Hasan Rostami; Masoud Bayat
The stability of traditional relations and the lack of development of the economic structure in the Qajar period were among the causes of the decline and the occurrence of social and ...
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The stability of traditional relations and the lack of development of the economic structure in the Qajar period were among the causes of the decline and the occurrence of social and economic crises. This disorder affected various groups and led to difficulties in livelihood and life matters. As one of the lower groups of the society, the theologians learned science under the supervision and support of the religious schools, and often lived on religious funds, but the economic crises directly affected the lives of the theologians by decreasing the general income of the society and as a result of the lack of funds, and led them to earn unconventional incomes. In Zanjan, Jameh Mosque, as the most important and largest religious school, had the largest number of theologians, and they, like other areas, faced challenges and livelihood problems. This study raises the question is raised that due to the unfavorable state of the economy in the Qajar period, how and by what (unconventional) methods the theologians of the Jameh Mosque earned a living and what obstacles and challenges they faced. The hypothesis of the research is that the scholars and other groups claimed to be close and dependent on the site of the mosque’s endowment income, which included the school status of the school and the payment of teachers and students’ salaries, and aimed at addressing the challenge of the challenge. The livelihood helped them against the claimants. According to the findings, during the difficult years of life, the Theologues met the needs of life by taking over government jobs, propaganda, advertising, codification in the villages, creating chaos, interference with town hall and dependence on the Shari’a courts. This article has investigated the issue in a descriptive and explanatory way by using library resources and documents of governmental, private and private organizations, articles and manuscripts.