Morad Moradi Moghadam; Hamid Basiratmanesh
Most Feyli Kurds living in Iraq became citizens of Iraq under the 1924 Citizenship Act. From the formation of Iraq until the era of Abdul Karim Qasim, it was easy for Iraqi Kurds to ...
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Most Feyli Kurds living in Iraq became citizens of Iraq under the 1924 Citizenship Act. From the formation of Iraq until the era of Abdul Karim Qasim, it was easy for Iraqi Kurds to obtain Iraqi citizenship. But from the time of Abdul Salam Aref onwards, it became very difficult for Iraqi Kurds to obtain Iraqi citizenship. During the Ba'ath party, not only was it almost impossible for Iraqi Kurds to obtain Iraqi citizenship, rather, they were deported to Iran several years after they were stripped of their citizenship, and after the fall of the Ba'athist government, the special citizenship status of Feyli Kurds has become a problem for them. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the citizenship status of the Feyli Kurds in the last one hundred years. The present study was performed by a descriptive-analytical method and based on documentary sources, libraries, news agencies, and interviews with people familiar with the affairs of the Feyli Kurds. The findings show that on the one hand, being of Iranian descent, being a Shiite, the bordering and migrating, and on the other hand, the form of the Iraqi citizenship law and the growth of pan-Arab nationalist ideas have been the most important factors influencing the citizenship status of the Faille Kurds. The Ba'athist government's fear of the Faille Kurds' alignment with Iran, as well as their favorable economic situation and political cooperation with Kurdish and Shiite parties opposed to the Ba'athist regime, were among the most important factors in their citizenship and expulsion.