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 33-48]
Commercial Relations Between Iran and Genoa in Ilkhanid Period [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 51-68]
Trade Ties of Republics of Venice and Genoa with Iran in Ilkhanid Era [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 49-69]
Trebizonds' status in the Anatolian Blockade by Ilkhanids [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 71-93]
Factors influencing the relations of the Ilkhans with the Jaghtayans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 81-106]
Yarghv Court: Research on Judicial Court of the Mongol [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 139-178]
The Effects of Ghazan Reforms On Agricultural State of Ilkhanid territory [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 71-98]
The Strategic Treaty Between Muawiya and Amr b. Ās [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 217-239]
Imam Ali (peace be upon him
Freedmen in Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) Caliphate Studying Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) Essentials of Ethology on Freedmen [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 157-180]
Critical Analysis of Suspicion Reasons of Sayyed Mohammad ' s Imamate (Imam Hadi’s Son) [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 143-166]
Imamate claim
Analysis and explanation of the claim of Imamate of Abdullah Afteh and the reasons for rejecting his Imamate [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 139-160]
Imamate Qahrieh
The Principles of Political Thought and The Theory of “Imamate Qahrieh” by Ibn Jamaeh, based on The Book pf Tahrir Al-Ahkam fi Tadbir Ahl-Islam [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 111-134]
Reflecting the social identity of the Imamiyyah of Ray in al- Naqż [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 163-185]
Imam Jomeh
Unconventional Livelihood Methods and Economic Challenges of Zanjan Jameh Mosque theologues in the Qajar Era [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 111-141]
Imam Kazem
Analysis and explanation of the claim of Imamate of Abdullah Afteh and the reasons for rejecting his Imamate [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 139-160]
Imam Sadiq
Analysis and explanation of the claim of Imamate of Abdullah Afteh and the reasons for rejecting his Imamate [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 139-160]
Imam's knowledge
Historical review of the sources of science and human knowledge of Shia imams [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 91-118]
Imperial Inspection office
An Investigation of the Formation Process
of the Royal Inspection Office in 1337 [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 99-121]
Imposed assimilation
A Survey of Seyyed Hasan Taghizadeh’s Views and Performance on Ethnic Politics in Iran (Pahlavi Era) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 127-149]
Imposing a Dress Code
Performance assessment of Ettelaat newspaper in regards to impose a dress code (Reza Shah era) [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 113-137]
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 89-110]
Independent women's organizations (Women's Party
The dual role of the Democratic Party of Iran in women's political participation [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 107-128]
The effects of the great Indian uprising (1857 AD / 1273 AH) in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 121-140]
Indian Subcontinent
The Role of Shahrukh Timurid Diplomacy in Indian Subcontinent [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 253-272]
Indian uprising
The effects of the great Indian uprising (1857 AD / 1273 AH) in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 121-140]
Individual freedom
Iranian first National Parliament and attempts to define and develop the "basic rights". [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 95-128]
The endeavor of Qajar women: individuality, the world of tradition and its transition [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-23]
Inductive method
Rereading of falsifibility of two main hypotheses regarding Rostam al-Tawarikh [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 37-55]
Industrial Development
Investigating the Economic Function of the Pahlavi Foundation [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 21-42]
Iran’s Foreign Trade Monopoly Act of 1931:
Backgrounds, Aims and Consequences [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 25-55]
Industrial School
Technical Schools and Trans-Iranian Railway (1928-1941) [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 177-198]
Analysis of "The Problem of The High Cost of Bread"In Kurdistan in Qajar Period And Its Creative Factors
(1332-1342) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 39-67]
The Performance of the Qajar Government Periods the Crisis of Rising Prices
(1896-1906/1314-1324 AH) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 93-118]
Inju Local Governors
The Influence of Politico-Sociologic Model of Fars State on The practical Policy of Inju Rulers [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 5-33]
Inner Adherences
An Analysis on the Relations of the Economic Structures and Producing Methods in the History of Iran
(With Emphasis on Seljuk Era) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 129-151]
Introducing, reviewing, and dating the new inscription in the historical context of Yazd city [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 157-179]
A research on the mystical significance of "La" based on archaeological evidence [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 43-66]
The process of Rising to Power by Reza Khan based on Institutionalist Approach [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 33-60]
The Discrete Institutional Changes of Nader Šāh and the Evaluation of the Economic Situation of Iran in the Afšārīd Era (Emphasizing the Constitutionalism Theory of Douglass North) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 11-37]
Institutional reforms of the government from the perspective of Thaqa-ul-Islam Tabrizi (with reliance on institutionalism) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 57-85]
Institutional reforms
Institutional reforms of the government from the perspective of Thaqa-ul-Islam Tabrizi (with reliance on institutionalism) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 57-85]
The Emergence of Modern Iranian Capitalism: A Case Study of Islamiyeh Company [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 35-55]
Internalization of values
Strategies to combat norm-breaking in the prophetic age [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 77-103]
International law
Compare of the Reasons of the Contravention of Iran’s Neutrality in the First and Second World War [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 35-70]
International relations
Compare of the Reasons of the Contravention of Iran’s Neutrality in the First and Second World War [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 35-70]
Intoxicants prohibition decree
The Impact of Intoxicants Prohibition Decree of Shah Tahmasb I on Opium Consumption in the First Period of the Safavid Reign (907-996 AH) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 37-64]
The effect of Iqta in the decline of Seljuqs [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 133-155]
Centers of Iran Silk Trade during Timurids and Turkmans Period (9th Century AH) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 1-24]
The effects of the great Indian uprising (1857 AD / 1273 AH) in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 121-140]
Teymourian relations with the Khanate of the eastern Qabchaq plain [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 1-23]
Analytical study of bilateral acquisition of Iranian and Ottoman citizens [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 149-168]
Migration of Iranian artists to the Ottoman Empire: Late Timurid and early Safavid periods (932-811 AH / 1528-1409 AD) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 55-79]
Export of Iranian tobacco to Egypt based on newly found documents (1919-1906 ) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 61-98]
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 89-110]
Compare of the Reasons of the Contravention of Iran’s Neutrality in the First and Second World War [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 35-70]
The Opening of the Silk Road: Contact and Interaction Between Iranian and Chinese Cultures During the Explorations of Zhang Qian to the Eastern Borders of Arsacides [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 5-28]
Safavid and Ottoman Tension's Consequences on the Stance of Ardalan Principality [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 121-144]
Iran and Iranians in Ibn Battuta and Evliya Çelebi’s books of travel [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 117-140]
Study of Iran’s traditional relations and British East India Company in Zand era based on System Theory [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 159-178]
Trade Ties of Republics of Venice and Genoa with Iran in Ilkhanid Era [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 49-69]
A study in Shi'a-Sunni Strife in Atabat-i Aliyat in Nineteenth Century (with Emphasis on Ottoman Archives Documents) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 123-141]
Obstacles for cultural-social convergence of Iran and Afghanistan in Pahlavi age [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 199-218]
An investigation the effect of Nomadism on Iran’s military structure from the Safavid until the late Qajar era [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 35-68]
Communication and Causes of Problems between Iran and Afghanistan (1324-1344 A. H) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 191-218]
Explain And Analyze The Role Of Social Classes In The Process Of Civilization In Safavid Government [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 139-167]
Unemployment as a Historical Concept: An approach for research on history of unemployment in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 59-79]
Study of Iranian Students’ Movement in Italy (1961- 1979) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 27-48]
The Influence of Political Instability on the Social Corruptions of Iranian Judges in 14th Century, Based on Poetry [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 149-171]
The Impact of Pahlavi's Despotic Semi-Modern State Structure on the Rise of the Environmental Crisis in Iran [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 79-100]
Iranian and Chinese Relations in the Sassanid Period and Its Impact on Chinese Culture, Based on the Chinese Sources [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 9-35]
Investigating the Factors Influencing on the Being Problematic of Iraqi Feyli Kurds' Citizenship in the Last Hundred Years [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 151-175]
Tabriz, Modernity and Its Impact on Modern Iranian Urban planning [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 181-208]
Epistemology of Salafism in Iran
(Case Study: The Approach of the Sunni’s Religious Currents) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 173-198]
Explaining the Conceptual Model of Amirkabir Governance [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 135-171]
Investigating the Relationship Between Power Building and Financial Corruption and Its Consequences (From the Nasserite Era to the Constitutional Revolution) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 209-231]
Ibrahim Khalil Khan Javanshir Karabaghi's relations with the Ottoman government [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 83-112]
Erzeroum Conference: The First Debates and Controversies about the Authenticity and Validity of the Zohab treaty (1843-1847) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 87-114]
A new Reading in the Analysis of the Functional angles of Mahdism in the Safavid Era [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 171-198]
Iran Dabir-bod
The Dabiri (secretary) position during the Sasanian [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 193-218]
Iranian art
Investigating Opinions and Views on the Starting Point of the Emergence of the Ta'ziyeh Demonstrative Form [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 19-42]
Iranian Charity Association in Tbilisi
Social Capital and Iranian Charity Association in Tbilisi [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 117-140]
Iranian City
From Baghdad to Madinat al-Salam: Tracing an Ancient Toponym from the Second Millennium BCE to the Abbasid Caliphate [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Iranian constitution
Searching for the meaning and concept of constitutionalism in the perception and thought of Azerbaijani scholars [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 57-83]
Iranian Constitutional Revolution
Export of Iranian tobacco to Egypt based on newly found documents (1919-1906 ) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 61-98]
Iranian Economy
Commer Cialization of Opium in the Iranian Economy in Qajar Period [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 69-97]
Iranian identity
Theoretical Review of the Concept of “Shiite art” Emphasizing the Study of Shiite Approaches In the Timurid Era Architecture [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 101-126]
Iranian immigrants
The most powerful lawyer of the Iranian Mongol Empire in India; Mohammad Bayram Baharloo addressed to the khans [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 119-138]
Iranian Marxism
The impact of Iranian Fantasy on Marxism: A study on the Tudeh Party of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 117-150]
Iranian nationalism
Iranian Nationalism and the Issue of Azerbaijan and the Turkish Language
(Emphasizing on Periodicals of Transition Era From Qajar to Pahlavi) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 73-91]
Iran and Iranians in Ibn Battuta and Evliya Çelebi’s books of travel [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 117-140]
Historical study of Iranians' deterrence and exile by the allies during the Occupation period (1941-45) [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 39-62]
Iranian society
Spread Causes of Addiction and its Harmful Effect on Pahlavi Society [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 137-163]
Iranian woman
Familiarity of Iranians With the Position of Women in American Society Through the Press and Missionary Schools in the Qajar Period [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 71-92]
Iran-Iraq War
The effect of renewed war between Iran and Iraq on the issue of the three islands in 1371/1992 [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 63-80]
Iranshahri Culture
The role of Iranshahri culture in the structure of the Umayyad state [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 49-74]
Iran’s History
An Analysis on the Relations of the Economic Structures and Producing Methods in the History of Iran
(With Emphasis on Seljuk Era) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 129-151]
A study in Shi'a-Sunni Strife in Atabat-i Aliyat in Nineteenth Century (with Emphasis on Ottoman Archives Documents) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 123-141]
Investigating the Factors Influencing on the Being Problematic of Iraqi Feyli Kurds' Citizenship in the Last Hundred Years [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 151-175]
Iraq-e Ajam
The Rivalry between Khorasani and Iraqi Secretaries in Ghaznavid Bureaucracy [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 193-218]
Iraq-e Ajam
Toponymy of the western half of Iran in the historical writings of the 3rd-9th lunar centuries
(Jebal, Qohestan and Iraq-e Ajam) [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 81-110]
Iraqi businessmen
A Survey on the Formation of Trade Competitions in the Persian Gulf and Its Reflection in Port Guangzhou (Canton), China (Seventh to Ninth Centuries AD) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 89-116]
The Emergence of Modern Iranian Capitalism: A Case Study of Islamiyeh Company [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 35-55]
A Survey on the Relevance Between Political Stability and Water Management in the Safavid Isfahan [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 99-120]
Fragile coalition; An analysis of the Tudeh party candidate's victory from the Isfahan constituency in the fourteenth round of National Consultative Assembly election (1943 A.D) [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 11-36]
Isfahan Mayma Plain
An analysis on the role of making the establishment of earthquake in the desolate plain index for meymeh (Isfahan) in Islam [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 31-60]
The Conquest of the Azerbaijan and Tendency of its People to Islam (22- 35 AH) [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 1-22]
Freedmen in Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) Caliphate Studying Imam Ali’s (Peace be upon him) Essentials of Ethology on Freedmen [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 157-180]
Islamic art
The evolution of Quranic lines in the Islamic world [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 53-75]
Islamic Consultative Parliament
The Confusion of Resources regarding Decrees for the Establishment of Parliament during Iran Constitutional Movement [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 145-169]
Islamic historical accounts
Exploring the Illustrations of the Women in the Battle of Karbala, with a Focus on Zaynab bint Ali (p)—Case: Lithographic Manuscripts of Kulliyat-e Joodi [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 141-172]
Islamic Historiography
Components of Sha'bi Historiography Based on Remaining Narratives of Him in Classical Historical Texts [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 9-31]
Islamic History
Citation of Reporting and Principle of Responsibility with Emphasis on Religious Historical Texts [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 9-28]
Islamic Iran
The evolution of Quranic lines in the Islamic world [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 53-75]
Islamic Maghreb
Fatimid Cities of the Ifrīḳiya: Evaluating the Achievements of the Fatimids in the urban development of Maghrib [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 97-125]
Islamic Period
Research on the principles and techniques of Oral surgery in the Islamic period
(from third to twelfth century A.H) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 99-142]
Islamic Period
Research on The Principles And Techniques of Ear, Throat And Nose Surgery
In traditional Medicine Of The Islamic Period
(From The Third Century To The Twelfth Century AH) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Islamic world
The evolution of Quranic lines in the Islamic world [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 53-75]
Safavid history from the window of Islamism; A Reflection on the Influence of Islamist Thoughts in Safavid Studies by Morteza Motahari and Ali Shariati [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 63-82]
The Women’s Movement in Tunisia: From the Formation of the Islamic Approach to the Emergence of the Secularist Approach (1881-1956 AD) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 141-163]
Islamiyeh Company
The Emergence of Modern Iranian Capitalism: A Case Study of Islamiyeh Company [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 35-55]
The Political and Religious Function of Poetry in the Era of the Egyptian Fatimids (358-567 AH) in dealing with Their Foreign Opponents [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 9-33]
The History of an Event: Genesis of "Salamiyah" in Isma''''ili and non-Isma''''ili Sources [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 9-25]
Was Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi a minister? [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 139-162]
An Analysis of Effective Reasons on Destruction of Arajan After Long Time Prosperity [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 41-64]
Isma’iliyyi. Isma’ili teachings
A Comparative Study of Primeval Creation in Ancient Persia’s Beliefs and Isma’ilist Thoughts [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 177-201]
Reflections of Israelis in the film Mohammad Rasoolullah (PBUH) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 45-70]
Istakr of Persia(Persis)
The Survey of Transition in Role of Hirbads in Sassanid Era [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 69-81]
Migration of Iranian artists to the Ottoman Empire: Late Timurid and early Safavid periods (932-811 AH / 1528-1409 AD) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 55-79]
Istitar Al- Imam
The History of an Event: Genesis of "Salamiyah" in Isma''''ili and non-Isma''''ili Sources [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 9-25]
Study of Iranian Students’ Movement in Italy (1961- 1979) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 27-48]
Sheikh Jafar Safavi, a Famous but Unknown Person in the Safavid Tradition , [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 107-125]
The Intra-City Social conflicts of Shiraz in the 8th century and he effects of external forces on them [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 47-62]
Jame Mosque
Unconventional Livelihood Methods and Economic Challenges of Zanjan Jameh Mosque theologues in the Qajar Era [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 111-141]
Who Is the First Mythical Doctor of Iran? [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 5-23]
Jawhar al Siqilli
The relationship between economic security in Jawhar al Siqilli's AmanName (Treaty) and the political rebellions of the first period of the Fatimid Caliphate [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 155-181]
Toponymy of the western half of Iran in the historical writings of the 3rd-9th lunar centuries
(Jebal, Qohestan and Iraq-e Ajam) [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 81-110]
Investigating Ibn Barrajan’s Prediction of the Time of the Conquest of Jerusalem [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 145-163]
Jewish traveling sellers
Economic Consequences of the Discovery of the Hijab and the Market Recession in Isfahan (Relying on the Role of Jewish Traders) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 41-60]
Three Faces of a King: The Sinner, The Victorious and Well-Behaved, or Another Cyrus? [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 20-45]
A Contemplation on the Geographic Meaning of the State and the City of Jiroft during the Islamic Era, from the Early Centuries to the Eight Century AH [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 79-100]
Jiroft civilization
Jiroft Civilization: Based on the Cuneiform Texts and Archaeological Evidences from Varamin and Konar Sandal [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 11-29]
The Influence of Political Instability on the Social Corruptions of Iranian Judges in 14th Century, Based on Poetry [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 149-171]
The punishment and trial manner in Timurid era [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 129-156]
Yarghv Court: Research on Judicial Court of the Mongol [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 139-178]
The Quality of the Safavids kings’ action towards the farmers and peasants class [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 141-166]
Judicial policy
Judicial policy of the Timurid sultans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 1-26]
Sheikh Jafar Safavi, a Famous but Unknown Person in the Safavid Tradition , [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 107-125]
Relaition between Local Governments of Gilan, Dailaman and Mazandaran with Alavids of Tabaristan (250-316 AD) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 119-143]
Mohaghegh Sabzevari and his Deportment and Demeanor Attitude in Rozatol al-Anwar Abbasi [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 117-138]
The Kadkhoda Position in Rural Community of Qajar Period [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 47-71]
The Effects of Kandahar Issues on Political Contentions between Safavids and Baburids
(1526-1707) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 81-98]
Weapons of Hussein ibn Ali and his Companions in Karbala [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 49-69]
The arrival of the Kassites to Mesopotamia and its outcomes [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 23-46]
Karim Khan
The relationship of political and religious institution in Zandieh government; Limited interaction period [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 57-83]
Karim Khan Zand
Political Conditions of Kurdistan from Death of Nader to End of Zandiah (1747-1786) [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 97-120]
The first Qanats of the Qazvin Plain
Based on Archaeological Findings and Written Sources [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Karl Popper
Rereading of falsifibility of two main hypotheses regarding Rostam al-Tawarikh [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 37-55]
Kātib al-Jūnd
The “Dabīr-e Sepāh”/ “Secretary of the Corps” in the Bureaucracy of the Sasanian Empire [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 43-80]
The political, economic and social backgrounds of the events in Kerman and its reflection in the Constitutional Revolution (1905-1906) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 215-246]
Kurdish Girls and the Development of Modern Schools during Reza Shah (1304- 1320) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 139-161]
Speciation and analysis of the content of Kermanshahan urban community complaints
In the era of constitutionalism (1324 to 1344 AH) [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Keywords: Bureaucracy
Reforming the Bureaucracy of Iran during Ghajar: The Case of Employment Laws [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 5-38]
Key words: Farmers and peasants
The Quality of the Safavids kings’ action towards the farmers and peasants class [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 141-166]
Key words : Ibrahim ibn Malik Ashtar
Ibrahim ibn Malik Ashtar Nakha'I in the Struggle Between Zubarian and Mukhtar Thaghafi [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 121-141]
Key words: Pahlavi II
The Policy of the United States in opposition with Iran's Nuclear Program in Pahlavi era [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 99-119]
Khair-ol klam
The political and social viewpoints of Khair-ol Klam , The first newspaper of Gilan [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 1-22]
Khalil Pasha Tailor
Export of Iranian tobacco to Egypt based on newly found documents (1919-1906 ) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 61-98]
Khan Khan
Factors influencing the relations of the Ilkhans with the Jaghtayans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 81-106]
Intellectual-executive characteristics of Mirza Kuchak Khan and Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 99-117]
"Muslim relations with the Khazars in the first century AD"(With a focus on the narration of Muslim historians) [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 115-135]
Factors influencing the relations of the Ilkhans with the Jaghtayans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 81-106]
The Rivalry between Khorasani and Iraqi Secretaries in Ghaznavid Bureaucracy [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 193-218]
Parthia and Khorasan During the Sasanian Period: A Study in Historical Geography [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 169-186]
The Economic Situation of Quhestan in the Early Islamic Centuries [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 149-173]
Khosro Parviz
Sassanids' rule over Syria during the reign of Khosrow Parviz (604-628 AD) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 31-54]
Khosrow Khan
Political Conditions of Kurdistan from Death of Nader to End of Zandiah (1747-1786) [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 97-120]
Islamic conquests and the impact of fiscal policy on the agriculture in Khuzestan during Muslim-Arabs conquests [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 5-33]
Investigation of the Establishment and Decline of Āl-Shomleh Local Government (550-591 AH) In Seljuk Khuzestan [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 145-171]
Khwaja Nasir al-Din Tusi
Was Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi a minister? [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 139-162]
Khwarazmshahids’ religious policy towards Hanafism and its followers [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 165-189]
Analysis of Agrarian Reform (1340 decade)-Application of the Structure- Agent Method [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 151-176]
Review the Status of Church and State Political Thought Ayatollah Boroujerdi [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 135-157]
Historical Analysis of The Endeavors of
Ḏahabīya during The Safavid Period [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 143-164]
Kofi handwriting
The evolution of Quranic lines in the Islamic world [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 53-75]
An Investigation Into Spatial Suggestion by Atabak Hazar Asp to Fight Against the Mongols [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 119-140]
The Intra-City Social conflicts of Shiraz in the 8th century and he effects of external forces on them [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 47-62]
Konar Sandal
Jiroft Civilization: Based on the Cuneiform Texts and Archaeological Evidences from Varamin and Konar Sandal [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 11-29]
Kook Orgnization
Establishment of Fadakaran-e Azarbayjan with the Leadership of Mohammad Dayhim and Its Action in National Government of Mosaddegh [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 29-45]
Parthians and the issue of Hyrcanian independence [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 77-99]
Components of Sha'bi Historiography Based on Remaining Narratives of Him in Classical Historical Texts [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 9-31]
Kulliyat-e Joodi
Exploring the Illustrations of the Women in the Battle of Karbala, with a Focus on Zaynab bint Ali (p)—Case: Lithographic Manuscripts of Kulliyat-e Joodi [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 141-172]
A consideration on the Process of Extinction of Ardalan Governors in the Naserid Era (Centralization, Consolidation and Dissolution) [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 71-98]
Safavid and Ottoman Tension's Consequences on the Stance of Ardalan Principality [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 121-144]
Political Conditions of Kurdistan from Death of Nader to End of Zandiah (1747-1786) [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 97-120]
Analysis of "The Problem of The High Cost of Bread"In Kurdistan in Qajar Period And Its Creative Factors
(1332-1342) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 39-67]
Kurdish Girls and the Development of Modern Schools during Reza Shah (1304- 1320) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 139-161]
Naqshbandiyya and Qadiriyya relations in Kurdistan after Mawlana Khalid Shahrazuri [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 89-110]
Labor’s Health
The Condition of Labors' Health and Factories Hygiene and the Enactment of the First Labors' Health Code in Iran during the Pahlavi Era (1925-1953) [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 15-41]
Laclau and Mouffe
Dicourse Analysis of Quraysh Manners of Speakinf with the Prophet (PBUH) in the Maki Period, Based on Laclau and Mouffe Theory [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 9-32]
Challenges and issues facing the silk production industry and guilan Silkworm farmers 1300-1335Ah/1882-1917AD [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 65-95]
Epistemology of Salafism in Iran
(Case Study: The Approach of the Sunni’s Religious Currents) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 173-198]
Laleh Seyeds
Laleh Seyeds of Tabriz in the Transition to Safavid Era [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 247-272]
Analysis of "The Problem of The High Cost of Bread"In Kurdistan in Qajar Period And Its Creative Factors
(1332-1342) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 39-67]
The Kadkhoda Position in Rural Community of Qajar Period [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 47-71]
Larijan Road
Investigation of Commercial Function of Road Construction in Mazandaran Province during Naseri Period [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 33-64]
A Survey and Analysis of Tombs Attributed to The Descendants of Emam Kazem (pbuh) in Lavāssānāt (with Emphasis on study of Manuscripts and Field Surveys) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 109-142]
Iranian first National Parliament and attempts to define and develop the "basic rights". [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 95-128]
Law of Employment
Reforming the Bureaucracy of Iran during Ghajar: The Case of Employment Laws [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 5-38]
Laws and Regulation
The Condition of Labors' Health and Factories Hygiene and the Enactment of the First Labors' Health Code in Iran during the Pahlavi Era (1925-1953) [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 15-41]
Letter of Šīroy to Ḵosrow
The Role of Elders and Aristocrats in Trial and Death of Ḵosrow Parviz [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 65-88]
Investigation of Reishahr political conditions from safavid emerging until the end of first Tahmasp governing period [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 133-168]
The First Embezzlement of the National Bank of Iran: International Contexts and its Political-Judicial Consequences on the Pahlavi Government [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 115-137]
Lland Reform
Analysis of Agrarian Reform (1340 decade)-Application of the Structure- Agent Method [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 151-176]
Local government
A consideration on the Process of Extinction of Ardalan Governors in the Naserid Era (Centralization, Consolidation and Dissolution) [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 71-98]
Local Governments (Bavandids
Relaition between Local Governments of Gilan, Dailaman and Mazandaran with Alavids of Tabaristan (250-316 AD) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 119-143]
Application of Historical Maps and Documents in Locating and Understanding the Spatial Structure of Ancient Cities;
A Case Study of the City of Rey in the First Centuries of Islam [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 121-148]
Madaris-i Sahn-i Thiman
The Decline At The Peak Of Glory: An Analytical Survey On Relations Of Mehmet The Conqueror And The Ottoman Ilmiyye Class [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 117-138]
Madinat al-Salam
From Baghdad to Madinat al-Salam: Tracing an Ancient Toponym from the Second Millennium BCE to the Abbasid Caliphate [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Magisterial Modernization
Clarifying the Role of Women in Iran's Administrative System in Reza Shah Era (1925-1941) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 9-37]
Magtal al Hossein
Event of Karbala and representation the ruling discourse in Abu mikhnaf historiography [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 29-48]
Toponymy of the western half of Iran in the historical writings of the 3rd-9th lunar centuries
(Jebal, Qohestan and Iraq-e Ajam) [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 81-110]
Role of Ibn Tumart's Charismatic Leadership in Almohad's Victory [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 107-131]
A new Reading in the Analysis of the Functional angles of Mahdism in the Safavid Era [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 171-198]
Fatimid Cities of the Ifrīḳiya: Evaluating the Achievements of the Fatimids in the urban development of Maghrib [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 97-125]
The Name of "Moḥammad" Before the Prophet: A Critical Review of the Evidence and a New Suggestion [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 15-34]
The process of Rising to Power by Reza Khan based on Institutionalist Approach [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 33-60]
Evoloution of the Managerial and Social Structure of Malayer, From The Ilkhanid’s Decline to the Fall of Safavid [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 141-166]
Malkum and Playing Role in Ottoman Tanzimat [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 25-40]
Factors influencing the relations of the Ilkhans with the Jaghtayans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 81-106]
An Analysis of the Implementation of the Nomadic Settlement Policy in the Mamassani Region, Relying on Documents [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 71-89]
The effect of restoring the caliphate in Egypt on the religious posturing Ghazan Khan [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 11-34]
Commercial Relations Between Iran and Genoa in Ilkhanid Period [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 51-68]
Trebizonds' status in the Anatolian Blockade by Ilkhanids [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 71-93]
Managerial Structure
Evoloution of the Managerial and Social Structure of Malayer, From The Ilkhanid’s Decline to the Fall of Safavid [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 141-166]
Reflections on Multiple Readings of the Mani Movement in the Historiography of the First Centuries [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 87-108]
Commercial Tolerance; The Analysis of the Effect of the Sogdians’ Morale in trade on the Propagation of Various Religions in Transoxiana and China [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 129-149]
Manners of Speaking
Dicourse Analysis of Quraysh Manners of Speakinf with the Prophet (PBUH) in the Maki Period, Based on Laclau and Mouffe Theory [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 9-32]
Mansour Dovanighi
Theoretical confrontation of "domination" and "resistance" discourses in the correspondence of Mansour Dovanighi and Mohammad Nafs Zakieh [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 171-202]
Manṣūriyya (Sabrah al-Mansuriya)
Fatimid Cities of the Ifrīḳiya: Evaluating the Achievements of the Fatimids in the urban development of Maghrib [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 97-125]
Marco Polo
Investigating the evolution of the view of European cartographers towards Iran in the Middle Ages [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 135-169]
Jiroft Civilization: Based on the Cuneiform Texts and Archaeological Evidences from Varamin and Konar Sandal [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 11-29]
Marja'iat and society
Interaction between Shia Cleric Authority (Marja'iat), State and Society in Iran (1303-1340; 1924-1961) [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 75-116]
Marja'iat and state
Interaction between Shia Cleric Authority (Marja'iat), State and Society in Iran (1303-1340; 1924-1961) [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 75-116]
Ardašīr Son of Bābak and the Goddess Anāhitā [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 35-56]
Exploring Ehsan Tabari's Shifting Away from Marxism: From Speculation to Reality [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 163-185]
Motives and goals of establishing British consulate in Mashhad during the Qajar period [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 101-127]
Mashhad six-month riot
Constititional Revolution in Mashhad: the grounds, process and Russia policy [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 5-34]
Mawlana Khalid Shahrazuri
Naqshbandiyya and Qadiriyya relations in Kurdistan after Mawlana Khalid Shahrazuri [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 89-110]
Max Weber
The Effect of the Transfer of Charismatic Authority on the Formation of Muhammad Nafs Zakyya's Uprising [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 173-201]
Relaition between Local Governments of Gilan, Dailaman and Mazandaran with Alavids of Tabaristan (250-316 AD) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 119-143]
Investigation of Commercial Function of Road Construction in Mazandaran Province during Naseri Period [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 33-64]
The Situation of Women in the Sāssānīān Social System in the Post-Mazdak Era and Its Impact on the Writing of the Ardāvīrāfnāme [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 73-95]
Medhat Pasha
Malkum and Playing Role in Ottoman Tanzimat [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 25-40]
Study of Historical Geography of Media before Establishment and Expansion of The Kingdom
(672-835 BC) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 143-165]
Historical Geography of Media after Establishing Kingdom and Its expansion(612-550 B.C) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 273-300]
Median rulers
Median Rulers In Neo-Assyrian Text. [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 87-107]
Medical independence
Parthians and the issue of Hyrcanian independence [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 77-99]
Medina Society
Strategies to combat norm-breaking in the prophetic age [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 77-103]
The impact of Iranian Fantasy on Marxism: A study on the Tudeh Party of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 117-150]
Mehmed the Coqueror
The Decline At The Peak Of Glory: An Analytical Survey On Relations Of Mehmet The Conqueror And The Ottoman Ilmiyye Class [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 117-138]
The Emergence of Modern Iranian Capitalism: A Case Study of Islamiyeh Company [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 35-55]
Mesbah Yazdi
A Study of Two Readings of Democracy in the Currents of Contemporary Religious
Thought in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 117-141]
The arrival of the Kassites to Mesopotamia and its outcomes [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 23-46]
Jiroft Civilization: Based on the Cuneiform Texts and Archaeological Evidences from Varamin and Konar Sandal [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 11-29]
Mesopotamia high way
The causes of choosing the place of Behiston Inscription by Darius The Greate. [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 113-140]
The evolution of messianism in early Shia with emphasis on the idea of “Mahdi” [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 107-132]
Methodical democracy
A Study of Two Readings of Democracy in the Currents of Contemporary Religious
Thought in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 117-141]
Methodology of Scientific Research Program (MSRP)
Epistemology of Salafism in Iran
(Case Study: The Approach of the Sunni’s Religious Currents) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 173-198]
Migration of Iranian artists to the Ottoman Empire: Late Timurid and early Safavid periods (932-811 AH / 1528-1409 AD) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 55-79]
Muslims of Crete island during the period of Ottoman rule, origin and destiny [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 11-34]
Farrah i Bānōg i Gïhān/ Hazār Nowrūz va Mihrgān [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 55-77]
Military Aims؛ Art and Architecture؛ Anshahrigs and Slave Classes؛ Craft and Trade
The Role and Influence of Exiled and Transmitted People in Sasanian Era [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 137-167]
Military Matters
Historical Evolution and Strategic, Military and Economical Situation of Hyrcania
in Achaemenid Period [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 167-192]
Military Occupation
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 89-110]
Impression of shiite ministry in period of saljoughi Iran and Iraq [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 83-113]
Minting Islamic Coins
Minting Ayat of Holy Kuran on the Islamic Coins and the Reaction of the Muslims [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 23-40]
Miraboeshagh Rishehry
Investigation of Reishahr political conditions from safavid emerging until the end of first Tahmasp governing period [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 133-168]
Mirza Ali Mohammad Khan Kashani
The concept of freedom in '' Soraya'' published in Cairo [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 63-87]
Nale Mellat in Despotism of Mohammad Ali Shah [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 153-175]
Mirza Kuchak Khan
Along with the Bolsheviks or out of them: An account of the conflict between theory and practice in the Guilan Soviet Republic [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 1-21]
Mirza Kuchak Khan
Intellectual-executive characteristics of Mirza Kuchak Khan and Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 99-117]
Mirza Mohammad Reza
The political, economic and social backgrounds of the events in Kerman and its reflection in the Constitutional Revolution (1905-1906) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 215-246]
Mirza Taghi Khan
Erzeroum Conference: The First Debates and Controversies about the Authenticity and Validity of the Zohab treaty (1843-1847) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 87-114]
Missionary Schools
Familiarity of Iranians With the Position of Women in American Society Through the Press and Missionary Schools in the Qajar Period [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 71-92]
Investigating the process of forming the clergy hierarchy in the Sassanid era [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 141-163]
Mobile Schools
Investigate the Role of point IV of Truman in Fars Nomadic Education and Training [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 35-55]
Modern education
Kurdish Girls and the Development of Modern Schools during Reza Shah (1304- 1320) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 139-161]
The endeavor of Qajar women: individuality, the world of tradition and its transition [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-23]
Tabriz, Modernity and Its Impact on Modern Iranian Urban planning [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 181-208]
The Women’s Movement in Tunisia: From the Formation of the Islamic Approach to the Emergence of the Secularist Approach (1881-1956 AD) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 141-163]
Construction of Modern Woman in Modernist Discourse of the Qajar Era [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 11-41]
Women And Discourse Change Through Women Newspapers ( From The Constitutional Movement Upto Pahlavi Era) [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 69-92]
Modern state
Challenge of the modern state of Pahlavi and Tribe: Obstacle of Political Development [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 105-125]
Modern thinking
The endeavor of Qajar women: individuality, the world of tradition and its transition [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-23]
Modern Woman
Construction of Modern Woman in Modernist Discourse of the Qajar Era [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 11-41]
Commercial Relations Between Iran and Genoa in Ilkhanid Period [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 51-68]
Mohaghegh Sabzevari
Mohaghegh Sabzevari and his Deportment and Demeanor Attitude in Rozatol al-Anwar Abbasi [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 117-138]
Mohammad Hossein Kazerooni
The Emergence of Modern Iranian Capitalism: A Case Study of Islamiyeh Company [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 35-55]
Mohammad Nafs Zakia
Theoretical confrontation of "domination" and "resistance" discourses in the correspondence of Mansour Dovanighi and Mohammad Nafs Zakieh [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 171-202]
Mohammad Rasoolullah (PBUH) Film
Reflections of Israelis in the film Mohammad Rasoolullah (PBUH) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 45-70]
Mohammad reza Shah
An Investigation of the Formation Process
of the Royal Inspection Office in 1337 [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 99-121]
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
Investigating the Economic Function of the Pahlavi Foundation [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 21-42]
Mohtasham Kashani
Introducing, reviewing, and dating the new inscription in the historical context of Yazd city [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 157-179]
Review the Status of Church and State Political Thought Ayatollah Boroujerdi [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 135-157]
Decline of Money Value in Safavid Era and Its Main Reasons [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 1-13]
Money exchanges
Coinage System and Money Exchanges in Timurid Dynasty
(With an emphasis on the eastern territory of Iran) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 151-179]
Historical study of the insecurities of the Mongol era and its role in the moral decline of Iranians [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 1-29]
The Role of Oirats Governors in Political Relations of the Ilkhanate [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 81-104]
Mongol Ilkhans
Was Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi a minister? [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 139-162]
Yarghv Court: Research on Judicial Court of the Mongol [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 139-178]
An Investigation Into Spatial Suggestion by Atabak Hazar Asp to Fight Against the Mongols [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 119-140]
Monopoly of Foreign Trade
Iran’s Foreign Trade Monopoly Act of 1931:
Backgrounds, Aims and Consequences [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 25-55]
Monsieur Lemaire
Impact of the Dar ul-Funun Training in Art Tendency in the Era of Naseri to the West (With an Emphasis on Music and Painting) [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 177-201]
Mooteh battle
The battle of Tabuk: A military move or a socio-political concern? [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 151-169]
Moral Corruption
Investigate the Causes of the Decline of Islamic Civilization from the Perspective of Shakib Arslan [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 47-67]
Morteza Motahari
Safavid history from the window of Islamism; A Reflection on the Influence of Islamist Thoughts in Safavid Studies by Morteza Motahari and Ali Shariati [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 63-82]
Mozaffar al-din Shah
The Performance of the Qajar Government Periods the Crisis of Rising Prices
(1896-1906/1314-1324 AH) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 93-118]
Mozaffaroddin Shah
Investigating and Explaining the Affecting Factors in the Prevalence of Famine and Bread Crisis in the Mozafari Era [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 127-148]
The Strategic Treaty Between Muawiya and Amr b. Ās [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 217-239]
Mu'ayyad fi'l-Din
Discursive Semiotics Analysis of Fatimid Imamate in Odes of Mu'ayyad fi'l-Din al-Shirazi [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 137-153]
Muezzin Khorasani
Historical Analysis of The Endeavors of
Ḏahabīya during The Safavid Period [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 143-164]
Muhājirs Challenges
An Analysis of the Style of Prophet (PBUH) Dealing with the Challenges Faced by Muhājirs in Medina (Case Study: Housing Shortage, Poverty, and Unemployment) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 109-134]
The Name of "Moḥammad" Before the Prophet: A Critical Review of the Evidence and a New Suggestion [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 15-34]
Muhammad Amin Astarabadi
An Analysis on the Rise and Decline of the Akhbaris [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 89-112]
Muḥammad b. Khuzāʿī
The Name of "Moḥammad" Before the Prophet: A Critical Review of the Evidence and a New Suggestion [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 15-34]
Muḥammad b. Sufyān
The Name of "Moḥammad" Before the Prophet: A Critical Review of the Evidence and a New Suggestion [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 15-34]
Muḥammad Nafs Zakīyya
The Effect of the Transfer of Charismatic Authority on the Formation of Muhammad Nafs Zakyya's Uprising [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 173-201]
Mu''jam al-Buldan
The History of an Event: Genesis of "Salamiyah" in Isma''''ili and non-Isma''''ili Sources [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 9-25]
Mujtahid Shabestari
A Study of Two Readings of Democracy in the Currents of Contemporary Religious
Thought in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 117-141]
Mukhtar Thaqafi
Ibrahim ibn Malik Ashtar Nakha'I in the Struggle Between Zubarian and Mukhtar Thaghafi [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 121-141]
Muscat Ruler
An Analyzes on administrative tradition in Persian Gulf(Bandar-Abbas farming by Muscat ruler (1209-1285) [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 165-191]
Factors Affecting the Prosperity of Music in the Abbasid Era Form the Beginning to the Domination of Buyids in Baghdad [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 35-56]
Impact of the Dar ul-Funun Training in Art Tendency in the Era of Naseri to the West (With an Emphasis on Music and Painting) [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 177-201]
Muslim caliphates
"Muslim relations with the Khazars in the first century AD"(With a focus on the narration of Muslim historians) [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 115-135]
Muslim Greeks
Muslims of Crete island during the period of Ottoman rule, origin and destiny [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 11-34]
History of Muslim ophthalmology until the fifth century AH [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 23-49]
The Conquest of the Azerbaijan and Tendency of its People to Islam (22- 35 AH) [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 1-22]
Muzaffar al-Din Shah
The Confusion of Resources regarding Decrees for the Establishment of Parliament during Iran Constitutional Movement [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 145-169]
The Intra-City Social conflicts of Shiraz in the 8th century and he effects of external forces on them [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 47-62]
The Formation of Effects of Vice and Virtue in Political History of Muʿtazila [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 9-28]
Mydan Mishan
The Importance of Alvand Mountain in the Parthian Period Based on Historical and Archaeological Evidence [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 193-224]
A research on the mystical significance of "La" based on archaeological evidence [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 43-66]
Analizing Timurid,s (771- 912 BC.) religious approaches and the legitimacy of sovereignty. [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 5-36]
A research on the mystical significance of "La" based on archaeological evidence [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 43-66]
Mythical creation
A Comparative Study of Primeval Creation in Ancient Persia’s Beliefs and Isma’ilist Thoughts [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 177-201]
Nader Šāh
The Discrete Institutional Changes of Nader Šāh and the Evaluation of the Economic Situation of Iran in the Afšārīd Era (Emphasizing the Constitutionalism Theory of Douglass North) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 11-37]
Nafs Zakie
Hierarchical Analysis of the Failure Factors of the Nafs Zakieh Movement [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 87-116]
Nahdj al-Balagha
The Criteria of Evaluating Ratio of Society to Ignorance in Nahdj al-Balagha [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 33-48]
Historical Analysis of The Endeavors of
Ḏahabīya during The Safavid Period [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 143-164]
Namık Kemal
Namık Kemal’s “Râz-e Del”:
Decline of Ottoman Empire as reflected in the plays “Vatan Yahut Silistre” and Gülnihal” [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 35-55]
Method and trade; commercial functions of Naqshbandiyya in the Timurid period [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 1-40]
Naqshbandiyya and Qadiriyya relations in Kurdistan after Mawlana Khalid Shahrazuri [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 89-110]
Reflections on Multiple Readings of the Mani Movement in the Historiography of the First Centuries [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 87-108]
Naser al-Din Shah
Investigation of Commercial Function of Road Construction in Mazandaran Province during Naseri Period [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 33-64]
Naser-al Din Shah Qajar
The Three Stages of Transition of Government in Iran of Naser-al Din Shah Qajar’s Era [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 9-34]
Naseri era
Analyzing Social Crimes at Naseri Era (1264-1313 A.H) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 83-110]
Nasser-al-Dian Shah Qajar
Iran Navy Force With a Focus on the Role of Persepolis Ship on the Security of Persian Gulf in Qajar Period [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 33-57]
National Assembly
Russian and British plans to emerge from the crisis during the period of petty tyranny [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 101-123]
National Assembly
Investigating the Challenges and Variable Methods of Budget Approval in Iran (from the Constitution to the End of the Qajar Government) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 11-30]
National Bank
The First Embezzlement of the National Bank of Iran: International Contexts and its Political-Judicial Consequences on the Pahlavi Government [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 115-137]
National Consultative Assembly
Confrontation between National Consultative Assembly and the Old Constitution of Power,
An Analysis of the Reaction of the Court and Princes to the financial Reform of the First Parliament [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 153-176]
National Consultative Parliament
The Confusion of Resources regarding Decrees for the Establishment of Parliament during Iran Constitutional Movement [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 145-169]
National Council meetings
Evaluating the Parliamentary Performance of Bushehr MPs in the Tension between the Rights of the People and the Power of the Pahlavi Government, a Case Study: Ali Dashti and Ahmad Akhgar [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 59-90]
National Economy
Technical Schools and Trans-Iranian Railway (1928-1941) [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 177-198]
National Economy
The Role of the Government in the Economy; Rereading the Opinions and Thoughts of Ahmad Matin-Daftari [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 113-134]
National Government
Tea Industry and Oil-Free Economy in the National Government of Iran (1951-1953) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 149-168]
Iran’s Foreign Trade Monopoly Act of 1931:
Backgrounds, Aims and Consequences [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 25-55]
National Movement
The Qashqai and National Movement of Iran
(From the Beginning to End of the Mossaddegh Government) [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 89-118]
National Movement
Hamedan labor movement during the national movement [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 173-192]
Naval countries
Barakeh Khan and Bieber: The Impact of Religious-Economic Factors on the Deepening of Altin Ardu and Mamluk Trade Relations [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 85-101]
Iran Navy Force With a Focus on the Role of Persepolis Ship on the Security of Persian Gulf in Qajar Period [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 33-57]
Negative fighting approach
The Formation of Effects of Vice and Virtue in Political History of Muʿtazila [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 9-28]
Factors influencing the relations of the Ilkhans with the Jaghtayans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 81-106]
Neo Assyrian Texts
Median Rulers In Neo-Assyrian Text. [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 87-107]
Net Balance
A new Reading in the Analysis of the Functional angles of Mahdism in the Safavid Era [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 171-198]
Neutrality Strategy
Compare of the Reasons of the Contravention of Iran’s Neutrality in the First and Second World War [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 35-70]
New epoch
When is the origin of the new epoch of Iranian history? [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 161-181]
New Iranian Sys
The First Embezzlement of the National Bank of Iran: International Contexts and its Political-Judicial Consequences on the Pahlavi Government [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 115-137]
New Middle Class
The Social Consequences of Development of the New Middle Class in Iran (1963-1978) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 9-31]
New Style
The Three Stages of Transition of Government in Iran of Naser-al Din Shah Qajar’s Era [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 9-34]
Farrah i Bānōg i Gïhān/ Hazār Nowrūz va Mihrgān [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 55-77]
Nineteenth Century
A study in Shi'a-Sunni Strife in Atabat-i Aliyat in Nineteenth Century (with Emphasis on Ottoman Archives Documents) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 123-141]
A research on the mystical significance of "La" based on archaeological evidence [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 43-66]
Analysis of "The Problem of The High Cost of Bread"In Kurdistan in Qajar Period And Its Creative Factors
(1332-1342) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 39-67]
Nomadic Education
Investigate the Role of point IV of Truman in Fars Nomadic Education and Training [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 35-55]
Nomadic tribes’ settlement
Arasbaran (Qaredaq) Nomadic Tribes’ Settlement; a Historical Necessity or a Political Project [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 155-177]
An investigation the effect of Nomadism on Iran’s military structure from the Safavid until the late Qajar era [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 35-68]
An investigation the effect of Nomadism on Iran’s military structure from the Safavid until the late Qajar era [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 35-68]
Nomad settlement
Representing Tribes as Insurgent in the Pahlavi I era [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 127-148]
Non – function
A new Reading in the Analysis of the Functional angles of Mahdism in the Safavid Era [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 171-198]
Research on The Principles And Techniques of Ear, Throat And Nose Surgery
In traditional Medicine Of The Islamic Period
(From The Third Century To The Twelfth Century AH) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Nuclear Program
The Policy of the United States in opposition with Iran's Nuclear Program in Pahlavi era [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 99-119]
The Role of Gold in the Sassanid Society and Economy [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 176-190]
The Role of Iran in Fulfilling the US Oil Profits in the Middle East during 1950-1960 [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 35-59]
Forming Labor Stike Processing in Khouzestan Oil Zones (From Oil Genesis Till Oil Industry Nationnalized Movement)1908-1951 [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 159-186]
The Role of Housing Policies in the Dissatisfaction of Workers of Anglo Iranian Oil Company in Khuzestan Oilfields [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 53-78]
Oil-Free Economy
Tea Industry and Oil-Free Economy in the National Government of Iran (1951-1953) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 149-168]
Oil Industry
The Impact of the Emersion of Oil to South Oil: A Case Study of Gachsaran ( 79- 1953 / 57- 1332) [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 121-148]
Oil Nationalization
Breaking the voices of the oil industry workers in the uproar of the National Oil
Movement from
(History from below) [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 133-155]
Oman sea
Iranian Letters of the Southern Seas of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 103-120]
Oman sea
Relocation of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea trade centers in the seventh and eighth centuries AH [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 27-53]
Oman Sea 'Qajar era . Islands and Orts '
Causes And Areas of Deprivation And Underdevelopment of the Islands And Ports of The Persian Gulf, Oman Sea In the Qajar Era [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 61-85]
Ophthalmological developments
History of Muslim ophthalmology until the fifth century AH [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 23-49]
Ophthalmology books and articles
History of Muslim ophthalmology until the fifth century AH [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 23-49]
The effect of global Crisis of 1929 on Opium Trade in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 141-165]
Spread Causes of Addiction and its Harmful Effect on Pahlavi Society [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 137-163]
Commer Cialization of Opium in the Iranian Economy in Qajar Period [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 69-97]
The Impact of Intoxicants Prohibition Decree of Shah Tahmasb I on Opium Consumption in the First Period of the Safavid Reign (907-996 AH) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 37-64]
Analytical study of bilateral acquisition of Iranian and Ottoman citizens [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 149-168]
Migration of Iranian artists to the Ottoman Empire: Late Timurid and early Safavid periods (932-811 AH / 1528-1409 AD) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 55-79]
Safavid and Ottoman Tension's Consequences on the Stance of Ardalan Principality [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 121-144]
A study in Shi'a-Sunni Strife in Atabat-i Aliyat in Nineteenth Century (with Emphasis on Ottoman Archives Documents) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 123-141]
Hawraman rebellion in the age of Naser-al-din Shahe Qajar (1284-1286 Lunar) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 5-39]
Peacemaking Policy of Shah Abbas I towards the Ottoman Government (With citation to Correspondence and Treaties) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 37-61]
Iranian Nationalism and the Issue of Azerbaijan and the Turkish Language
(Emphasizing on Periodicals of Transition Era From Qajar to Pahlavi) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 73-91]
Ibrahim Khalil Khan Javanshir Karabaghi's relations with the Ottoman government [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 83-112]
Erzeroum Conference: The First Debates and Controversies about the Authenticity and Validity of the Zohab treaty (1843-1847) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 87-114]
Ottoman (Empire)
Centers of Iran Silk Trade during Timurids and Turkmans Period (9th Century AH) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 1-24]
Ottoman Empire
Namık Kemal’s “Râz-e Del”:
Decline of Ottoman Empire as reflected in the plays “Vatan Yahut Silistre” and Gülnihal” [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 35-55]
Ottoman government
Muslims of Crete island during the period of Ottoman rule, origin and destiny [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 11-34]
Ottoman Madrasaes
The Decline At The Peak Of Glory: An Analytical Survey On Relations Of Mehmet The Conqueror And The Ottoman Ilmiyye Class [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 117-138]
The issue of "Bahrain" in the conflicts of the regional powers of the Persian Gulf in the tenth / sixteenth century AD [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 139-169]
Refugee in Safavid period; Relying on UlamhTakalu asylum to the
Ottoman Empire [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 5-24]
Ottoman Tanzimat
Malkum and Playing Role in Ottoman Tanzimat [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 25-40]
Over history
Historiography in Ancient Iran, its nature
and style with respect to different approaches
to the concept of "History" [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 167-218]
Overland travel
Overland Travel Speed in the Arsacid Empire Era (From 1st Century BCE to 3rd Century CE) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 17-44]
Ozon Hassan
Sheikh Jafar Safavi, a Famous but Unknown Person in the Safavid Tradition , [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 107-125]
Examining Government Solutions To Crisis Management And Meeting The Health And Public Health Challenges Of Fars
(1304-1320) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 69-88]
Politics and Education in Pahlavi’s Second Era
A Case Study of the Cause, Grounds and the Process of Changing Topics and Enactments of The Supreme Culture Council
(1941-1953) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 57-80]
Pahlavi's Modernist Policies in Urban Structure and Its Impact on Historical Urban Fabric (Case Study: Yazd City, 1310 - 1332 Ah) [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 173-197]
A Survey of Seyyed Hasan Taghizadeh’s Views and Performance on Ethnic Politics in Iran (Pahlavi Era) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 127-149]
Pahlavi age
Obstacles for cultural-social convergence of Iran and Afghanistan in Pahlavi age [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 199-218]
Pahlavi era
The Condition of Labors' Health and Factories Hygiene and the Enactment of the First Labors' Health Code in Iran during the Pahlavi Era (1925-1953) [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 15-41]
Pahlavi Foundation
Investigating the Economic Function of the Pahlavi Foundation [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 21-42]
Pahlavi government
The nature of the Pahlavi government (II) from the perspective of the Tudeh Party of Iran and the People's Fedayeen Guerrilla Organization of Iran (1372-1357) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 129-161]
Pahlavi government
Arasbaran (Qaredaq) Nomadic Tribes’ Settlement; a Historical Necessity or a Political Project [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 155-177]
Pahlavi I
Reflection of perception exchanges among Intellectuals on education of women During Pahlavi I era based on three publications: Alam Nesvan, Shafagh Sorkh, and Ettelaat. [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 103-124]
Pahlavi I
Representing Tribes as Insurgent in the Pahlavi I era [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 127-148]
Pahlavi I
Analysis of Relations between Ali Akbar Davar and Pahlavi I [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 53-77]
Pahlavi II
An Analysis of the Historical Background of the Emergence of Development Planning and the Formation of the Planning Organization in Iran (the Reign of Pahlavi 1925-1948) [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 33-57]
Pahlavi regime
A study of stances of Ayatollah Khuie during clerics’ movement of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 93-116]
Pahlavi’s office
New Reading of the Reasons Behind the Suspension of the First Seven-year plan [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 143-175]
Pahlavi state
Preservation and Improvement of the Environment in the Fifth Development Plan (1352-1356/ 1973-1977) Based on Forests and Pastures) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 49-72]
Toponymy of the western half of Iran in the historical writings of the 3rd-9th lunar centuries
(Jebal, Qohestan and Iraq-e Ajam) [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 81-110]
Impact of the Dar ul-Funun Training in Art Tendency in the Era of Naseri to the West (With an Emphasis on Music and Painting) [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 177-201]
The position of Ahmad Khan Donboli Khoie in Ottoman Government’s policy of Pan-Islamism in the Caucasus [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 135-162]
The Name of "Moḥammad" Before the Prophet: A Critical Review of the Evidence and a New Suggestion [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 15-34]
The Idea of Establishment of National Army
in First National Parliament of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 205-228]
Reforming the Bureaucracy of Iran during Ghajar: The Case of Employment Laws [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 5-38]
Parliamentary Oversight
Iranian first National Parliament and attempts to define and develop the "basic rights". [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 95-128]
The oldest homeland of the Persians in Iran: a review of views [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 103-112]
About the nature, coordinates and framework of the Achaemenid Empire [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 113-147]
Patient-physician Relationship Process Analysis in Iran in the Second half of the Qajar Era Based on the Parsons Model [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 97-119]
The oldest homeland of the Persians in Iran: a review of views [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 103-112]
Parthia and Khorasan During the Sasanian Period: A Study in Historical Geography [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 169-186]
The Women of Royal Family in Parthian Era [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 49-67]
Parthian Period
The Importance of Alvand Mountain in the Parthian Period Based on Historical and Archaeological Evidence [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 193-224]
Parthians and the issue of Hyrcanian independence [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 77-99]
Defensive and Border Fortifications of the Parthians and their Tactic in Control of the Frontier [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 113-136]
Analysis of Gender and Social Status of the Authors of Alam-e-Nesvan Journal [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 57-81]
The process of Rising to Power by Reza Khan based on Institutionalist Approach [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 33-60]
Peaceful assimilation
A Survey of Seyyed Hasan Taghizadeh’s Views and Performance on Ethnic Politics in Iran (Pahlavi Era) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 127-149]
Peacemaking Policy of Shah Abbas I towards the Ottoman Government (With citation to Correspondence and Treaties) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 37-61]
The Kadkhoda Position in Rural Community of Qajar Period [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 47-71]
Peloponnesian War
The Achaemenid Presence in Ionia: From the End of the Peloponnesian War to the Peace of Antalcidas (404-387 BCE) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 93-117]
Pension and Salary
Confrontation between National Consultative Assembly and the Old Constitution of Power,
An Analysis of the Reaction of the Court and Princes to the financial Reform of the First Parliament [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 153-176]
People of speech
Migration of Iranian artists to the Ottoman Empire: Late Timurid and early Safavid periods (932-811 AH / 1528-1409 AD) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 55-79]
People of the book
Historical reconstruction of the religious atmosphere of Abyssinia in the fifth year of the Prophet with the focus of Surah Maryam [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 35-61]
People's Fedayeen Guerrilla Organization
The nature of the Pahlavi government (II) from the perspective of the Tudeh Party of Iran and the People's Fedayeen Guerrilla Organization of Iran (1372-1357) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 129-161]
The First Perceptions of the Christian Scholars of the Individual Features of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 9-31]
Period Satr period
Critical research in sources: A case study on the lineage of the Fatimid caliphs [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 37-58]
Persepolis ship
Iran Navy Force With a Focus on the Role of Persepolis Ship on the Security of Persian Gulf in Qajar Period [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 33-57]
The Structure and Function of the Border Town of Artashad in the Relations between Rome and Persia in the Sassanid Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 167-189]
Persian Gulf
Iranian Letters of the Southern Seas of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 103-120]
Persian Gulf
Relocation of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea trade centers in the seventh and eighth centuries AH [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 27-53]
Persian Gulf
British East India Company's role in the change of political and economical status of Iran in Persian Gulf (1763-1820 A.D/1177-1235 H) [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 15-35]
Persian Gulf
Study of Iran’s traditional relations and British East India Company in Zand era based on System Theory [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 159-178]
Persian Gulf
The effect of renewed war between Iran and Iraq on the issue of the three islands in 1371/1992 [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 63-80]
Persian Gulf
Causes And Areas of Deprivation And Underdevelopment of the Islands And Ports of The Persian Gulf, Oman Sea In the Qajar Era [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 61-85]
Persian Gulf
Factors Affecting the Economic Development of the Coasts and Post-Coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman in the First Pahlavi Period [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 59-86]
Persian Gulf
Iran Navy Force With a Focus on the Role of Persepolis Ship on the Security of Persian Gulf in Qajar Period [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 33-57]
Persian Gulf business community
A Survey on the Formation of Trade Competitions in the Persian Gulf and Its Reflection in Port Guangzhou (Canton), China (Seventh to Ninth Centuries AD) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Persian language
Iranian Nationalism and the Issue of Azerbaijan and the Turkish Language
(Emphasizing on Periodicals of Transition Era From Qajar to Pahlavi) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 73-91]
Persian merchants ("Po-Se"
A Survey on the Formation of Trade Competitions in the Persian Gulf and Its Reflection in Port Guangzhou (Canton), China (Seventh to Ninth Centuries AD) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Persian religions
A Comparative Study of Primeval Creation in Ancient Persia’s Beliefs and Isma’ilist Thoughts [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 177-201]
Analysis of Relations between Ali Akbar Davar and Pahlavi I [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 53-77]
Analysis of the Spread of Plague in Iran , Interval and Timurid Period (1336 - 1506 A.C) [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 121-138]
Planning Organization
An Analysis of the Historical Background of the Emergence of Development Planning and the Formation of the Planning Organization in Iran (the Reign of Pahlavi 1925-1948) [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 33-57]
Planning Organization
New Reading of the Reasons Behind the Suspension of the First Seven-year plan [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 143-175]
Critical Interpretation of a Concept:
Cyrus II and Xerxes I in the Platonic Conversation "Alcibiades Major" [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 35-55]
Poetic literature
The Influence of Political Instability on the Social Corruptions of Iranian Judges in 14th Century, Based on Poetry [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 149-171]
Political development
Challenge of the modern state of Pahlavi and Tribe: Obstacle of Political Development [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 105-125]
Political Economy
Iran’s Foreign Trade Monopoly Act of 1931:
Backgrounds, Aims and Consequences [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 25-55]
Political Economy
The Role of Gold in the Sassanid Society and Economy [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 176-190]
Political Factors
Hierarchical Analysis of the Failure Factors of the Nafs Zakieh Movement [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 87-116]
Political History
The Formation of Effects of Vice and Virtue in Political History of Muʿtazila [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 9-28]
Political Instability
The Influence of Political Instability on the Social Corruptions of Iranian Judges in 14th Century, Based on Poetry [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 149-171]
Political institution
The relationship of political and religious institution in Zandieh government; Limited interaction period [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 57-83]
Political legitimacy
Political legitimacy in the religious approaches of the Turkmen rule of Qaraquyunlu and Agha Quyunlu [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 1-21]
Political Rebellions
The relationship between economic security in Jawhar al Siqilli's AmanName (Treaty) and the political rebellions of the first period of the Fatimid Caliphate [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 155-181]
Political reform
The Priorship of Economical Reform Upon Political Reform
A Read Out on Aliakbar Dawar's Ideas & Opinions [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 23-47]
Political Sociology
The Influence of Politico-Sociologic Model of Fars State on The practical Policy of Inju Rulers [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 5-33]
Political Stability
A Survey on the Relevance Between Political Stability and Water Management in the Safavid Isfahan [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 99-120]
Political structure
The Structural dialectic in Afsharid military state [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 65-88]
Political Subdivisions
An Analysis of Effective Reasons on Destruction of Arajan After Long Time Prosperity [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 41-64]
Political Thought
Separation of powers in the ideas of the Tabriz Islamic faith [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 31-51]
Political Thought
Review the Status of Church and State Political Thought Ayatollah Boroujerdi [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 135-157]
Political treaties
Peacemaking Policy of Shah Abbas I towards the Ottoman Government (With citation to Correspondence and Treaties) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 37-61]
Historical explanation of the relationship between politics, trade and pilgrimage in the Hejaz (first century AD) [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 93-112]
Politics and Education in Pahlavi’s Second Era
A Case Study of the Cause, Grounds and the Process of Changing Topics and Enactments of The Supreme Culture Council
(1941-1953) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 57-80]
Politics and Religious
Epistemology of Salafism in Iran
(Case Study: The Approach of the Sunni’s Religious Currents) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 173-198]
Investigating the evolution of the view of European cartographers towards Iran in the Middle Ages [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 135-169]
The issue of "Bahrain" in the conflicts of the regional powers of the Persian Gulf in the tenth / sixteenth century AD [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 139-169]
Investigation of Reishahr political conditions from safavid emerging until the end of first Tahmasp governing period [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 133-168]
The Organization of the Army and Military Officers in Shah Safi Era (1628- 1642 A.H.) [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 1-50]
The Administrative Organization of Crown Jewels during the Safavid Period [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 101-126]
Positive fighting approach
The Formation of Effects of Vice and Virtue in Political History of Muʿtazila [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 9-28]
Post-Mazdak era
The Situation of Women in the Sāssānīān Social System in the Post-Mazdak Era and Its Impact on the Writing of the Ardāvīrāfnāme [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 73-95]
An Analysis of the Style of Prophet (PBUH) Dealing with the Challenges Faced by Muhājirs in Medina (Case Study: Housing Shortage, Poverty, and Unemployment) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 109-134]
Power source
Iranian first National Parliament and attempts to define and develop the "basic rights". [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 95-128]
Practical Policy
The Influence of Politico-Sociologic Model of Fars State on The practical Policy of Inju Rulers [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 5-33]
Investigating Ibn Barrajan’s Prediction of the Time of the Conquest of Jerusalem [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 145-163]
Critical research in sources: A case study on the lineage of the Fatimid caliphs [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 37-58]
Pre-modern state
ʿAlāʾ al-Dawla's Action from the Perspective of the Structure of the Pre-modern City Administration [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 9-20]
Familiarity of Iranians With the Position of Women in American Society Through the Press and Missionary Schools in the Qajar Period [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 71-92]
Primary Jihad
Historical Review of Primitive Jihad during the Prophet's Hour (pbuh) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 91-116]
Private Property
Studying Private Property Appearance and Constitutional Revolution in Iran Through the Social Orders Approach of Institutional Economics [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 67-90]
Citation of Reporting and Principle of Responsibility with Emphasis on Religious Historical Texts [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 9-28]
Citation of Reporting and Principle of Responsibility with Emphasis on Religious Historical Texts [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 9-28]
Investigating the Situation and Evolution of Carpet Production and Trade in Azerbaijan During the Qajar Period [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 119-144]
Production and Trade
Investigating Factors and Process of Revival of Carpet Industry in Qajar Period [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 127-148]
The Condition of Labors' Health and Factories Hygiene and the Enactment of the First Labors' Health Code in Iran during the Pahlavi Era (1925-1953) [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 15-41]
Propaganda of Islam
Historical Review of Primitive Jihad during the Prophet's Hour (pbuh) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 91-116]
Prophet of Islam (PBUH)
Strategies to combat norm-breaking in the prophetic age [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 77-103]
Prophet (PBUH)
The First Perceptions of the Christian Scholars of the Individual Features of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 9-31]
Prophet (PBUH)
An Analysis of the Style of Prophet (PBUH) Dealing with the Challenges Faced by Muhājirs in Medina (Case Study: Housing Shortage, Poverty, and Unemployment) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 109-134]
Proprietors and Peasants
Analysis of Agrarian Reform (1340 decade)-Application of the Structure- Agent Method [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 151-176]
Median Rulers In Neo-Assyrian Text. [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 87-107]
Public Administration
Explaining the Conceptual Model of Amirkabir Governance [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 135-171]
Public Health
Baladieh and Public Health During the Pahlavi I [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 79-96]
Public Utility Activities
Public Utility Activities of Court of Sultan Husayn Bayqara in Khorasan (1470-1505) (Relying on Historical Texts) [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 65-86]
The punishment and trial manner in Timurid era [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 129-156]
Purity & Impurity
Purification Rituals in Zoroastrianism [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 69-87]
Naqshbandiyya and Qadiriyya relations in Kurdistan after Mawlana Khalid Shahrazuri [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 89-110]
An Analyzes on administrative tradition in Persian Gulf(Bandar-Abbas farming by Muscat ruler (1209-1285) [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 165-191]
Toponymy of the western half of Iran in the historical writings of the 3rd-9th lunar centuries
(Jebal, Qohestan and Iraq-e Ajam) [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 81-110]
A Survey on the Role and Function of Coffeehouses of Tehran During Qajar Period [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 99-118]
A consideration on the Process of Extinction of Ardalan Governors in the Naserid Era (Centralization, Consolidation and Dissolution) [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 71-98]
Hawraman rebellion in the age of Naser-al-din Shahe Qajar (1284-1286 Lunar) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 5-39]
Analysis of "The Problem of The High Cost of Bread"In Kurdistan in Qajar Period And Its Creative Factors
(1332-1342) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 39-67]
Investigating Factors and Process of Revival of Carpet Industry in Qajar Period [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 127-148]
A Look at the Office of the Amir Nizam in the Qajar Period [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 95-116]
Explaining the Conceptual Model of Amirkabir Governance [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 135-171]
Investigating the Situation and Evolution of Carpet Production and Trade in Azerbaijan During the Qajar Period [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 119-144]
The Performance of the Qajar Government Periods the Crisis of Rising Prices
(1896-1906/1314-1324 AH) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 93-118]
Familiarity of Iranians With the Position of Women in American Society Through the Press and Missionary Schools in the Qajar Period [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 71-92]
Investigating the Challenges and Variable Methods of Budget Approval in Iran (from the Constitution to the End of the Qajar Government) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 11-30]
Motives and goals of establishing British consulate in Mashhad during the Qajar period [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 101-127]
Territorial divisions in connection with the civil governance system of the Naser al-Din Shah period (1264-1313AH/1847-1895 AD) [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 173-194]
Studying Private Property Appearance and Constitutional Revolution in Iran Through the Social Orders Approach of Institutional Economics [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 67-90]
The function of bath and bathing in the reflection of the social distinctions of the Iranian society in the Qajar era [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 91-112]
Institutional reforms of the government from the perspective of Thaqa-ul-Islam Tabrizi (with reliance on institutionalism) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 57-85]
The concept of freedom in '' Soraya'' published in Cairo [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 63-87]
Unconventional Livelihood Methods and Economic Challenges of Zanjan Jameh Mosque theologues in the Qajar Era [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 111-141]
Qajar Dynasty
The Emergence of Modern Iranian Capitalism: A Case Study of Islamiyeh Company [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 35-55]
Qajar government
Investigating the Relationship Between Power Building and Financial Corruption and Its Consequences (From the Nasserite Era to the Constitutional Revolution) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 209-231]
Qajar lithographic illustrations
Exploring the Illustrations of the Women in the Battle of Karbala, with a Focus on Zaynab bint Ali (p)—Case: Lithographic Manuscripts of Kulliyat-e Joodi [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 141-172]
Qajar Period
Commer Cialization of Opium in the Iranian Economy in Qajar Period [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 69-97]
Qajar Period
Divan-e Mohasebat and the Problem of Paying Salaries in the Qajar Period
(1909-1911) [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 117-144]
Qajar Period
Challenges and issues facing the silk production industry and guilan Silkworm farmers 1300-1335Ah/1882-1917AD [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 65-95]
The Kadkhoda Position in Rural Community of Qajar Period [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 47-71]
Qanat Endowment
Case Study: Endowed Qanats of Seyed Rokn
Al-Din in Yazd [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 51-68]
The first Qanats of the Qazvin Plain
Based on Archaeological Findings and Written Sources [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Qarakhtaeian of Kerman
Factors influencing the relations of the Ilkhans with the Jaghtayans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 81-106]
Qaredaq’s nomadic tribes
Arasbaran (Qaredaq) Nomadic Tribes’ Settlement; a Historical Necessity or a Political Project [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 155-177]
Qazvin Plain
The first Qanats of the Qazvin Plain
Based on Archaeological Findings and Written Sources [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Qizlar Qale Si (Souq Bolaq)
The Importance of Alvand Mountain in the Parthian Period Based on Historical and Archaeological Evidence [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 193-224]
Quantitative method (AHP)
Hierarchical Analysis of the Failure Factors of the Nafs Zakieh Movement [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 87-116]
The Women of Royal Family in Parthian Era [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 49-67]
Queen Borān
Farrah i Bānōg i Gïhān/ Hazār Nowrūz va Mihrgān [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 55-77]
Queen Tamara
Internal Events of Georgia and Georgian Invasion to The Azerbaijan in Second Seleucid Era (1121-1125) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 87-107]
The Economic Situation of Quhestan in the Early Islamic Centuries [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 149-173]
The evolution of Quranic lines in the Islamic world [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 53-75]
Radical left
The nature of the Pahlavi government (II) from the perspective of the Tudeh Party of Iran and the People's Fedayeen Guerrilla Organization of Iran (1372-1357) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 129-161]
Rāfi‘ ibn Layth
Reinvestigation of Nature of revolt of Rāfi‘ ibn Layth [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 69-93]
Iran Railway Issue in Qajar Era [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 119-136]
Technical Schools and Trans-Iranian Railway (1928-1941) [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 177-198]
Railway School
Technical Schools and Trans-Iranian Railway (1928-1941) [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 177-198]
Challenges and issues facing the silk production industry and guilan Silkworm farmers 1300-1335Ah/1882-1917AD [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 65-95]
Application of Historical Maps and Documents in Locating and Understanding the Spatial Structure of Ancient Cities;
A Case Study of the City of Rey in the First Centuries of Islam [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 121-148]
Reflections on Multiple Readings of the Mani Movement in the Historiography of the First Centuries [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 87-108]
Akhbārīsm and Anti-rational Theme: Re-Considering a Misconception [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 79-100]
Reflective Analysis
Citation of Reporting and Principle of Responsibility with Emphasis on Religious Historical Texts [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 9-28]
Iran Railway Issue in Qajar Era [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 119-136]
The nature of the Pahlavi government (II) from the perspective of the Tudeh Party of Iran and the People's Fedayeen Guerrilla Organization of Iran (1372-1357) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 129-161]
The Effects of Ghazan Reforms On Agricultural State of Ilkhanid territory [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 71-98]
Relation of political
Relation of political state and economical situation on during the first safavids(907-996 h) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 171-213]
Analysis of Relations between Ali Akbar Davar and Pahlavi I [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 53-77]
Iranian and Chinese Relations in the Sassanid Period and Its Impact on Chinese Culture, Based on the Chinese Sources [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 9-35]
"Muslim relations with the Khazars in the first century AD"(With a focus on the narration of Muslim historians) [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 115-135]
The effective samples and concept in the area of Safavid relations relaying on the text of the correspondence [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 187-215]
Patient-physician Relationship Process Analysis in Iran in the Second half of the Qajar Era Based on the Parsons Model [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 97-119]
Analizing Timurid,s (771- 912 BC.) religious approaches and the legitimacy of sovereignty. [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 5-36]
A Study of Two Readings of Democracy in the Currents of Contemporary Religious
Thought in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 117-141]
Religious groups
The dual role of the Democratic Party of Iran in women's political participation [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 107-128]
Religious institution
The relationship of political and religious institution in Zandieh government; Limited interaction period [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 57-83]
Religious sects
An Analysis of Effective Reasons on Destruction of Arajan After Long Time Prosperity [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 41-64]
Replacement of Trading Centers
The Theoretical Approach of Ibn al-Mujawir in Tarikh al-Mustabsir [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 63-85]
Resettlement of nomadic tribes
An Analysis of the Implementation of the Nomadic Settlement Policy in the Mamassani Region, Relying on Documents [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 71-89]
Analysis of Women’s Modern Approach in Constitution Era [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 5-33]
Investigating Factors and Process of Revival of Carpet Industry in Qajar Period [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 127-148]
The Conquest of the Azerbaijan and Tendency of its People to Islam (22- 35 AH) [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 1-22]
Relation of political state and economical situation on during the first safavids(907-996 h) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 171-213]
Revolutionary Movement
Sociological analysis of the institutionalization of Zayd ibn Ali’s Movement [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 61-91]
Reza Khan
The process of Rising to Power by Reza Khan based on Institutionalist Approach [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 33-60]
Reza Shah
Economic Consequences of the Discovery of the Hijab and the Market Recession in Isfahan (Relying on the Role of Jewish Traders) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 41-60]
Reza Shah
The effect of global Crisis of 1929 on Opium Trade in Iran [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 141-165]
Reza Shah
Baladieh and Public Health During the Pahlavi I [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 79-96]
Reza Shah
Spread Causes of Addiction and its Harmful Effect on Pahlavi Society [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 137-163]
Reza Shah
Clarifying the Role of Women in Iran's Administrative System in Reza Shah Era (1925-1941) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 9-37]
Reza Shah
Challenge of the modern state of Pahlavi and Tribe: Obstacle of Political Development [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 105-125]
Reza Shah
An Analysis of the Implementation of the Nomadic Settlement Policy in the Mamassani Region, Relying on Documents [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 71-89]
Reza Shah
The plans and obstacles of the first Pahlavi government to implement compulsory military service in Fars state(1926-1929) [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 81-107]
Reza Shah Era
Performance assessment of Ettelaat newspaper in regards to impose a dress code (Reza Shah era) [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 113-137]
Reza Shah Era
The occupational status of female teachers in the era of Reza Shah [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 15-44]
Reza Shah Pahlavi
Border Challenges between Iran and Afghanistan during the age of Reza Shah [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 111-142]
Sociological analysis of the institutionalization of Zayd ibn Ali’s Movement [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 61-91]
Investigation of Reishahr political conditions from safavid emerging until the end of first Tahmasp governing period [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 133-168]
Road Construction
Investigation of Commercial Function of Road Construction in Mazandaran Province during Naseri Period [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 33-64]
The role of Iranshahri culture in the structure of the Umayyad state [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 49-74]
Parthians and the issue of Hyrcanian independence [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 77-99]
The Structure and Function of the Border Town of Artashad in the Relations between Rome and Persia in the Sassanid Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 167-189]
Rostam al-Tawarikh
Rereading of falsifibility of two main hypotheses regarding Rostam al-Tawarikh [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 37-55]
Royal Ideology
Royal Legitimacy in the Elamite Inscriptions [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 9-31]
Royal Women
The Women of Royal Family in Parthian Era [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 49-67]
Rozatolal-Anwar Abbasi
Mohaghegh Sabzevari and his Deportment and Demeanor Attitude in Rozatol al-Anwar Abbasi [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 117-138]
Rudbar Ghasran
A Survey and Analysis of Tombs attributed to the Descendants of Emam Kazem (pbuh) at Rūdbār Ghasrān (With Emphasis on Study of Manuscripts and Field Studies) [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 87-119]
Ruler of Tehran
ʿAlāʾ al-Dawla's Action from the Perspective of the Structure of the Pre-modern City Administration [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 9-20]
Rural Administrators
The Kadkhoda Position in Rural Community of Qajar Period [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 47-71]
Russian and British plans to emerge from the crisis during the period of petty tyranny [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 101-123]
Documentary narrativeon the role of Russia and Soviet Union in the famine in Iran during World War I [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 219-237]
Ibrahim Khalil Khan Javanshir Karabaghi's relations with the Ottoman government [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 83-112]
The position of Ahmad Khan Donboli Khoie in Ottoman Government’s policy of Pan-Islamism in the Caucasus [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 135-162]
Russian colonialism
A.P. Yermolov and His Administration of Russian Colonial Rule of Transcaucasia(1231/1816-1242/1827) [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 149-171]
Rustam Alhokama
Rereading of falsifibility of two main hypotheses regarding Rostam al-Tawarikh [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 37-55]
Historical reconstruction of the religious atmosphere of Abyssinia in the fifth year of the Prophet with the focus of Surah Maryam [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 35-61]
Sacral Kingship
Royal Legitimacy in the Elamite Inscriptions [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 9-31]
The Organization of the Army and Military Officers in Shah Safi Era (1628- 1642 A.H.) [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 1-50]
Decline of Money Value in Safavid Era and Its Main Reasons [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 1-13]
The Analysis of Shah Ismail’s Relationship with The Shervanshahan (1500-1542) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 57-85]
Guilan silk role in the economy under the Safavid to the end of The Shah Abbas I [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 125-151]
The effective samples and concept in the area of Safavid relations relaying on the text of the correspondence [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 187-215]
Evoloution of the Managerial and Social Structure of Malayer, From The Ilkhanid’s Decline to the Fall of Safavid [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 141-166]
Application of Financial Terms in Administrative System in Safavid Period [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 149-173]
The Administrative Organization of Crown Jewels during the Safavid Period [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 101-126]
Peacemaking Policy of Shah Abbas I towards the Ottoman Government (With citation to Correspondence and Treaties) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 37-61]
Safavid era
A Survey on the Relevance Between Political Stability and Water Management in the Safavid Isfahan [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 99-120]
Safavid era
Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Cholera in Safavid Iran [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 39-61]
Safavid era
A new Reading in the Analysis of the Functional angles of Mahdism in the Safavid Era [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 171-198]
The Effects of Kandahar Issues on Political Contentions between Safavids and Baburids
(1526-1707) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 81-98]
Safavid and Ottoman Tension's Consequences on the Stance of Ardalan Principality [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 121-144]
Dating systems in Safavid historiography [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 219-252]
Explain And Analyze The Role Of Social Classes In The Process Of Civilization In Safavid Government [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 139-167]
Safavids kings
The Quality of the Safavids kings’ action towards the farmers and peasants class [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 141-166]
Safavid society
Laleh Seyeds of Tabriz in the Transition to Safavid Era [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 247-272]
Safavid Studies
Safavid history from the window of Islamism; A Reflection on the Influence of Islamist Thoughts in Safavid Studies by Morteza Motahari and Ali Shariati [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 63-82]
Investigation of Reishahr political conditions from safavid emerging until the end of first Tahmasp governing period [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 133-168]
Historical Analysis of The Endeavors of
Ḏahabīya during The Safavid Period [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 143-164]
Relation of political state and economical situation on during the first safavids(907-996 h) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 171-213]
Epistemology of Salafism in Iran
(Case Study: The Approach of the Sunni’s Religious Currents) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 173-198]
Impression of shiite ministry in period of saljoughi Iran and Iraq [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 83-113]
The History of an Event: Genesis of "Salamiyah" in Isma''''ili and non-Isma''''ili Sources [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 9-25]
The formation of The Rank of Sheikh-al-Shoyookh and its functions in The Saljooqs Era [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 59-74]
the Ashraf of Hijaz and Saljooqs Affair [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 35-57]
Sughd oasis city [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 25-56]
Sani ol Molk
Impact of the Dar ul-Funun Training in Art Tendency in the Era of Naseri to the West (With an Emphasis on Music and Painting) [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 177-201]
The Dabiri (secretary) position during the Sasanian [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 193-218]
The “Dabīr-e Sepāh”/ “Secretary of the Corps” in the Bureaucracy of the Sasanian Empire [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 43-80]
Sasanian government
The Role of Gold in the Sassanid Society and Economy [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 176-190]
Ādurbādagān Religious Position during
the Sasanian Period [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 41-62]
Parthia and Khorasan During the Sasanian Period: A Study in Historical Geography [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 169-186]
Three Faces of a King: The Sinner, The Victorious and Well-Behaved, or Another Cyrus? [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 20-45]
The Role of Elders and Aristocrats in Trial and Death of Ḵosrow Parviz [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 65-88]
Iranian and Chinese Relations in the Sassanid Period and Its Impact on Chinese Culture, Based on the Chinese Sources [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 9-35]
Farrah i Bānōg i Gïhān/ Hazār Nowrūz va Mihrgān [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 55-77]
How Yazdgerd III Ascend to the Throne?
(Study of Historical Sources with Emphasis on Shahnameh) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 87-106]
Ardašīr Son of Bābak and the Goddess Anāhitā [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 35-56]
The Situation of Women in the Sāssānīān Social System in the Post-Mazdak Era and Its Impact on the Writing of the Ardāvīrāfnāme [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 73-95]
Analysis of the role of priests and their economic functions in the structure of the political system - social Sasanian [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 35-63]
The Structure and Function of the Border Town of Artashad in the Relations between Rome and Persia in the Sassanid Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 167-189]
A Survey on Importance of Sassanid Castel of Shah Joghal (Jeqele) in Borujard, for Conservation of Roads in the Central Zagros [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 35-54]
Livelihood Patterns of Sassanid Inhabitants in the City of Darrehshahr, Based on Environmental Components and Archeological Evidences [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 153-180]
Sassanid clergy
Investigating the process of forming the clergy hierarchy in the Sassanid era [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 141-163]
Sassanids' rule over Syria during the reign of Khosrow Parviz (604-628 AD) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 31-54]
The role and position of satraps in the Achaemenid Empire [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 89-110]
The role and position of satraps in the Achaemenid Empire [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 89-110]
Sayyid Jamal
Sayyid Jamal; Imposing the Traditional Meaning of Caliphate on the Modern Concept of Government [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 55-70]
Sayyid Muhammad
Critical Analysis of Suspicion Reasons of Sayyed Mohammad ' s Imamate (Imam Hadi’s Son) [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 143-166]
Searching for the meaning and concept of constitutionalism in the perception and thought of Azerbaijani scholars [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 57-83]
An analitic approach to the reaction of infallible Imams toward the exaggeration in Imamat [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 219-267]
Sea of Oman
Factors Affecting the Economic Development of the Coasts and Post-Coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman in the First Pahlavi Period [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 59-86]
Second Pahlavi
The Impact of Agricultural Policies of Iran’s State on the Use of Groundwater through Developmental Programs (1984-1978) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 105-128]
Second side
Areas of military intervention of the second Pahlavi government in the Dhofar crisis (1351-1357) [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 23-47]
Second World War
Historical study of Iranians' deterrence and exile by the allies during the Occupation period (1941-45) [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 39-62]
Clarifying the Role of Women in Iran's Administrative System in Reza Shah Era (1925-1941) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 9-37]
Historical study of the insecurities of the Mongol era and its role in the moral decline of Iranians [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 1-29]
Representing Tribes as Insurgent in the Pahlavi I era [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 127-148]
Iran Navy Force With a Focus on the Role of Persepolis Ship on the Security of Persian Gulf in Qajar Period [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 33-57]
SeghatolislamTabrizi, Clergy
Separation of powers in the ideas of the Tabriz Islamic faith [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 31-51]
Seleucid traditions
The Principles and Roots of King’s Legitimacy in Arsacid Dynasty [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 107-131]
The function of bath and bathing in the reflection of the social distinctions of the Iranian society in the Qajar era [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 91-112]
Internal Events of Georgia and Georgian Invasion to The Azerbaijan in Second Seleucid Era (1121-1125) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 87-107]
Study of Shiite Theologians’ Performance in Confronting with Challenges of Approximation of Religions in Seljuk Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 9-36]
Seljuk Era
An Analysis on the Relations of the Economic Structures and Producing Methods in the History of Iran
(With Emphasis on Seljuk Era) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 129-151]
Seljuk Khalifa
Investigation of the Establishment and Decline of Āl-Shomleh Local Government (550-591 AH) In Seljuk Khuzestan [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 145-171]
The effect of Iqta in the decline of Seljuqs [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 133-155]
Separation of powers
Separation of powers in the ideas of the Tabriz Islamic faith [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 31-51]
Seventh and eighth centuries AH
Relocation of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea trade centers in the seventh and eighth centuries AH [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 27-53]
Severed head
Ardašīr Son of Bābak and the Goddess Anāhitā [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 35-56]
Seyed Rokn Al-Din
Qanat Endowment
Case Study: Endowed Qanats of Seyed Rokn
Al-Din in Yazd [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 51-68]
Shafagh-e- Sorkh
Reflection of perception exchanges among Intellectuals on education of women During Pahlavi I era based on three publications: Alam Nesvan, Shafagh Sorkh, and Ettelaat. [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 103-124]
The spread of Islam in Gilan and Deilman with emphasis on Sunni religions [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 75-102]
Shah Abbas
Ambassadors presence at court and its Relationship to the Issue of Authoritarianism and The exercise of the power of Shah Based on the Narratives of Shah Abbas Travel Writers [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 57-80]
Shah Abbas I
Peacemaking Policy of Shah Abbas I towards the Ottoman Government (With citation to Correspondence and Treaties) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 37-61]
Shah AbbasI
Guilan silk role in the economy under the Safavid to the end of The Shah Abbas I [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 125-151]
Shah Abbas II
The Grounds of Specialization in Shah Abbas Safavid II Period [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 105-124]
Shah Abul Qasim neighborhood
Introducing, reviewing, and dating the new inscription in the historical context of Yazd city [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 157-179]
Shah Ismail l
The Analysis of Shah Ismail’s Relationship with The Shervanshahan (1500-1542) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 57-85]
Who Is the First Mythical Doctor of Iran? [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 5-23]
How Yazdgerd III Ascend to the Throne?
(Study of Historical Sources with Emphasis on Shahnameh) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 87-106]
Shah of Persia
About the nature, coordinates and framework of the Achaemenid Empire [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 113-147]
Position and Function of the Office of Darugha in the Timurid Era [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 41-78]
The Role of Shahrukh Timurid Diplomacy in Indian Subcontinent [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 253-272]
Shah Safi
The Organization of the Army and Military Officers in Shah Safi Era (1628- 1642 A.H.) [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 1-50]
Shah Tahmasb
Refugee in Safavid period; Relying on UlamhTakalu asylum to the
Ottoman Empire [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 5-24]
Shah Tahmasb
The Riot of Craftsmen during the Dynasty of Shah Tahmasb Safavid in Tabriz
(979-981 AH), Causes and Effects [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 66-87]
Shah Tahmasb I
The Role of Political Marriages in Establishing the Safavid Rule During the Reign of Shah Tahmasb I [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 129-152]
Shah Tahmasp I
The Impact of Intoxicants Prohibition Decree of Shah Tahmasb I on Opium Consumption in the First Period of the Safavid Reign (907-996 AH) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 37-64]
Shakib Arsalan
Investigate the Causes of the Decline of Islamic Civilization from the Perspective of Shakib Arslan [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 47-67]
Sheikh Abū Ishāq Kāzerūni
The image of Tawwaj in Ferdows al-Morshediyyah [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 111-133]
Sheikh Jafar
Sheikh Jafar Safavi, a Famous but Unknown Person in the Safavid Tradition , [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 107-125]
Sheikh Ma'rouf Nodehi
Naqshbandiyya and Qadiriyya relations in Kurdistan after Mawlana Khalid Shahrazuri [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 89-110]
The formation of The Rank of Sheikh-al-Shoyookh and its functions in The Saljooqs Era [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 59-74]
Sheriff's Agents
An analysis of the role of sheriff's agents in the Qashqai Darehshuri
Sub-tribe [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 109-139]
The Analysis of Shah Ismail’s Relationship with The Shervanshahan (1500-1542) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 57-85]
The Analysis of Shah Ismail’s Relationship with The Shervanshahan (1500-1542) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 57-85]
A study in Shi'a-Sunni Strife in Atabat-i Aliyat in Nineteenth Century (with Emphasis on Ottoman Archives Documents) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 123-141]
The evolution of messianism in early Shia with emphasis on the idea of “Mahdi” [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 107-132]
Shia imams
Historical review of the sources of science and human knowledge of Shia imams [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 91-118]
Shi'a Marja'iat
Interaction between Shia Cleric Authority (Marja'iat), State and Society in Iran (1303-1340; 1924-1961) [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 75-116]
Shi’a religion
Theoretical Review of the Concept of “Shiite art” Emphasizing the Study of Shiite Approaches In the Timurid Era Architecture [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 101-126]
Shifting Away from Marxism
Exploring Ehsan Tabari's Shifting Away from Marxism: From Speculation to Reality [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 163-185]
Shihab al-Din Abdollah Laleh
Laleh Seyeds of Tabriz in the Transition to Safavid Era [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 247-272]
The effect of restoring the caliphate in Egypt on the religious posturing Ghazan Khan [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 11-34]
The spread of Islam in Gilan and Deilman with emphasis on Sunni religions [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 75-102]
Explain And Analyze The Role Of Social Classes In The Process Of Civilization In Safavid Government [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 139-167]
Impression of shiite ministry in period of saljoughi Iran and Iraq [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 83-113]
Shi’ite Jurisprudence
Akhbārīsm and Anti-rational Theme: Re-Considering a Misconception [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 79-100]
Shiite ministry
Impression of shiite ministry in period of saljoughi Iran and Iraq [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 83-113]
Shiite theologians
Study of Shiite Theologians’ Performance in Confronting with Challenges of Approximation of Religions in Seljuk Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 9-36]
The Intra-City Social conflicts of Shiraz in the 8th century and he effects of external forces on them [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 47-62]
The Analysis of Shah Ismail’s Relationship with The Shervanshahan (1500-1542) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 57-85]
Centers of Iran Silk Trade during Timurids and Turkmans Period (9th Century AH) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 1-24]
Guilan silk role in the economy under the Safavid to the end of The Shah Abbas I [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 125-151]
Challenges and issues facing the silk production industry and guilan Silkworm farmers 1300-1335Ah/1882-1917AD [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 65-95]
Silk Road
The Opening of the Silk Road: Contact and Interaction Between Iranian and Chinese Cultures During the Explorations of Zhang Qian to the Eastern Borders of Arsacides [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 5-28]
Investigating Opinions and Views on the Starting Point of the Emergence of the Ta'ziyeh Demonstrative Form [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 19-42]
Sirat Al-Hajib
A critical study on the correction of Fatimian historiographical texts:
the case study of treatise "Sirat Al-Hajib" Published by Vladimir Ivanov and Husam Khazour [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Site of Varamin
Jiroft Civilization: Based on the Cuneiform Texts and Archaeological Evidences from Varamin and Konar Sandal [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 11-29]
Six lines
The evolution of Quranic lines in the Islamic world [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 53-75]
Investigating and Analyzing the Geographical Dispersion of Esterqāq in the Conquests of Amīr Taimūr Gūrkānī [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 81-103]
Rethinking on the Evolution of the Concept of “Barbarian” in Archaic Greece: From the Trojan War to Greco-Persian Wars [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 119-142]
Slave amirs
The effect of Iqta in the decline of Seljuqs [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 133-155]
The Grounds of Specialization in Shah Abbas Safavid II Period [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 105-124]
Social and Cultural Bases
Analysis of Agrarian Reform (1340 decade)-Application of the Structure- Agent Method [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 151-176]
Social and Economic Conditions
Evoloution of the Managerial and Social Structure of Malayer, From The Ilkhanid’s Decline to the Fall of Safavid [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 141-166]
Social and economic consequences
Investigating and Explaining the Affecting Factors in the Prevalence of Famine and Bread Crisis in the Mozafari Era [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 127-148]
Social Changes
The Impact of the Emersion of Oil to South Oil: A Case Study of Gachsaran ( 79- 1953 / 57- 1332) [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 121-148]
Social Classes
Explain And Analyze The Role Of Social Classes In The Process Of Civilization In Safavid Government [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 139-167]
Social demands
Speciation and analysis of the content of Kermanshahan urban community complaints
In the era of constitutionalism (1324 to 1344 AH) [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Social history
Books of etiquette and its role in social historian (with an emphasis on the Qajar era) [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 65-102]
Social history
Unemployment as a Historical Concept: An approach for research on history of unemployment in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 59-79]
Social history
Breaking the voices of the oil industry workers in the uproar of the National Oil
Movement from
(History from below) [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 133-155]
Social Identity
Reflecting the social identity of the Imamiyyah of Ray in al- Naqż [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 163-185]
Social Order
Studying Private Property Appearance and Constitutional Revolution in Iran Through the Social Orders Approach of Institutional Economics [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 67-90]
Social role
Patient-physician Relationship Process Analysis in Iran in the Second half of the Qajar Era Based on the Parsons Model [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 97-119]
Social Structure
The Structural dialectic in Afsharid military state [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 65-88]
The Criteria of Evaluating Ratio of Society to Ignorance in Nahdj al-Balagha [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 33-48]
Sociological analysis of the institutionalization of Zayd ibn Ali’s Movement [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 61-91]
Commercial Tolerance; The Analysis of the Effect of the Sogdians’ Morale in trade on the Propagation of Various Religions in Transoxiana and China [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 129-149]
Soraya newspaper
The concept of freedom in '' Soraya'' published in Cairo [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 63-87]
Sovereign power
Evaluating the Parliamentary Performance of Bushehr MPs in the Tension between the Rights of the People and the Power of the Pahlavi Government, a Case Study: Ali Dashti and Ahmad Akhgar [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 59-90]
Soviet Union
Documentary narrativeon the role of Russia and Soviet Union in the famine in Iran during World War I [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 219-237]
Soviet Union
Historical study of Iranians' deterrence and exile by the allies during the Occupation period (1941-45) [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 39-62]
The Grounds of Specialization in Shah Abbas Safavid II Period [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 105-124]
Research on the principles and techniques of Oral surgery in the Islamic period
(from third to twelfth century A.H) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 99-142]
Research on The Principles And Techniques of Ear, Throat And Nose Surgery
In traditional Medicine Of The Islamic Period
(From The Third Century To The Twelfth Century AH) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Spread of Islam
The spread of Islam in Gilan and Deilman with emphasis on Sunni religions [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 75-102]
Stages of Movement
Sociological analysis of the institutionalization of Zayd ibn Ali’s Movement [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 61-91]
State’s Economy
Iran’s Foreign Trade Monopoly Act of 1931:
Backgrounds, Aims and Consequences [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 25-55]
Strategic treaty
The Strategic Treaty Between Muawiya and Amr b. Ās [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 217-239]
Pahlavi's Modernist Policies in Urban Structure and Its Impact on Historical Urban Fabric (Case Study: Yazd City, 1310 - 1332 Ah) [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 173-197]
Analysis of Agrarian Reform (1340 decade)-Application of the Structure- Agent Method [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 151-176]
Representing Tribes as Insurgent in the Pahlavi I era [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 127-148]
Speciation and analysis of the content of Kermanshahan urban community complaints
In the era of constitutionalism (1324 to 1344 AH) [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Subordinate tribes and nations
About the nature, coordinates and framework of the Achaemenid Empire [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 113-147]
Sugar traders
ʿAlāʾ al-Dawla's Action from the Perspective of the Structure of the Pre-modern City Administration [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 9-20]
Sughd oasis city [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 25-56]
The Role of Oirats Governors in Political Relations of the Ilkhanate [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 81-104]
Sultanate of Oman
Areas of military intervention of the second Pahlavi government in the Dhofar crisis (1351-1357) [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 23-47]
Sultan Husayn Bayqara
Public Utility Activities of Court of Sultan Husayn Bayqara in Khorasan (1470-1505) (Relying on Historical Texts) [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 65-86]
Sultan Mohammad Khawrazmshah
An Investigation Into Spatial Suggestion by Atabak Hazar Asp to Fight Against the Mongols [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 119-140]
Sultan Suleiman
Refugee in Safavid period; Relying on UlamhTakalu asylum to the
Ottoman Empire [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 5-24]
Study of Shiite Theologians’ Performance in Confronting with Challenges of Approximation of Religions in Seljuk Era [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 9-36]
Epistemology of Salafism in Iran
(Case Study: The Approach of the Sunni’s Religious Currents) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 173-198]
Sunni’s currents
Epistemology of Salafism in Iran
(Case Study: The Approach of the Sunni’s Religious Currents) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 173-198]
Surah Maryam
Historical reconstruction of the religious atmosphere of Abyssinia in the fifth year of the Prophet with the focus of Surah Maryam [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 35-61]
Research on the principles and techniques of Oral surgery in the Islamic period
(from third to twelfth century A.H) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 99-142]
Research on The Principles And Techniques of Ear, Throat And Nose Surgery
In traditional Medicine Of The Islamic Period
(From The Third Century To The Twelfth Century AH) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Surgical Instruments
Research on The Principles And Techniques of Ear, Throat And Nose Surgery
In traditional Medicine Of The Islamic Period
(From The Third Century To The Twelfth Century AH) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Political Situation of Elam after Fall to Assyrians to Rise of Achaemenids (646-550 BC) [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 143-178]
Sassanids' rule over Syria during the reign of Khosrow Parviz (604-628 AD) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 31-54]
System theory
Study of Iran’s traditional relations and British East India Company in Zand era based on System Theory [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 159-178]
Centers of Iran Silk Trade during Timurids and Turkmans Period (9th Century AH) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 1-24]
Migration of Iranian artists to the Ottoman Empire: Late Timurid and early Safavid periods (932-811 AH / 1528-1409 AD) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 55-79]
Nale Mellat in Despotism of Mohammad Ali Shah [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 153-175]
The Riot of Craftsmen during the Dynasty of Shah Tahmasb Safavid in Tabriz
(979-981 AH), Causes and Effects [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 66-87]
Tabriz, Modernity and Its Impact on Modern Iranian Urban planning [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 181-208]
Tabriz council
The State Council of Tabriz and the New Pattern of City Management [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 125-147]
Tabuk battle
The battle of Tabuk: A military move or a socio-political concern? [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 151-169]
Taghi Fadakar
Fragile coalition; An analysis of the Tudeh party candidate's victory from the Isfahan constituency in the fourteenth round of National Consultative Assembly election (1943 A.D) [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 11-36]
A Survey of Seyyed Hasan Taghizadeh’s Views and Performance on Ethnic Politics in Iran (Pahlavi Era) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 127-149]
Refugee in Safavid period; Relying on UlamhTakalu asylum to the
Ottoman Empire [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 5-24]
Epistemology of Salafism in Iran
(Case Study: The Approach of the Sunni’s Religious Currents) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 173-198]
Tang -Takow
An Investigation Into Spatial Suggestion by Atabak Hazar Asp to Fight Against the Mongols [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 119-140]
Taraz al-Sahaba
The Study of the Conflict of Discourses on Political-Religious Meanings in Al-Ma'rifah Al-Sahaba Abu Naeem Isfahani (Case Study of the Translation of the Three Caliphs and Ali) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 71-97]
The Communication Roads of the Western Part of Lorestan (Tarhān) in the Sassanid Era and the Early Islamic Centuries (With an Emphasis on Spring-Routes) [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 165-193]
Tarikh al-Mustabsir
The Theoretical Approach of Ibn al-Mujawir in Tarikh al-Mustabsir [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 63-85]
Tashayyo| - Calligraphy
The link of the Calligraphy and Tashayyo, in Timurid era [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 143-170]
The image of Tawwaj in Ferdows al-Morshediyyah [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 111-133]
Application of Financial Terms in Administrative System in Safavid Period [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 149-173]
Divan-e Mohasebat and the Problem of Paying Salaries in the Qajar Period
(1909-1911) [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 117-144]
Tea Industry
Tea Industry and Oil-Free Economy in the National Government of Iran (1951-1953) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 149-168]
Technical Administration
Technical Schools and Trans-Iranian Railway (1928-1941) [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 177-198]
A Survey on the Role and Function of Coffeehouses of Tehran During Qajar Period [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 99-118]
Teller Finder
Discursive Semiotics Analysis of Fatimid Imamate in Odes of Mu'ayyad fi'l-Din al-Shirazi [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 137-153]
Defensive and Border Fortifications of the Parthians and their Tactic in Control of the Frontier [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 113-136]
Territory of Alishukr
Evoloution of the Managerial and Social Structure of Malayer, From The Ilkhanid’s Decline to the Fall of Safavid [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 141-166]
Text correction
A critical study on the correction of Fatimian historiographical texts:
the case study of treatise "Sirat Al-Hajib" Published by Vladimir Ivanov and Husam Khazour [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Institutional reforms of the government from the perspective of Thaqa-ul-Islam Tabrizi (with reliance on institutionalism) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 57-85]
The Abbasid Caliphate
The Typology of Women’s Political Performance in The Abbasid Institution (132-656 A.H) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 135-159]
The battle of Auhud
The typology of companions’ contribution in Auhud battle based on The Quran and historical resources [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 5-28]
The city of Boroujerd
A Survey on Importance of Sassanid Castel of Shah Joghal (Jeqele) in Borujard, for Conservation of Roads in the Central Zagros [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 35-54]
The decline of Islamic Civilization
Investigate the Causes of the Decline of Islamic Civilization from the Perspective of Shakib Arslan [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 47-67]
The education system
The new concept of motherhood and education of women in the era of Reza Shah [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 15-36]
The fourteenth round of National Consultative Assembly
Fragile coalition; An analysis of the Tudeh party candidate's victory from the Isfahan constituency in the fourteenth round of National Consultative Assembly election (1943 A.D) [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 11-36]
The function of Government
The Three Stages of Transition of Government in Iran of Naser-al Din Shah Qajar’s Era [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 9-34]
The health police
Baladieh and Public Health During the Pahlavi I [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 79-96]
The Ilkhanate
The Role of Oirats Governors in Political Relations of the Ilkhanate [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 81-104]
The Kassites
The arrival of the Kassites to Mesopotamia and its outcomes [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 23-46]
The King of Hormuz
The issue of "Bahrain" in the conflicts of the regional powers of the Persian Gulf in the tenth / sixteenth century AD [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 139-169]
Thematic analysis
The place of tolerance and intolerance of idea in intellectual and social relations in the narrations of the Prophet (pbuh) based on the books of the Shi'a Arba'a and Ṣaḥāḥ Sīta [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 143-171]
The memory of the founder
Alexander the Macedonian and the historical memory of Cyrus the Great [Volume 32, Issue 54, 2022, Pages 15-37]
The Mongol
The Principles of Political Thought and The Theory of “Imamate Qahrieh” by Ibn Jamaeh, based on The Book pf Tahrir Al-Ahkam fi Tadbir Ahl-Islam [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 111-134]
The Mongols of the Qabchaq plain
Teymourian relations with the Khanate of the eastern Qabchaq plain [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 1-23]
The needy population
Crisis in the Anti-Poverty Commissions and the formation of the organization of labor camps: 1952-1959 [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 45-63]
The new concept of motherhood
The new concept of motherhood and education of women in the era of Reza Shah [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 15-36]
The Oirates
The Role of Oirats Governors in Political Relations of the Ilkhanate [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 81-104]
Unconventional Livelihood Methods and Economic Challenges of Zanjan Jameh Mosque theologues in the Qajar Era [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 111-141]
Theory of government
The relationship of political and religious institution in Zandieh government; Limited interaction period [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 57-83]
Theory of Ibn al-Mujawir
The Theoretical Approach of Ibn al-Mujawir in Tarikh al-Mustabsir [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 63-85]
The other
Reflecting the social identity of the Imamiyyah of Ray in al- Naqż [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 163-185]
The Ottoman Empire
The position of Ahmad Khan Donboli Khoie in Ottoman Government’s policy of Pan-Islamism in the Caucasus [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 135-162]
The politics of realism
Along with the Bolsheviks or out of them: An account of the conflict between theory and practice in the Guilan Soviet Republic [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 1-21]
The position of Deputy of Holvan
The establishment of the Bani-Annazi local government (328-448 AH) centered on Holvan during the Al-Buyeh period [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 85-106]
The position of supporter of the Khorasan road
The establishment of the Bani-Annazi local government (328-448 AH) centered on Holvan during the Al-Buyeh period [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 85-106]
The Priest of Fire
The Survey of Transition in Role of Hirbads in Sassanid Era [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 69-81]
Who Is the First Mythical Doctor of Iran? [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 5-23]
The Safavids
Sheikh Jafar Safavi, a Famous but Unknown Person in the Safavid Tradition , [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 107-125]
The Sassanid
The Survey of Transition in Role of Hirbads in Sassanid Era [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 69-81]
The Silk Road
Method and trade; commercial functions of Naqshbandiyya in the Timurid period [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 1-40]
The southern seas of Iran
Iranian Letters of the Southern Seas of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 103-120]
The Supreme Council of Culture
Politics and Education in Pahlavi’s Second Era
A Case Study of the Cause, Grounds and the Process of Changing Topics and Enactments of The Supreme Culture Council
(1941-1953) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 57-80]
The US Role
The Policy of the United States in opposition with Iran's Nuclear Program in Pahlavi era [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 99-119]
The women of The Court
The Typology of Women’s Political Performance in The Abbasid Institution (132-656 A.H) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 135-159]
Three Caliphs
The Study of the Conflict of Discourses on Political-Religious Meanings in Al-Ma'rifah Al-Sahaba Abu Naeem Isfahani (Case Study of the Translation of the Three Caliphs and Ali) [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 71-97]
Research on The Principles And Techniques of Ear, Throat And Nose Surgery
In traditional Medicine Of The Islamic Period
(From The Third Century To The Twelfth Century AH) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Typology of Legitimacy System in Timur period [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 63-88]
Position and Function of the Office of Darugha in the Timurid Era [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 41-78]
Embassy in the Timurid period; The ceremonies of welcoming and Acceptance of ambassadors [Volume 33, Issue 58, 2023, Pages 183-208]
The link of the Calligraphy and Tashayyo, in Timurid era [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 143-170]
Analizing Timurid,s (771- 912 BC.) religious approaches and the legitimacy of sovereignty. [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 5-36]
Coinage System and Money Exchanges in Timurid Dynasty
(With an emphasis on the eastern territory of Iran) [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 151-179]
Teymourian relations with the Khanate of the eastern Qabchaq plain [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 1-23]
Judicial policy of the Timurid sultans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 1-26]
Migration of Iranian artists to the Ottoman Empire: Late Timurid and early Safavid periods (932-811 AH / 1528-1409 AD) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 55-79]
Method and trade; commercial functions of Naqshbandiyya in the Timurid period [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 1-40]
Position and Function of the Office of Darugha in the Timurid Era [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 41-78]
Analysis of the Spread of Plague in Iran , Interval and Timurid Period (1336 - 1506 A.C) [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 121-138]
The investigation of social status of Artists and Craftsmen in Timurids era [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 81-106]
The Role of Shahrukh Timurid Diplomacy in Indian Subcontinent [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 253-272]
Public Utility Activities of Court of Sultan Husayn Bayqara in Khorasan (1470-1505) (Relying on Historical Texts) [Volume 28, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 65-86]
Theoretical Review of the Concept of “Shiite art” Emphasizing the Study of Shiite Approaches In the Timurid Era Architecture [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 101-126]
Historical Analysis of Factors Affecting the Formation of Social Life of Cities in the Timurid Era [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 43-69]
Timurid sultans
Judicial policy of the Timurid sultans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 1-26]
The Achaemenid Presence in Ionia: From the End of the Peloponnesian War to the Peace of Antalcidas (404-387 BCE) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 93-117]
Export of Iranian tobacco to Egypt based on newly found documents (1919-1906 ) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 61-98]
Tolerance and intolerance of idea
The place of tolerance and intolerance of idea in intellectual and social relations in the narrations of the Prophet (pbuh) based on the books of the Shi'a Arba'a and Ṣaḥāḥ Sīta [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 143-171]
A Survey and Analysis of Tombs Attributed to The Descendants of Emam Kazem (pbuh) in Lavāssānāt (with Emphasis on study of Manuscripts and Field Surveys) [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 109-142]
A research on the mystical significance of "La" based on archaeological evidence [Volume 32, Issue 56, 2022, Pages 43-66]
Toponymy of the western half of Iran in the historical writings of the 3rd-9th lunar centuries
(Jebal, Qohestan and Iraq-e Ajam) [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 81-110]
From Baghdad to Madinat al-Salam: Tracing an Ancient Toponym from the Second Millennium BCE to the Abbasid Caliphate [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Touching Ayas
Minting Ayat of Holy Kuran on the Islamic Coins and the Reaction of the Muslims [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 23-40]
Tourism Facilities. Tourist Attraction Organization. Isfahan Province. Pahlavi Government
Tourist Facilities Of The Province Of Isfahan During The Pahlavi Period(1941-1979) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 39-72]
Centers of Iran Silk Trade during Timurids and Turkmans Period (9th Century AH) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 1-24]
Historical explanation of the relationship between politics, trade and pilgrimage in the Hejaz (first century AD) [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 93-112]
Investigation of Commercial Function of Road Construction in Mazandaran Province during Naseri Period [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 33-64]
Investigating the Situation and Evolution of Carpet Production and Trade in Azerbaijan During the Qajar Period [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 119-144]
Motives and goals of establishing British consulate in Mashhad during the Qajar period [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 101-127]
Trade routes
Trade Ties of Republics of Venice and Genoa with Iran in Ilkhanid Era [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 49-69]
Relation of political state and economical situation on during the first safavids(907-996 h) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 171-213]
Trade Stagnation
The Riot of Craftsmen during the Dynasty of Shah Tahmasb Safavid in Tabriz
(979-981 AH), Causes and Effects [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 66-87]
Trade Union
Hamedan labor movement during the national movement [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 173-192]
The endeavor of Qajar women: individuality, the world of tradition and its transition [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-23]
Theoretical confrontation of "domination" and "resistance" discourses in the correspondence of Mansour Dovanighi and Mohammad Nafs Zakieh [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 171-202]
Study of Iran’s traditional relations and British East India Company in Zand era based on System Theory [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 159-178]
Sayyid Jamal; Imposing the Traditional Meaning of Caliphate on the Modern Concept of Government [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 55-70]
Traditional Discourse
Reflection about nature of Adâlatxâne and its concept transformation process [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 177-197]
Traditional left
The nature of the Pahlavi government (II) from the perspective of the Tudeh Party of Iran and the People's Fedayeen Guerrilla Organization of Iran (1372-1357) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 129-161]
Traditional Medicine
Research on The Principles And Techniques of Ear, Throat And Nose Surgery
In traditional Medicine Of The Islamic Period
(From The Third Century To The Twelfth Century AH) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Traditional Realm
Women And Discourse Change Through Women Newspapers ( From The Constitutional Movement Upto Pahlavi Era) [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 69-92]
Traditional Woman
Construction of Modern Woman in Modernist Discourse of the Qajar Era [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 11-41]
Tradition and Manner of Infallible Imams
An analitic approach to the reaction of infallible Imams toward the exaggeration in Imamat [Volume 25, Issue 27, 2015, Pages 219-267]
Transition Period
The Three Stages of Transition of Government in Iran of Naser-al Din Shah Qajar’s Era [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 9-34]
Reinvestigation of Nature of revolt of Rāfi‘ ibn Layth [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 69-93]
The Relation Between Sāmānids and Abbāsid Caliphate and affecting factors on It [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 65-98]
Commercial Tolerance; The Analysis of the Effect of the Sogdians’ Morale in trade on the Propagation of Various Religions in Transoxiana and China [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 129-149]
Ambassadors presence at court and its Relationship to the Issue of Authoritarianism and The exercise of the power of Shah Based on the Narratives of Shah Abbas Travel Writers [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 57-80]
Travel Speed
Overland Travel Speed in the Arsacid Empire Era (From 1st Century BCE to 3rd Century CE) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 17-44]
Treatment of eye diseases
History of Muslim ophthalmology until the fifth century AH [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 23-49]
Trebizonds' status in the Anatolian Blockade by Ilkhanids [Volume 29, Issue 44, 2019, Pages 71-93]
Analysis of the Archetype in Halilrood Civilization Basin Based on Yung Theory [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 83-104]
Trial of Ḵosrow Parviz
The Role of Elders and Aristocrats in Trial and Death of Ḵosrow Parviz [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 65-88]
Tribal Policy
Representing Tribes as Insurgent in the Pahlavi I era [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 127-148]
Tribal traditions
The role of Iranshahri culture in the structure of the Umayyad state [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 49-74]
Challenge of the modern state of Pahlavi and Tribe: Obstacle of Political Development [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 105-125]
Tripartite pact
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 89-110]
Truman Principle IV
Investigate the Role of point IV of Truman in Fars Nomadic Education and Training [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 35-55]
Tsarist Russia
Constititional Revolution in Mashhad: the grounds, process and Russia policy [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 5-34]
Tudeh Party
The impact of Iranian Fantasy on Marxism: A study on the Tudeh Party of Iran [Volume 24, Issue 21, 2014, Pages 117-150]
Tudeh Party
Study of Iranian Students’ Movement in Italy (1961- 1979) [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 27-48]
Tudeh Party
Hamedan labor movement during the national movement [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 173-192]
Tudeh Party
Fragile coalition; An analysis of the Tudeh party candidate's victory from the Isfahan constituency in the fourteenth round of National Consultative Assembly election (1943 A.D) [Volume 33, Issue 57, 2023, Pages 11-36]
Tudeh Party
Exploring Ehsan Tabari's Shifting Away from Marxism: From Speculation to Reality [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 163-185]
Tudeh Party of Iran
The nature of the Pahlavi government (II) from the perspective of the Tudeh Party of Iran and the People's Fedayeen Guerrilla Organization of Iran (1372-1357) [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 129-161]
Tudeh Party Women's Organization
The dual role of the Democratic Party of Iran in women's political participation [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 107-128]
The Women’s Movement in Tunisia: From the Formation of the Islamic Approach to the Emergence of the Secularist Approach (1881-1956 AD) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 141-163]
Turkish language
Iranian Nationalism and the Issue of Azerbaijan and the Turkish Language
(Emphasizing on Periodicals of Transition Era From Qajar to Pahlavi) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 73-91]
Political legitimacy in the religious approaches of the Turkmen rule of Qaraquyunlu and Agha Quyunlu [Volume 21, Issue 12, 2011, Pages 1-21]
Two- sided Policy
The Policy of the United States in opposition with Iran's Nuclear Program in Pahlavi era [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 99-119]
Types of security
Historical study of the insecurities of the Mongol era and its role in the moral decline of Iranians [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 1-29]
The State Council of Tabriz and the New Pattern of City Management [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 125-147]
The first theorist of citation An analytical study of the letter of Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah about citation [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 127-152]
Sociological analysis of the institutionalization of Zayd ibn Ali’s Movement [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 61-91]
Explaining the role of relative deprivation in joining the social classes to the Abbasid movement [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 11-33]
Umayyad Caliphs
"Muslim relations with the Khazars in the first century AD"(With a focus on the narration of Muslim historians) [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 115-135]
The role of Iranshahri culture in the structure of the Umayyad state [Volume 22, Issue 13, 2012, Pages 49-74]
Causes And Areas of Deprivation And Underdevelopment of the Islands And Ports of The Persian Gulf, Oman Sea In the Qajar Era [Volume 26, Issue 32, 2016, Pages 61-85]
Unemployment as a Historical Concept: An approach for research on history of unemployment in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 59-79]
Unemployment as a Historical Concept: An approach for research on history of unemployment in Iran [Volume 28, Issue 40, 2018, Pages 59-79]
An Analysis of the Style of Prophet (PBUH) Dealing with the Challenges Faced by Muhājirs in Medina (Case Study: Housing Shortage, Poverty, and Unemployment) [Volume 30, Issue 47, 2020, Pages 109-134]
Unexpected Performance
The Typology of Women’s Political Performance in The Abbasid Institution (132-656 A.H) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 135-159]
Unifying Language Policy Discourse
Sociological Analysis of the Language Policy Discourse during the First Pahlavi Period (Emphasizing the approvals of the Higher Education Council) [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 169-195]
United Council of Workers and Workers
Hamedan labor movement during the national movement [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 173-192]
The Social Consequences of Development of the New Middle Class in Iran (1963-1978) [Volume 27, Issue 36, 2017, Pages 9-31]
Unsustainable Development
The Impact of Agricultural Policies of Iran’s State on the Use of Groundwater through Developmental Programs (1984-1978) [Volume 27, Issue 35, 2017, Pages 105-128]
Economic Consequences of the Discovery of the Hijab and the Market Recession in Isfahan (Relying on the Role of Jewish Traders) [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 41-60]
Clarifying the Role of Women in Iran's Administrative System in Reza Shah Era (1925-1941) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 9-37]
Urban Buildings
Tabriz, Modernity and Its Impact on Modern Iranian Urban planning [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 181-208]
Urban development
Pahlavi's Modernist Policies in Urban Structure and Its Impact on Historical Urban Fabric (Case Study: Yazd City, 1310 - 1332 Ah) [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 173-197]
Urban History
The Intra-City Social conflicts of Shiraz in the 8th century and he effects of external forces on them [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 47-62]
Urban planning
Tabriz, Modernity and Its Impact on Modern Iranian Urban planning [Volume 30, Issue 48, 2020, Pages 181-208]
Urban protests
Investigating and Explaining the Affecting Factors in the Prevalence of Famine and Bread Crisis in the Mozafari Era [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 127-148]
Urban Structure
Application of Historical Maps and Documents in Locating and Understanding the Spatial Structure of Ancient Cities;
A Case Study of the City of Rey in the First Centuries of Islam [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 121-148]
Akhbārīsm and Anti-rational Theme: Re-Considering a Misconception [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 79-100]
Uthman murder
The Strategic Treaty Between Muawiya and Amr b. Ās [Volume 26, Issue 29, 2016, Pages 217-239]
Vakil House
Relations Between the Two Kurdish Houses of Vakil and Ardalan from 1779 to 1803 [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 9-34]
Vakili family
The political, economic and social backgrounds of the events in Kerman and its reflection in the Constitutional Revolution (1905-1906) [Volume 25, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 215-246]
Value democracy
A Study of Two Readings of Democracy in the Currents of Contemporary Religious
Thought in Iran [Volume 30, Issue 46, 2020, Pages 117-141]
Purification Rituals in Zoroastrianism [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 69-87]
Who Is the First Mythical Doctor of Iran? [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 5-23]
Vatan Yahut Silistre
Namık Kemal’s “Râz-e Del”:
Decline of Ottoman Empire as reflected in the plays “Vatan Yahut Silistre” and Gülnihal” [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 35-55]
Trade Ties of Republics of Venice and Genoa with Iran in Ilkhanid Era [Volume 25, Issue 26, 2015, Pages 49-69]
Judicial policy of the Timurid sultans [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 1-26]
Vice and Virtue
The Formation of Effects of Vice and Virtue in Political History of Muʿtazila [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 9-28]
The Kadkhoda Position in Rural Community of Qajar Period [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 47-71]
Was Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi a minister? [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 139-162]
Vladimir Ivanov
A critical study on the correction of Fatimian historiographical texts:
the case study of treatise "Sirat Al-Hajib" Published by Vladimir Ivanov and Husam Khazour [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Wahid Bihbihani
An Analysis on the Rise and Decline of the Akhbaris [Volume 28, Issue 38, 2018, Pages 89-112]
Wakil Al-Saltanah
The most powerful lawyer of the Iranian Mongol Empire in India; Mohammad Bayram Baharloo addressed to the khans [Volume 19, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 119-138]
Water Management
A Survey on the Relevance Between Political Stability and Water Management in the Safavid Isfahan [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 99-120]
Weapons of Hussein ibn Ali and his Companions in Karbala [Volume 29, Issue 41, 2019, Pages 49-69]
The concept of freedom in '' Soraya'' published in Cairo [Volume 33, Issue 60, 2023, Pages 63-87]
Wisdom of history
Reconsidering the Philosophy of History in the Thought of Historical Knowledge; the Explanation of the Wisdom of History from the Perspective of Fardid [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 29-51]
The endeavor of Qajar women: individuality, the world of tradition and its transition [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-23]
Clarifying the Role of Women in Iran's Administrative System in Reza Shah Era (1925-1941) [Volume 27, Issue 34, 2017, Pages 9-37]
Analysis of Gender and Social Status of the Authors of Alam-e-Nesvan Journal [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 57-81]
The gender aspect of the discourse of the Reza Shah government and the emphasis on the value of women's role [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 29-51]
The Situation of Women in the Sāssānīān Social System in the Post-Mazdak Era and Its Impact on the Writing of the Ardāvīrāfnāme [Volume 31, Issue 51, 2021, Pages 73-95]
Women discourse
Analysis of Women’s Modern Approach in Constitution Era [Volume 23, Issue 20, 2013, Pages 5-33]
Women's Council)
The dual role of the Democratic Party of Iran in women's political participation [Volume 20, Issue 6, 2010, Pages 107-128]
Women's movement
The Women’s Movement in Tunisia: From the Formation of the Islamic Approach to the Emergence of the Secularist Approach (1881-1956 AD) [Volume 31, Issue 50, 2021, Pages 141-163]
Womens newspapers
Women And Discourse Change Through Women Newspapers ( From The Constitutional Movement Upto Pahlavi Era) [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 69-92]
Women's Rights
the Change in the Mentality of the Iranian society's elites about Women's Employment (From the Constitutional Revolution to 1332 AH) [Volume 34, Issue 62, 2024]
Workers dissatisfaction
The Role of Housing Policies in the Dissatisfaction of Workers of Anglo Iranian Oil Company in Khuzestan Oilfields [Volume 29, Issue 43, 2019, Pages 53-78]
Workers’ strikes
Breaking the voices of the oil industry workers in the uproar of the National Oil
Movement from
(History from below) [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 133-155]
World Economic Crisis
The First Embezzlement of the National Bank of Iran: International Contexts and its Political-Judicial Consequences on the Pahlavi Government [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 115-137]
World War I
Documentary narrativeon the role of Russia and Soviet Union in the famine in Iran during World War I [Volume 25, Issue 25, 2015, Pages 219-237]
World War II
The Role of Iran in Fulfilling the US Oil Profits in the Middle East during 1950-1960 [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 35-59]
World war II (1939-1945)
Study on British intervention in Iran's economic affairs during World war II A [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 89-110]
World War the First
Compare of the Reasons of the Contravention of Iran’s Neutrality in the First and Second World War [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 35-70]
World War the Second
Compare of the Reasons of the Contravention of Iran’s Neutrality in the First and Second World War [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 35-70]
The evolution of Quranic lines in the Islamic world [Volume 22, Issue 15, 2012, Pages 53-75]
Xerxes I
Critical Interpretation of a Concept:
Cyrus II and Xerxes I in the Platonic Conversation "Alcibiades Major" [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 35-55]
Xwarrah/ Farrah
Farrah i Bānōg i Gïhān/ Hazār Nowrūz va Mihrgān [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 55-77]
Yakhchal Valley Bas-relif
The Importance of Alvand Mountain in the Parthian Period Based on Historical and Archaeological Evidence [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 193-224]
Yarghv Court: Research on Judicial Court of the Mongol [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 139-178]
Yarghv Court: Research on Judicial Court of the Mongol [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 139-178]
Analizing Timurid,s (771- 912 BC.) religious approaches and the legitimacy of sovereignty. [Volume 26, Issue 30, 2016, Pages 5-36]
Yarghv Court: Research on Judicial Court of the Mongol [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 139-178]
Qanat Endowment
Case Study: Endowed Qanats of Seyed Rokn
Al-Din in Yazd [Volume 22, Issue 14, 2012, Pages 51-68]
Pahlavi's Modernist Policies in Urban Structure and Its Impact on Historical Urban Fabric (Case Study: Yazd City, 1310 - 1332 Ah) [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 173-197]
Yazd city
Introducing, reviewing, and dating the new inscription in the historical context of Yazd city [Volume 32, Issue 55, 2022, Pages 157-179]
Yazdgerd I
Three Faces of a King: The Sinner, The Victorious and Well-Behaved, or Another Cyrus? [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 20-45]
Yazdgerd III
How Yazdgerd III Ascend to the Throne?
(Study of Historical Sources with Emphasis on Shahnameh) [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 87-106]
A.P. Yermolov and His Administration of Russian Colonial Rule of Transcaucasia(1231/1816-1242/1827) [Volume 29, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 149-171]
Analysis of the Archetype in Halilrood Civilization Basin Based on Yung Theory [Volume 28, Issue 37, 2018, Pages 83-104]
The arrival of the Kassites to Mesopotamia and its outcomes [Volume 22, Issue 16, 2012, Pages 23-46]
Relaition between Local Governments of Gilan, Dailaman and Mazandaran with Alavids of Tabaristan (250-316 AD) [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 119-143]
Zand government
Study of Iran’s traditional relations and British East India Company in Zand era based on System Theory [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 159-178]
Political Conditions of Kurdistan from Death of Nader to End of Zandiah (1747-1786) [Volume 24, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 97-120]
The relationship of political and religious institution in Zandieh government; Limited interaction period [Volume 20, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 57-83]
Unconventional Livelihood Methods and Economic Challenges of Zanjan Jameh Mosque theologues in the Qajar Era [Volume 34, Issue 61, 2024, Pages 111-141]
Zayd ibn Ali
Sociological analysis of the institutionalization of Zayd ibn Ali’s Movement [Volume 24, Issue 23, 2014, Pages 61-91]
Zaynab bint Ali (p)
Exploring the Illustrations of the Women in the Battle of Karbala, with a Focus on Zaynab bint Ali (p)—Case: Lithographic Manuscripts of Kulliyat-e Joodi [Volume 31, Issue 52, 2021, Pages 141-172]
Zhang Qian
The Opening of the Silk Road: Contact and Interaction Between Iranian and Chinese Cultures During the Explorations of Zhang Qian to the Eastern Borders of Arsacides [Volume 24, Issue 22, 2014, Pages 5-28]
Zirids. Moezz bin Badis (Muizz bin Badis)
Political and Religious Relationships between Fatimids and Zirids: Independence from Fatimids during Moezz the Zirid Period [Volume 21, Issue 11, 2011, Pages 57-79]
Zohab Treaty
Erzeroum Conference: The First Debates and Controversies about the Authenticity and Validity of the Zohab treaty (1843-1847) [Volume 33, Issue 59, 2023, Pages 87-114]
Zoroastrian Bureaucracy
That man, Ostad Abu-Mansour, who is a governmental man
(An Example of the Presence of Zoroastrians in the Administrative and Military Organization of the Bouyeh Dynasty) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 11-22]
Zoroas-trian Clergymen
Ādurbādagān Religious Position during
the Sasanian Period [Volume 21, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 41-62]
That man, Ostad Abu-Mansour, who is a governmental man
(An Example of the Presence of Zoroastrians in the Administrative and Military Organization of the Bouyeh Dynasty) [Volume 31, Issue 49, 2021, Pages 11-22]
Commercial Tolerance; The Analysis of the Effect of the Sogdians’ Morale in trade on the Propagation of Various Religions in Transoxiana and China [Volume 32, Issue 53, 2022, Pages 129-149]
Purification Rituals in Zoroastrianism [Volume 23, Issue 18, 2013, Pages 69-87]
Three Faces of a King: The Sinner, The Victorious and Well-Behaved, or Another Cyrus? [Volume 26, Issue 31, 2016, Pages 20-45]
A Survey on the Formation of Trade Competitions in the Persian Gulf and Its Reflection in Port Guangzhou (Canton), China (Seventh to Ninth Centuries AD) [Volume 27, Issue 33, 2017, Pages 89-116]
Ibrahim ibn Malik Ashtar Nakha'I in the Struggle Between Zubarian and Mukhtar Thaghafi [Volume 23, Issue 19, 2013, Pages 121-141]
A Comparative Study of Primeval Creation in Ancient Persia’s Beliefs and Isma’ilist Thoughts [Volume 30, Issue 45, 2020, Pages 177-201]